To: SierraWasp
Yep, hero boy just lost the few friends he had for a lousy 36 hours of limited exposure. His vision for California's future garnered only 2% of the voters interest....the future visionary of CA got less that Larry Flynt for heaven's sake. So much for w/c reform! That's allright, a Republican gov will take care of it Johnny boy!
30 posted on
08/09/2003 6:32:58 PM PDT by
( for all the CA political news)
To: ScottinSacto; Carry_Okie; Grampa Dave; eldoradude; Boot Hill; farmfriend; Ernest_at_the_Beach; ...
Whata you think about alla the infatuation an celebration over celebrities? Three of the uncandid candidates pronounce our state "Coleephorneeah," and if Larry makes it in, it'll be Calipornia!!!
Nobody's serious about effective public policy, especially fiscal or even infrastucture renewal... whata MESS!!! The orgasiming over Schwartzenegger by FReepers is getting excessive! (IMHO) Of course it is fun waiting for him to call Davis a "little girly mon!"
Wait'll everybody finally figures out that Cruz is dumber than a box a moon rocks!!!
31 posted on
08/09/2003 9:18:51 PM PDT by
(Unions are pistoff!!! They, like Carvile, call it WAR! "Workers Against Recall" Who let the dogs out) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson