To: hoosiermama
Tin foil hat: It goes beyond CLinton. It's the Left Wing that CLintons represent! Here's my tin foil hat: .. add Dean in to that mixture
827 posted on
07/10/2003 10:18:01 AM PDT by
To: Doug Thompson; PhiKapMom; Ragtime Cowgirl; William McKinley
As you know, your article is far more serious an attack on POTUS than a typical, partisan hit-piece. It reveals you as having a brass-set, a "get Bush" agenda, and likely, a long and festering hatred for POTUS.
Without the work of FR and namely FReeper William McKinley, (our resident Sherlock Holmes) would you have bothered to write a retraction/explantion, however weak and CYA it was? Of course not.
It's cavilier and sloppy journalism to rely upon one single source, particularly when the hit-piece is so radio-active and the subject so serious.
Now we learn from you that you have been duped for 20 years by your "phantom" source. Incredible!
With all due respect, Mr. Thompson, it is my sincere hope that you are not a part of a concerted effort to bring-down POTUS, but your hit-piece has already sprouted a few legs.
I know for a fact, that both your orignal article and your explantion/retraction have been sent to the RNC, and, hopefully, passed on to the WH for review.
884 posted on
07/10/2003 11:13:43 AM PDT by
(Name an honest democrat? I can't either!)
To: Mo1
I was told by someone that if you see the word "socialist" is used to describe President Bush by someone that he (someone) is working for Clintons, Dean, or Buchanan.
Now Dean has thrown in on this?
I am going to need a whole new roll of tinfoil before this week is even over.
969 posted on
07/10/2003 2:07:45 PM PDT by
(Bush Cheney '04 - VICTORY IN '04 -- $4 for '04 -
To: Mo1
Dean and Pitt ; I believe Dean has op ed pieces on
988 posted on
07/10/2003 2:40:20 PM PDT by
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