It doesn't apply to them at all...which isn't opinion, it's fact.
He was making a point, that indeed corruption and criminal cover ups do exist in law enforcement, and occur all the time.
Unlike you, who apparently believe's this case is already closed and the investigation is complete. It's not.
The cases I cite apply to this case because they cast a pall of suspicion over any incident in which a citizen is killed by law enforcement of any kind.
They show that there is a clear pattern of law enforcement failing to police its own members throughout the entire country.
If LE wants the respect of the citizenry, they have to clean up their own act.
Think about the Ramparts problems in Los Angeles. I don't dispute that the people the police framed were bad guys and deserved to go to jail. I do feel that the tactics the police used were illegal and they should be punished for them. The net result of that little scandal was that a couple dozen people were let out of jail becasue the cops falsified evidence and framed them, yet somehow the entire LA police department couldn't gather enough evidence to convict even one of the bad cops.
One of the victims was paralized for life because he was shot--while unarmed--and then a gun was planted on him by the police.
No matter how bad the suspect, the cop was the real criminal here, and yet he did no time.