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House Clerk ^

Posted on 07/23/2003 12:52:28 PM PDT by Suck My AR-16

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To: Consort
This is the hidden environmentalist budget. $107 million to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity, among other things. #$%^&*^&*(!@# RINOs.
21 posted on 07/23/2003 9:28:41 PM PDT by Iconoclast2
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To: Suck My AR-16
Reading this has just given me the biggest headache. This should be a major campaign issue. We must stop the speanding now!!
22 posted on 07/23/2003 11:37:59 PM PDT by grapeape (I found a new drink called a grapeape it's purple pucker, vodka, and 7-up. Drink it and toast FR!!!)
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To: Suck My AR-16
This is crazy.

HEY GOV'T: QUIT SPENDING and maybe taxes can be lowered and less money will be TAKEN from hard working people thus allowing them to depend on the Gov't less and less.

OH WAIT! That makes to much sense and will work, so it can't be done.

We must keep on with the programs that FAIL.

It must be that the reason they FAIL is that the was just not enough money given to the program.

Yeah That's it.
23 posted on 07/24/2003 6:45:30 AM PDT by OXENinFLA
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To: Suck My AR-16

SEC. 555. None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available for assistance to the Korean Peninsula Energy Organization (KEDO).

I do like this part though.
24 posted on 07/24/2003 6:48:55 AM PDT by OXENinFLA
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To: PhilDragoo
But we are wise to help those who help us, and also wise to dump them like a box of rocks if they bite us. This is the carrot to the shock and awe stick. Used wisely it will serve us, and unwisely, it will drain us.

Good point and hopefully the adults in charge will do just that.

I agree about China, it's coming and the sooner the better.

25 posted on 07/24/2003 7:11:29 AM PDT by BOBTHENAILER (Rats are showing all the symptoms of severe radiation poisoning)
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To: Common Tator
I don't think being a slave would be fun but I think having the government give my money back to me instead of giving it to corrupt scumbags around the globe would be fun.

It's not isolationist to want the government to stop bribing foreigners with money from my paycheck.

26 posted on 07/24/2003 11:21:21 AM PDT by Bikers4Bush
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To: Digger
27 posted on 07/24/2003 11:41:17 AM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Stew Padasso
I am!
28 posted on 07/24/2003 11:43:59 AM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Digger
If Clinton were behind this, the screams and outrage would be heard from coast to coast......
29 posted on 07/24/2003 11:48:12 AM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Joe Hadenuf
Imazing isn't it. Someone critizised the President and you get 400 posts in an hour.

Someone posts a thread about the huge spending spree the Bush Adminstration endorses and all you get is the faint sound of crickets.

30 posted on 07/24/2003 12:43:14 PM PDT by Area51
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To: Area51
And the sound of those crickets is clear and unobstructed.
31 posted on 07/24/2003 3:05:12 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Suck My AR-16
No sweat it's only paper...Greenie will happily print more...
32 posted on 07/24/2003 3:08:04 PM PDT by joesnuffy (Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
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To: Stew Padasso
same s**t different year
33 posted on 07/24/2003 3:16:40 PM PDT by squidly
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To: Suck My AR-16
They have the money to pay for all this overseas crap, but they can't pay me my Military Pension?

What we need is a few real conservative Americans to run against everyone in the house that votes for this.

We need new blood in Congress (House and Senate)


34 posted on 07/24/2003 3:30:00 PM PDT by Militiaman7 (Congress steals my pension because I'm a Retired Disabled Vet.
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To: Suck My AR-16
I am not opposed to all foreign aid (just 90% of it). My biggest gripe is when that aid is given as cash payments directly to a foreign government. When, and if, aid is deemed necessary, it should arrive in the form of good--goods purchased from American suppliers.

People starving? Here's some good American grain to tide you over and some American made farm machinery to help you start growing your own. And here's some Peace Corps types to show you how to use it. If country proves incapable of making good use of it, or becomes ungrateful for the help, cut them off till they prove they deserve our help.

The other problem that needs to be addressed, and is readily apparent when you try to read the bill, is that an amendment to the Constitution is needed to prevent bills from being bundled together. As things are now, you have to vote for the bad to get the good, or flush it all. Appropriation (and all other) bills should be limited in scope and be able to stand on their own merits. That and a presidential line-item-veto would solve most of this.
35 posted on 07/24/2003 4:31:47 PM PDT by PsyOp
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To: Common Tator
We almost lost WWII because the isolationists thought the oceans would protect us. They did not.

I think the oceans did protect us and protected england too. Few if any casualties occurred in the lower 48 and the puny english channel stopped Hitler's army.

To your other point, China's birth rate is below replacement as is our's. I think your China fears are over blown. China is an emerging power but does not have the will or capacity to take over the world.

36 posted on 07/24/2003 5:43:51 PM PDT by staytrue
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To: Iconoclast2

(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

      H R 2800     YEA-AND-NAY     24-JUL-2003   1:41 AM
      QUESTION: On Passage
      BILL TITLE:  Foreign Operations Appropriations, FY 2004

REPUBLICAN 177 45   6
DEMOCRATIC 192 5   8
TOTALS 370 50   14

--- YEAS    370 ---
Abercrombie Gonzalez Oberstar
Ackerman Gordon Obey
Aderholt Goss Olver
Alexander Granger Ortiz
Allen Green (TX) Osborne
Andrews Green (WI) Ose
Baca Greenwood Owens
Bachus Grijalva Oxley
Baird Gutierrez Pallone
Baker Harman Pascrell
Baldwin Harris Payne
Ballance Hart Pearce
Ballenger Hastings (FL) Pelosi
Barrett (SC) Hastings (WA) Pence
Barton (TX) Hayworth Peterson (MN)
Bass Hensarling Peterson (PA)
Beauprez Hill Pickering
Becerra Hinchey Platts
Bell Hinojosa Pomeroy
Bereuter Hobson Porter
Berman Hoeffel Portman
Biggert Hoekstra Price (NC)
Bilirakis Holden Pryce (OH)
Bishop (GA) Holt Putnam
Bishop (NY) Honda Quinn
Blackburn Hooley (OR) Radanovich
Blumenauer Houghton Ramstad
Blunt Hoyer Rangel
Boehlert Hunter Regula
Boehner Inslee Rehberg
Bonilla Isakson Renzi
Bonner Israel Reyes
Bono Issa Reynolds
Boozman Istook Rodriguez
Boswell Jackson (IL) Rogers (AL)
Boucher Jackson-Lee (TX) Rogers (KY)
Boyd Janklow Rogers (MI)
Bradley (NH) Jefferson Ros-Lehtinen
Brady (PA) John Ross
Brady (TX) Johnson (CT) Rothman
Brown (OH) Johnson (IL) Roybal-Allard
Brown (SC) Johnson, E. B. Royce
Brown, Corrine Johnson, Sam Ruppersberger
Brown-Waite, Ginny Jones (OH) Rush
Burgess Kanjorski Ryan (OH)
Burns Kaptur Ryan (WI)
Burr Keller Sabo
Burton (IN) Kelly Sanchez, Linda T.
Buyer Kennedy (MN) Sanchez, Loretta
Calvert Kennedy (RI) Sanders
Camp Kildee Sandlin
Cannon Kilpatrick Saxton
Cantor King (NY) Schakowsky
Capito Kingston Schiff
Capps Kirk Schrock
Capuano Kleczka Scott (GA)
Cardin Kline Scott (VA)
Cardoza Knollenberg Serrano
Carson (IN) Kolbe Sessions
Carson (OK) Kucinich Shadegg
Carter LaHood Shaw
Case Lampson Shays
Castle Langevin Sherman
Chocola Lantos Sherwood
Clyburn Larsen (WA) Shimkus
Cole Larson (CT) Shuster
Conyers Latham Simmons
Cooper LaTourette Simpson
Costello Leach Skelton
Cox Lee Slaughter
Cramer Levin Smith (NJ)
Crane Lewis (CA) Smith (TX)
Crenshaw Lewis (GA) Smith (WA)
Crowley Lewis (KY) Snyder
Culberson Linder Solis
Cummings Lipinski Souder
Cunningham LoBiondo Spratt
Davis (AL) Lofgren Stark
Davis (CA) Lowey Stenholm
Davis (FL) Lucas (KY) Strickland
Davis (IL) Lynch Stupak
Davis (TN) Majette Sweeney
Davis, Tom Maloney Tauscher
DeFazio Markey Tauzin
DeGette Marshall Terry
Delahunt Matheson Thomas
DeLauro McCarthy (MO) Thompson (CA)
DeLay McCarthy (NY) Thompson (MS)
DeMint McCollum Thornberry
Deutsch McCotter Tiahrt
Diaz-Balart, L. McCrery Tiberi
Diaz-Balart, M. McDermott Tierney
Dicks McGovern Towns
Dingell McHugh Turner (OH)
Doggett McIntyre Turner (TX)
Dooley (CA) McKeon Udall (CO)
Doolittle McNulty Udall (NM)
Doyle Meehan Upton
Dreier Meek (FL) Van Hollen
Dunn Meeks (NY) Velazquez
Edwards Menendez Visclosky
Ehlers Mica Vitter
Emanuel Michaud Walden (OR)
Emerson Millender-McDonald Walsh
Engel Miller (MI) Wamp
English Miller (NC) Watson
Eshoo Miller, Gary Watt
Etheridge Miller, George Waxman
Evans Mollohan Weiner
Farr Moore Weldon (FL)
Fattah Moran (KS) Weldon (PA)
Filner Moran (VA) Weller
Fletcher Murphy Wexler
Foley Murtha Whitfield
Fossella Myrick Wicker
Frank (MA) Nadler Wilson (NM)
Frelinghuysen Napolitano Wilson (SC)
Frost Neal (MA) Wolf
Gallegly Nethercutt Woolsey
Gerlach Neugebauer Wu
Gibbons Ney Wynn
Gilchrest Northup Young (FL)
Gillmor Nunes
Gingrey Nussle
--- NAYS    50 ---
Akin Goodlatte Otter
Bartlett (MD) Graves Paul
Berry Gutknecht Petri
Chabot Hall Pitts
Coble Hayes Pombo
Collins Hefley Rahall
Cubin Herger Rohrabacher
Davis, Jo Ann Hostettler Ryun (KS)
Deal (GA) Hulshof Sensenbrenner
Duncan Jones (NC) Smith (MI)
Everett King (IA) Stearns
Feeney Lucas (OK) Tancredo
Flake Manzullo Tanner
Forbes McInnis Taylor (MS)
Franks (AZ) Miller (FL) Taylor (NC)
Garrett (NJ) Musgrave Toomey
Goode Norwood
--- NOT VOTING    14 ---
Berkley Gephardt Pastor
Bishop (UT) Hyde Sullivan
Clay Jenkins Waters
Ferguson Kind Young (AK)
Ford Matsui

37 posted on 07/24/2003 7:22:27 PM PDT by Suck My AR-16
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To: Spiff
It is right after the section that authorized the Department of Education and before the section that authorizes a free drugs for old folks plan.
38 posted on 07/24/2003 7:48:44 PM PDT by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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To: Suck My AR-16
39 posted on 07/28/2003 8:13:23 PM PDT by Taxusmore
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To: Suck My AR-16
Boy they sure snuk this one by in the dead of night.

My Rep. Voted NO!!!! cool.
40 posted on 07/29/2003 4:31:37 AM PDT by OXENinFLA
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