To do that they need to destroy the moral authority of the Catholic Church. How better to do that then to have a sex scandal,preferably one that involves children,this to assure the "masses" get worked up. BTW,I know I am overgeneralizing here but it is the primary causes and effects that I am trying to identify and address. Back to point,they knew,what many of us were unaware of,that pedophilia is a sickness and probably in most cases incurable.They also knew that most pedophiles are heterosexual or bisexual and the bi's,because so many were married,would look to the average observer as a heterosexual..
So the plan was,follow the chronology,was ensure a boatload of abusers,and when the numbers reach "critical mass" expose the numbers and hide the ages.Because they also knew that 90% of the abuses were "chickenhawks" lookng to kill two birds with one stone. Chickenhawks satisfy their desire for youth and beauty and can recruit young men into the homosexual community with the very same act. They counted on the label of pedophile and the average Americans lack of knowledge to create an outburst that would destroy the priesthood and the Church's moral authority.
That is why it is so emportant to separate the two types of crimes that are sailing under the label of pedophilia and shout out that it is the homosexuals who are the problem that must be dealt with first. I hope you will consider what I have said and not allow "celibacy" to become the issue. If they can fool people into thinking married priests are the answer,they buy more time. Most people don't need more time,they need to get active and denounce those who say that it is a fine alternatuve life style. It is not,it is a death style.