There it is folks. It's official, at least on The cool thing is that Ann's book hasn't even been released yet and it has already overtaken Hillary. This thing will be number 1 in no time and will hold that title for weeks. Hillary couldn't hold on to number one for even a week.
Gotta love Ann Coulter.
1 posted on
06/19/2003 3:40:56 PM PDT by
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To: Spiff
Ann looks GRRRRRRRRRRRreeeeeeeaaaaaAAAAAAAAAttttttttt!!!!!
2 posted on
06/19/2003 3:42:45 PM PDT by
To: Spiff
To: Spiff
It's my fault. It happened just after I ordered mine. I admit my responsability. :)
4 posted on
06/19/2003 3:44:09 PM PDT by
Keith in Iowa
(No electrons were harmed in the production of this tag line.)
To: Spiff
5 posted on
06/19/2003 3:44:50 PM PDT by
(Liberalism is a mental illness - a precursor disease to terminal Socialism.)
To: Spiff
If only Hillary could have achieved the same level of media awareness that Ann did. Sniff, sniff... LMAO
Why would anyone buy Hillary's book when there's plenty of free rocks around to keep the door open?
To: Spiff
Hotmail Corporation???????????????????
Maybe this is how the numbers were being massaged. A corporation or buy circle has been making big buys for Hillary's books.
Need some Freeper research here on Hotmail, it's org, its office, Democrat $$$$....etc.
In the meantime, I wore my "Living My Lies" tee shirt today into a Palm Beach County Democratically Held Territory and was promptly berated by a deranged, delusion pair of Lesbofascists! They pointed there fingers, yelled, stomped about very loudly about the VRWC.
My reaction: I laughed and laughed and laughed. It drove them nuts! Then I just walked away laughing even more.
Living My Lies
9 posted on
06/19/2003 3:50:16 PM PDT by
Seeking the truth
(I went on the FRN Cruise for the 2nd time! Y'all don't miss the 3rd, ya hear?)
To: Spiff
More from As of 3:45pm PST, June 19 here's the Top 4 Bestsellers:
Top 100 Bestsellers Updated Hourly
11 posted on
06/19/2003 3:51:53 PM PDT by
(Liberalism is a mental illness - a precursor disease to terminal Socialism.)
To: Spiff
I've had my copy on advance order at Amazon since last year...since it first went into the system.
Better show up at my doorstep on June 24 or else I guess I might just have to go buy a second copy to read that day, and give away the Amazon copy when it shows up.
Gee, then I'd have bought two copies of Ann's book! Imagine...think that might contribute to her sales?
I bought six copies of "Slander" and gave five to friends and family as gifts.
I hope Ann's book thoroughly trounces Hillary's on the NYT Bestsellers List.
I doubt Hillary's sales will top 400,000 actual copies sold in the end. The publisher is lying up a storm about the sales figures because they have to try and build hype for it to make back the eight million they gave that stupid b!tch as an advance. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
They'll never make their money back.
I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that Ann's book is #1 on the NYT Bestsellers List for eight weeks or more. Hillary's won't be there more than one week, best.
To: Spiff
I just looked at Amazon's top sellers under nonfiction and Treason is #1, Dick Morris' new book is #2, Dereliction of Duty is #3. Hillary's book isn't even listed in the first 25! LOL!
13 posted on
06/19/2003 3:55:04 PM PDT by
To: Spiff
I am going to order Ann's book on Amazon tonight! GoAnnGo!
17 posted on
06/19/2003 3:57:24 PM PDT by
To: Spiff
The day it comes out, I'm taking it down to the local Starbucks and I'm going to sit there reading it, and drinking coffee.
I like to torture the libs (metaphorically speaking)...and nothing will drive them more insane than to have to look at that cover as I'm reading it.
Can't wait. I think I should go down to the Berkeley campus and sit on a park bench reading it...
To: Spiff
The irony in all this is if Hitlery just told all of the truth her book would be #1 for a long time.
20 posted on
06/19/2003 4:00:43 PM PDT by
(There's too many ALs in this world: Al Qaeda Al Jezeera Al Gore Al Sharpton Al Franken)
To: Spiff
Amazon "Review"
Beware the freeper attack, June 12, 2003
Reviewer: DU Liberal from Detroit, MI
Most of the people responding with a one star review are nothing more than freepers attacking something they have not read. Anything they are this afraid of must be interesting at the very least. They are even showing up in book stores harrassing customers. Must be really strong stuff.
To: Spiff
And Chief Moose's upcoming book has overtaken Sidney Blumenthal's book.
To: Spiff
This thing will be number 1 in no time and will hold that title for weeks. Hillary couldn't hold on to number one for even a week. Hilllary's book never reached #1. The highest it reached was #2 for a few days which if you think about it is appropriate.
23 posted on
06/19/2003 4:02:29 PM PDT by
Paleo Conservative
(Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.)
To: Spiff
This thing will be number 1 in no time and will hold that title for weeks. Hillary couldn't hold on to number one for even a week. Hilllary's book never reached #1. The highest it reached was #2 for a few days which if you think about it is appropriate.
24 posted on
06/19/2003 4:02:34 PM PDT by
Paleo Conservative
(Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.)
To: Spiff
This is good news--I've been waiting for this, but thought I'd have a longer wait. Congrats to Ann for showing Hillary and her ilk that conservative chicks are smarter, more popular, and much better looking than their lib'ral counterparts.
25 posted on
06/19/2003 4:03:26 PM PDT by
(Everything works great 'til the current flows.)
To: Spiff
Couldn't happen to a "nicer" person. Ann's book will kick a$$ and this will be the start of the tumble off the top seller list for shillary.
I also notice Ann Coulter's book is lower priced, I KNOW it's better written for sure!
26 posted on
06/19/2003 4:03:46 PM PDT by
(Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.)
To: Spiff; JLAGRAYFOX; All
27 posted on
06/19/2003 4:04:18 PM PDT by
To: Spiff
Sir Edmund Hillary wrote a book? I thought he was dead!?!
28 posted on
06/19/2003 4:04:37 PM PDT by
(Joe McCarthy was was PT Barnum!)
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