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John Garamendi Needs to Work for a New Direction in the Democratic Party! ^
| August 7, 2003
| Golden Gate
Posted on 08/07/2003 12:01:16 PM PDT by Golden Gate
Welcome to Golden Gate! - The Free Republic Campaign Headquarters for
John Garamendi For Governor!
(this site NOT yet authorized by the candidate
- by FR's Golden Gate)
8:40 AM - 8/7/03
John Garamendi Needs to Work for a New Direction in the Democratic Party!
Each political Party has its problems, and needs to make changes. As John Garamendi steps forward to help solve the problems in California, he needs to be encouraged to also work for a new direction in the California Democratic Party.
Democrat Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi
will announce his candidacy Thursday morning!
Patti & John Garamendi
Email the Commissioner = Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi <>
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: democrats; garamendi; recall
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To: Tijeras_Slim
Mrs. CD lived in Long Beach for a while after her family left S.Africa.
It's a running joke between us that when we watch movies, she will see something filmed in LB.
I last went to San Diego in 2000 for the Petroleum Equipment Institute convention.
It was nice to visit for a few days, but I was glad to get home.
To: ScottinSacto; SierraWasp; ElkGroveDan; Grampa Dave
To ScottinSacto & ALL: Your 'humor break' is -OFFICIALLY- over! The campaign has begun, we've got about 2 months of election season. And then, '04 is coming on fast!
In ALL the political parties, - we've got problems. The Dems are amongst the most powerful, and yes, we need to make some important changes. AND with the Davis/Dem problems in California, there's not too much humerous about THAT!
To: Golden Gate
I hope John Garamendi will be open to these concerns I doubt you'll have any luck there. Garamendi can't even handle the skyrocketing Workers Compensation problems. CA just about has the worst coverage and the highest costs in the nation. The entire WC system in CA is corrupt and inefficient, and Garamendi has done nothing to solve or address the problems. The lawyers benefit most, and Garamendi only seems to be helping them (a loyal liberal Democrat cause).
posted on
08/07/2003 2:30:33 PM PDT
To: Golden Gate; Jim Robinson; farmfriend; Carry_Okie; Grampa Dave; Ernest_at_the_Beach; ...
Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!!!
I know this is not an exclusively Republican website, but it is a CONSERVATIVE website! Someone who was appointed by Bill Clinton's Secretary of the Interior as Bruce Babbit's right hand handmaiden is NOT a moderate Democrat!!!
I immediately went to your FR homepage and thought I was over on DU! Are you serious??? And then stating that Tom McClintock should stay in the State Senate???
You're just trolling for flamers, right?
I've been to Mr. Garamendi's ranch for a BBQ at the invitation of a Democrat friend of mine and listened to the hippie mob in a chorus of Woody Guthrie's Commonist tune... "This land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to the New York Island..."
Cute lyrics, but they're SERIOUS!!! What they really mean is...Your land is THEIR land, by way of unconstitutional GovernMental/EnvironMental TAKINGS in the makings!!!
Please look past his handsome exterior and deeper into your hero's eyes and see the EnvironMental CommuNutty lurking in them. Us rural Californians would really appreciate you so much more if you would!!!
posted on
08/07/2003 3:50:20 PM PDT
("Socialists will eventually run out of other peoples money." (Margaret Thatcher))
To: SierraWasp
WTF?!! Are these guys series? I get outa the shower and FR turns into a pro-RAT site? Garamendi, the doofus, Jr. who hates business. Ever have an employee? That dude's a whacko!
posted on
08/07/2003 5:55:19 PM PDT
(Save endangered feces - ban Ex-lax!)
To: eldoradude
I hate to bump this goofy thread any more, but your tagline is too funny!!! Ha ha ha ha ha...
posted on
08/07/2003 10:30:27 PM PDT
("Socialists will eventually run out of other peoples money." (Margaret Thatcher))
To: SierraWasp; All
Hi Sierra Wasp! -
Tagline GOLDEN BUMP! ("Socialists will eventually run out of other peoples money." (Margaret Thatcher))
To: Golden Gate; eldoradude
GOLDEN BUMP! Why... Thank you! That tagline applies specifically to John Garamendi, who is not even a moderate Socialist, like Harry Truman who gave us Medicare, he's as far left of Harry as CA is to Missouri on the map of the US!!!
To: Golden Gate; eldoradude; farmfriend; ScottinSacto
Oh shoot!!! I forgot to turn the font color OFF!!!
Your hero just flinched and turned "chicken" and RAN!!! (sorry)
To: SierraWasp
Yep, hero boy just lost the few friends he had for a lousy 36 hours of limited exposure. His vision for California's future garnered only 2% of the voters interest....the future visionary of CA got less that Larry Flynt for heaven's sake. So much for w/c reform! That's allright, a Republican gov will take care of it Johnny boy!
posted on
08/09/2003 6:32:58 PM PDT
( for all the CA political news)
To: ScottinSacto; Carry_Okie; Grampa Dave; eldoradude; Boot Hill; farmfriend; Ernest_at_the_Beach; ...
Whata you think about alla the infatuation an celebration over celebrities? Three of the uncandid candidates pronounce our state "Coleephorneeah," and if Larry makes it in, it'll be Calipornia!!!
Nobody's serious about effective public policy, especially fiscal or even infrastucture renewal... whata MESS!!! The orgasiming over Schwartzenegger by FReepers is getting excessive! (IMHO) Of course it is fun waiting for him to call Davis a "little girly mon!"
Wait'll everybody finally figures out that Cruz is dumber than a box a moon rocks!!!
posted on
08/09/2003 9:18:51 PM PDT
(Unions are pistoff!!! They, like Carvile, call it WAR! "Workers Against Recall" Who let the dogs out)
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