This is just a dumb idea. Almost like a cult-thing where you give up your current life, move across the country and hope for a miracle that's never going to come.
That, of course, is assuming that Wyoming has a zero "libertarian population". I assume otherwise. I also assume that the State is populated by people similar to those who say "Libertarians can't win, so I dont vote for them". An influx of 20,000 die-hard libertarians may persuade many other residence, over time, to vote Libertarian. No one is proposing that anything will change overnight.
Just what folks who staying in Europe told your grandparents, no doubt. Were the doubters right? They and their kids got to stay and enjoy two centuries of war, the holocaust, and depending where they were from another 50 years of totalitarian communist rule. Now they get four weeks vacation though.
Millions move HERE every year, basically for more FREEDOM and the benefits freedom delivers, like a vibrant economy. What is so odd about people moving to a state to get more of the same. I think people do it all the time. The migration west is largely about that. I lived in NYC for a year, and when I got to California I felt much freer. For one thing I could buy a gun. That's a big deal. Trying buying a gun in NYC. I did. You can't. Only the elites are entrusted. So I just view this as a little more organized version of what happens anyway. It's good for states to compete, right? The laboratory of the states. Clearly some states like NY, California and Mass. are choosing to go to a more socialist, high tax style of life. There needs to be alternatives, and there are. I've moved twice since that move at age 20 to California, always in the direction of states that I percieve are more free.
One of the best things about the FSP is that they did a lot of work to get real facts on things like all forms of taxation in various places so you can use their data for whatever reason you want. Including moving to a state that you think is better than where you are, either alone or with 20,000 friends.
The Mormons did it in Utah.
The Libertarians should work on their birth rate but I think they are too selfish to improve that. It's hard to take care of kids if you are high all the time.
I'm sure your ancestors said the same thing to the Pigrims on the Mayflower. Or to the Irish, German, Italian, etc. immigrants.