Bay of Delaware, Cape May, NJ
The President of the United States
Treasury Department
July 6, 1796
The Secretary of the Treasury respectively submits to the President of the United States a Letter from the Commissioner of the Revenue dated the 5th instant, covering a provisional contract entered into by William Allibone, Superintendent of the Lighthouse establishment for the Bay of Delaware, with Garret Halencamp (?) for placing & managing the floating Beacon & Buoy in the said bay of Delaware.
Proposals for executing the contracts in question were received from several other persons; but as the one made by Halencamp (?) were the lowest and perhaps not unreasonable considering the advanced price of living, the Secretary is of the opinion that it will be for the ______of the _____ if the President should think proper to approve of the said provisional contract between the Superintendent & Garrett Halencamp (?) all which is most respectively submitted to the consideration of the President U.S.
Oliv. Wolcott
Secretary of the Treasury
The Secretary of the Treasury
The contract entered into between William Allibone, Superintendent of the Lighthouse establishment for the Bay of Delaware of Garret Halencamp (?), for the placing and maintaining the floating Beacons and Buoys in the said bay of Delaware, is returned approved.
It is to be presumed that these contracts are not more of request than necessary yet as they are so often repeated, & are heavy in the aggregate for the above mentioned bay, it may not be inappropriate to make indirect inquiry whether these frequent renewals are the result of real necessity and to what account the old materials, are carried.
Mount Vernon 13th July 1796
G. Washington