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Marriage tames geniuses and criminals
Yahoo ^ | July 10th 2003 | AFP

Posted on 07/11/2003 10:02:49 AM PDT by CanadianFella

PARIS (AFP) - Creative genius and crime express themselves early in men but both are turned off almost like a tap if a man gets married and has children, a study says.

Satoshi Kanazawa, a psychologist at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, compiled a database of the biographies of 280 great scientists, noting their age at the time when they made their greatest work.

The data remarkably concur with the brutal observation made by Albert Einstein, who wrote in 1942: "A person who has not made his great contribution to science before the age of 30 will never do so."

"Scientific productivity indeed fades with age," Kanazawa says. "Two-thirds (of all scientists) will have made their most significant contributions before their midthirties."

But, regardless of age, the great minds who married virtually kissed goodbye to making any further glorious additions to their CV.

Within five years of making their nuptial vows, nearly a quarter of married scientists had made their last significant contribution to history's Hall of Fame.

"Scientists rather quickly desist (from their careers) after their marriage, while unmarried scientists continue to make great scientific contributions later in their lives," says Kanazawa.

The energy of youth and the dampening effect of marriage, he adds, are also remarkably similar among geniuses in music, painting and writing, as well as in criminal activity.

Previous studies have documented that delinquents are overwhelmingly male, and usually start out on the road to crime in their teens.

But those who marry well subsequently stop committing crime, whereas criminals at the same age who remain unmarried tend to continue their unlawful careers.

Kanazawa suggests "a single psychological mechanism" is responsible for this: the competitive edge among young men to fight for glory and gain the attention of women. That craving drives the all-important male hormone, testosterone.

After a man settles down, the testosterone level falls, as does his creative output, Kanazawa theorises.

The study appears in the August issue of the Journal of Research in Personality, published by the Elsevier group. The British weekly New Scientist reports on it in its upcoming issue on Saturday.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: criminals; geniuses; marriage
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1 posted on 07/11/2003 10:02:50 AM PDT by CanadianFella
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To: CanadianFella
jokes aside, this is meaningless psychobable. The underlying assumption is that all the creative things men do is a primal instict to win chicks. Man does NOT seek truth, develop new inventions and/or delve into quantum physics for some booty.
2 posted on 07/11/2003 10:07:53 AM PDT by KantianBurke (The Federal govt should be protecting us from terrorists, not handing out goodies)
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3 posted on 07/11/2003 10:09:55 AM PDT by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: CanadianFella
After a man settles down, the testosterone level falls, as does his creative output, Kanazawa theorises.

Yea, sure.....

4 posted on 07/11/2003 10:15:00 AM PDT by isthisnickcool (Liberals - Their neural synapses are corroded.)
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To: KantianBurke
Man does NOT seek truth, develop new inventions and/or delve into quantum physics for some booty.

What?!? Oh, shoot...

5 posted on 07/11/2003 10:18:53 AM PDT by Chemist_Geek ("Drill, R&D, and conserve" should be our watchwords! Energy independence for America!)
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To: Support Free Republic
It's called paying the bills.
6 posted on 07/11/2003 10:20:39 AM PDT by Thebaddog (Fetch this!)
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To: KantianBurke
The underlying assumption is that all the creative things men do is a primal instict to win chicks.

The single explanation is an oversimplification. However, being married usually means you have to minister to the insecurities of your mate. This can lead to multiple "tests" per day to see if you really "care." If you aren't "thinking of them" they will attempt to correct that error. The constant stream of punishments and manipulation to that end will cause any man to lose focus.

When you are thinking big thoughts, you need huge blocks of time to think without major interruption. Most women would divorce at such a slight. Obviously if you aren't attenting to them, you "love your work more than them" etc etc etc.

7 posted on 07/11/2003 10:38:27 AM PDT by jlogajan
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To: CanadianFella
Creative genius and crime express themselves early in men but both are turned off almost like a tap if a man gets married and has children, a study says.

And here in Ohio, marriage causes women to get big butts.

8 posted on 07/11/2003 10:42:31 AM PDT by Orangedog (Soccer-Moms are the biggest threat to your freedoms and the republic !)
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To: CanadianFella
It's true. Johann Sebastian Bach composed nothing of significance after he married twice and had his 16 kids.

Oh wait. As it turns out almost all of his great works were composed while he was married and after the kids were born.

I guess the geniuses that come up with these generalities are, themselves, married.

9 posted on 07/11/2003 10:43:14 AM PDT by Jim Cane
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To: jlogajan
Most women would divorce at such a slight. Obviously if you aren't attenting to them, you "love your work more than them" etc etc etc.

And while they carp about how they would rather have their husband's attention than the money he's trying to earn.....rigggghhhhhhht! That's why she'll want the kids, house, car, half of his 401K and 1/3 of his take home pay....there is no pleasing them.

10 posted on 07/11/2003 10:47:17 AM PDT by Orangedog (Soccer-Moms are the biggest threat to your freedoms and the republic !)
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To: Jim Cane
My music teacher said he churned out so much work because he made his kids sit around and transcribe while he sat at the keyboard.

Not that that is bad, it sounds like a sensible division of labor to me.
11 posted on 07/11/2003 10:47:25 AM PDT by ko_kyi
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To: Chemist_Geek
Oh, man! And I was just gonna tell you the answer to that Grand Unified Theory / space-time continuum / secret of the universe thing - but what's the point if it won't make me a babe magnet?
12 posted on 07/11/2003 10:50:09 AM PDT by talleyman (Antimatter tag line)
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To: jlogajan
However, being married usually means you have to minister to the insecurities of your mate. This can lead to multiple "tests" per day to see if you really "care." If you aren't "thinking of them" they will attempt to correct that error.

Sheesh, sounds like my ex husband.

13 posted on 07/11/2003 10:52:14 AM PDT by TheSpottedOwl (You bring tar, I'll bring feathers....recall Davis in 03!!!)
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To: CanadianFella
Now I'm sure that I'm a sexist pig.... when I first read the title.... the thought ran through my mind that the men were "dumbing down" for communication's sake. :)
14 posted on 07/11/2003 10:53:00 AM PDT by kjam22
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To: talleyman
- but what's the point if it won't make me a babe magnet?

Once you can command gravitons, you won't need the magnet. But keep the Porsche, just in case.

15 posted on 07/11/2003 10:56:30 AM PDT by Jim Cane
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To: CanadianFella
I'd make a reply, but I'm over 30...
16 posted on 07/11/2003 11:05:17 AM PDT by pabianice
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To: Jim Cane
I guess the geniuses that come up with these generalities are, themselves, married.

Perhaps, unlike yourself, they actually understand the difference between "average" and "exception." We were taught the concept in grade school. Perhaps you didn't get that far in your studies.

17 posted on 07/11/2003 11:07:04 AM PDT by jlogajan
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To: jlogajan
Perhaps, unlike yourself, they actually understand the difference between "average" and "exception." We were taught the concept in grade school. Perhaps you didn't get that far in your studies.

You seem angry. I'll put you down as married then.

Other "exceptions":
Gustav Mahler
Richard Wagner
Robert Schumann
Wolfgang Mozart
Charles Dickens
Mark Twain
Tom Clancy
Pablo Picasso
John Singer Sargent

All exceptional, and I'm only getting warmed up.

At some point, when you make blanket assertions, and the exceptions to the rule start to outnumber the pegs you've managed to jam into your little fischerprice toy, you start to look, well...not very exceptional.

18 posted on 07/11/2003 11:25:45 AM PDT by Jim Cane
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To: Orangedog
If you're feeling suicidal, suggest to one of those women they might want to rub some toilet paper between their breasts, seeing how that action made such a difference in the size of their butt.
19 posted on 07/11/2003 11:28:38 AM PDT by LanPB01
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To: LanPB01
LOL! I'll save that one for the next argument with the ex wife!
20 posted on 07/11/2003 11:58:29 AM PDT by Orangedog (Soccer-Moms are the biggest threat to your freedoms and the republic !)
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