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To: Spiff
I've had my copy on advance order at Amazon since last year...since it first went into the system.

Better show up at my doorstep on June 24 or else I guess I might just have to go buy a second copy to read that day, and give away the Amazon copy when it shows up.

Gee, then I'd have bought two copies of Ann's book! Imagine...think that might contribute to her sales?

I bought six copies of "Slander" and gave five to friends and family as gifts.

I hope Ann's book thoroughly trounces Hillary's on the NYT Bestsellers List.

I doubt Hillary's sales will top 400,000 actual copies sold in the end. The publisher is lying up a storm about the sales figures because they have to try and build hype for it to make back the eight million they gave that stupid b!tch as an advance. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

They'll never make their money back.

I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that Ann's book is #1 on the NYT Bestsellers List for eight weeks or more. Hillary's won't be there more than one week, best.

12 posted on 06/19/2003 3:53:21 PM PDT by Im Your Huckleberry
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To: Im Your Huckleberry
I have a friend who works for Borders Books and she looked up the sales figures for Hillary's book for her store (this was last Sunday). They'd sold 60 copies at that time. She was at the register that day for two hours and sold only one copy. There are 10 Borders books in a 200 mile radius of me. If those figures for her store are average, then Borders Books, in Southern California (this doesn't include Los Angeles County), as of last Sunday, for one week of sales, sold about 600 copies.

I'm not too good with math, but this doesn't sound like a hot seller to me.
49 posted on 06/19/2003 4:37:14 PM PDT by Auntie Mame (Why not go out on a limb, isn't that where the fruit is?)
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To: Im Your Huckleberry
They'll never make their money back.

They probably never expected to.

It's a back-door campaign contribution.

61 posted on 06/19/2003 5:29:01 PM PDT by DuncanWaring (...and Freedom tastes of Reality.)
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To: Im Your Huckleberry
Same here! I can hardly wait to get my book.

Rush was talking about S&S - they published one of his books. He evidently knew someone on the inside and he has dispelled the myth about the number of books. In the first place, Rush was told they didn't print 1 mil books - no place to store them. Secondly, they have no idea what the book count is - they have no way to tally that instantly.

Soooo ... all the numbers are just a fake - which matches with the author who is also FAKE!!
93 posted on 06/20/2003 4:48:36 PM PDT by CyberAnt ( America - You Are The Greatest!!)
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