YOUR hypothesis cuts two ways - MAYBE this 'statistic' you cite can be interpreted to indicate "there isn't ENOUGH reminder in public places" ...
What hypothesis? I made no claims. The writer of the article quoted Ruegemer, "... it does society good to have reminders of right and wrong in public places ...." I was questioning the veracity of that statement since all the evidence points in the opposite direction.
The communists also believe posting propaganda in public places is the way to tame society, so if you're a communist I could understand why you'd go for this.
And all the empty jail cells around our country show how much better off we are since our children are no longer indoctrinated with the Ten Commandments and other religious observations.
Here's the thing, it doesn't work. Years ago everyone did indoctrinate their children with the Ten Commandments and other religious observations. Now if that worked, when those indoctrinated children grew up they would be good and that means good parents and they would have indoctrinated their children with the ten commandments. But they didn't. How come?
I'm sure you are going to blame something else, not the endoctrinators. That's the way it always works. When something people like works, what they like gets the credit. When it doesn't work, something else gets the blame.
(I know _Jim is not a communist and PROUDAMREP is a patriot and I'm just pulling your chain a little, because, when push-comes-to-shove, "what's posted where," is going to make precious little difference in what people do. If stop signs don't make people stop and no trespassing signs don't stop people from tresspassing, what makes you think posting the ten commandments is going to get people to obey them. The only exception to the effectivness of posted signs is probably those little "Men" and "Women" signs, which don't always work either.)