I am being a little sporadic in posting these days, because of other distractions, so I thought that I would give you my Zimbabwe list in case you would like to use it.
I will still try to keep in touch and I would appreciate being flagged.
Here is the list. I keep mine in an ascii only text file and do a cut-and-paste from there. *AfricaWatch; blam; Cincinatus' Wife; Sarcasm; Travis McGee; happygrl; Byron_the_Aussie; robnoel; GeronL; ZOOKER; bonaparte; abwehr; shaggy eel; Brian Allen; junta; untenured; Devereaux; JanL; Slyfox; nopardons; technochick99; New Zealander; Great Dane; LogiTexas; jodorowsky; BansheeBill; backhoe; lds23; TEXASPROUD;MadIvan;voa; Valin; Free the USA; jimt; blam; Free the USA; Billthedrill; HAL9000; kattracks; jalisco555;jrewingjr; ZDaphne; xJones; tet68; Threepwood; tonycavanagh; Travis McGee; T'wit; oline; CecilRhodesGhost; GWELO; Criminal Number 18F; balrog666; Malesherbes; yankeedame;Badrotofinger; Carry_Okie; JohnHuang2; zhabotinsky; MattinNJ;hoot2; ReaganIsRight; 2sheep; scopes95; NorthernRight; Sparta;Tailgunner Joe;Textide; Cindy; UpToHere; shamusotoole;g'nad; Cuttnhorse; Avoiding_Sulla;Pan_Yans Wife; Libertarianize the GOP; Theo; MSSC6644; BamaGal; Dante3; maica; BamaGal; nunya bidness; janetgreen; scan59;