I have no time for the "but he was democratically elected" bunch. If an elected official betrays his trust then he should be removed.
I prefer electing the right guy to a recall and a recall to a bloody revolt but the options must never be taken off the table.
I wonder what Jonah's opinion is of the mess in Venezuela is.
By all accounts, Davis is incompetent not corrupt. I agree with Jonah, throwing someone out for their ineptitude undermines democracy. Further, he was elected last November and he served as Governor the 4 years previous. I find it hard to believe, CA didn't know what they were getting into when he was re-elected in Nov. If two years from now, there was a recall, it might be more appropriate but not 8 months after a duly held election. This is mob rule.
Plus in a state dominated by libs, don't you dare think they won't use this tactic the first time AHHHHHNOLD cuts their pet spending programs.