Nah. Bush's performance gave us Perot.
You have been duped by a cynical ploy into thinking that either Bush is Conservative. I want a job-creating Conservative-Republican to be nominated. Not a Clinton II.
The country is being over run and the GOP doesn't give a damn. What the hell is wrong with the GOP?
Every month we lose 70,000 manurfacturing jobs and the GOP doesn't give a damn.
We have a 500 billion dollar trade deficent and the GOP doesn't give a damn.
We have a 500 billion dollar udget deficet and the GOP doesn't give a damn.
We have massive out soucring of middle class jobs and the GOP doesn't give a damn.
We have government growing bigger under Bush then under Clinton!!!
Yea I am really looking forward to 4 more years of this crap.
Agree 100%.