From Bare-faced Messiah, p. 337
The aim of `Project Power' was to `establish the indispensability of United Churches' in the community and the means of achieving the objective involved classic Hubbardian strategy.`The overall plan is to locate opinion leaders -- then, their enemies, the dirt, scandal, vested interest, crime of the enemies (with overt data as much as possible). Then turn this over to UC [United Churches] who will approach the opinion leader and get his agreement to look into a specific subject (which will lead to the enemies' crimes). UC then "discovers" the scandal, etc, and turns it over to the opinion leader for his use. Ops [operations] can be done as a follow up to remove or restrain the enemy.'
`Hubbard could certainly move clouds around in the sky, said Kemp. `I saw him do that. If there were a lot of little puffy clouds in the sky he could move one in one direction and one in another and then get them to join up. It was nothing particularly special for him; it was just a fun thing to do.About Felos
35. On pages 181-182 of his book, Felos claims that merely by visualizing a plane crash during a flight he was taking back to Florida, he caused the plane to begin to crash and that God spoke to him at that moment to warn him: "Be careful what you think. You are more powerful than you realize'.....I was startled, humbled, and blessed by God's admonishment."
Further capitalizing on the popularity of anti-drug movements, the Drug-Free Marshals uses children to enhance the community-friendly facade of the front group. The combination has effectively duped even knowledgeable public officials like former Mayor Rita Garvey, who unwittingly fell for a photo-op with the Marshals before she realized the Scientology connection.
Unsuspecting foot-race participants in Clearwater's annual "Say No To Drugs" Holiday Classic will find themselves being "sworn-in" as Drug-Free Marshals at the awards ceremony breakfast. How nice... show up for a race, and go home as an official member of a cult front group. And they've got your name and address, now, too. If only you had realized that the list of race sponsors included, among others, AMC Publishing (former employer of Lisa McPherson), Dr. David "D.O.A." Minkoff's Downtown Walk-In Clinic, and the Dianetics Running Team."
Perhaps this is how Greer, being a marathon runner, has gotten into connections with the scientology clan, if he indeed has any connections. I wonder.