1 posted on
08/09/2003 12:39:21 PM PDT by
To: RJCogburn
The link you provided gives an error. The article to which you refer does not appear to exist.
Would you please provide a real link to the article you are quoting?
2 posted on
08/09/2003 12:42:23 PM PDT by
(Go away Pat Go away!)
To: RJCogburn
Doesn't this study purport to prove that Swedish women do not have an increased risk of breast cancer if they have abortions?
4 posted on
08/09/2003 1:20:30 PM PDT by
(Schumer belongs to a group that excludes women from full membership.)
To: RJCogburn
Abortion is still murder. Whether or not science can link it to increased risk of breast cancer is beside the point.
9 posted on
08/09/2003 2:26:12 PM PDT by
To: RJCogburn
If we oppose abortion on moral grounds, we must stick to those grounds. If we try to use statistical
data, we will run into trouble every time, because such arguments can be used either way. You cannot refute a moral argument with any set of statistics.
10 posted on
08/09/2003 2:35:36 PM PDT by
(Oklahoma City--Where 56% of HS Seniors Get No Diploma, And No One Knows Why Not.)
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