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To: CollegeRepublican
BIG BROTHER was a cruel dictatorship using these cameras. Our police are using these cameras to arrest and convict criminals not spy on innocent people. WHat's the difference if they were sitting in a building with binoculars or sitting in front of a computer monitor?

I am so glad this is still legal for them to do. Beware of the eyes that are watching you one might be a police camera. We all need this kind of uneasiness in public about being caught doing something wrong. NO more speeding. No more running redlights. No more drunk driving. The cameras will get you!!! YES!! WOW!! This will mean anyone who drives drunk, runs red lights, speeds like an idiot will get caught a lot, lot more and be convicted a lot easier. Fewer drunk driving slaughters and fewer red light demons crashing and killing little children.
24 posted on 08/12/2003 1:25:58 PM PDT by kkindt (
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To: kkindt
It is called incrementalism,a policy or advocacy of a policy of political or social change by degrees. I pefer to fight ever little encroachment on my liberties and freedoms. Here in Maryland they have traffic cameras and the freedom loving safety concience State shortened the time that yellow lights were activated so that they could reap more profit from tickets. This actually causes more accidents and makes more people than necessary break the law and if you are on camera how can you deny that you broke the law? In the eyes of the state no one is innocent, everyone is a potential criminal.

Ask the boy in Anne Arundel county Maryland that was shot in the face by an FBI agent for following directions if all the police do is arrest and convict criminals. People make mistakes, police make mistakes, but I don't think that the police need cameras everywhere to arrest and convict criminals.
47 posted on 08/12/2003 2:20:13 PM PDT by CollegeRepublican
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