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New Mass Grave Found In Iraq
BBC ^ | 6-8-2003

Posted on 06/08/2003 9:46:23 AM PDT by blam

New mass grave found in Iraq

Relatives of missing people have been excavating bodies at the site

Another mass grave has been discovered in Iraq at Salman Pak, just south of Baghdad, in the grounds of what used to be a sprawling military complex.

Relatives of missing people have begun excavating the site and on Saturday morning they recovered at least five bodies.

Local residents say they helped bury more than 100 bodies at the military complex in April and they believe many more may be hidden underground.

They say the victims were young men killed in early April, after the American-led invasion had begun.

One body was dressed in pyjamas, another had been blindfolded, while a third had his hands tied and had been shot in the back of the head.

Many of those looking for relatives told Reuters news agency they had not heard of the grave until a Shia party, Daawa, which lost many of its members to Saddam Hussein's death squads, organised a trip to the site.

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Kirkuk: Kurdish officials report discovery of 2,000 bodies Muhammad Sakran: Reports say more than 1,000 bodies found Babylon: Children's bones reportedly among remains found Al-Mahawil: Up to 15,000 bodies feared buried Najaf: 72 bodies found Basra: Grave believed to contain about 150 Shia Muslims Abul Khasib: 40 bodies reportedly found Most Iraqis at the site are from Baghdad's Sadr City, a Shia slum formerly known as Saddam City.

Many arrived with white sacks filled with cloth to carry away the remains of the dead.

One of them, Kathim al-Darajee, says he spent 10 years at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison and left with only one eye because the other was removed during torture.

"I am looking for my nephew. They showed him and others on television after they were tortured and said they were guilty of opposition to Saddam," he said.

Beyond these freshly-dug graves lie rows and rows of furrowed earth, where earlier victims of the regime may be buried, says the BBC's Chris Morris.

Forensic task

There is a huge forensic task to do here, but hardly anyone available to help, our correspondent says.

British forensic experts are investigating grave sites, but the identity of those buried will not be easy to establish because those searching for loved ones are unknowingly tampering with the evidence.

"Iraq is the land of mass graves and secret prisons," said one man.

Suspected mass grave sites have been identified right across the country.

Human rights groups believe that more than a quarter of a million people disappeared during the long rule of Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: graves; iraq; mass; massgraves; new; salmanpak

1 posted on 06/08/2003 9:46:23 AM PDT by blam
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To: blam
Local residents say they helped bury more than 100 bodies at the military complex in April and they believe many more may be hidden underground. They say the victims were young men killed in early April, after the American-led invasion had begun.

I believe that many, and perhaps most, people who knew much of anything about Iraq's WMD (and other nefarious activities) are dead.
2 posted on 06/08/2003 10:00:20 AM PDT by visualops (Just 'cause I'm only a tagline doesn't mean I can't order my own pizza demmit.)
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To: visualops
I believe that many, and perhaps most, people who knew much of anything about Iraq's WMD (and other nefarious activities) are dead.

Indeed. Certainly anyone who helped with weapons burial was shot and dumped into a grave.

3 posted on 06/08/2003 10:40:52 AM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: blam
"They say the victims were young men killed in early April, after the American-led invasion had begun."

So it's all Bush's fault. If we hadn't invaded, Saddam wouldn't have killed these people. (/SARCASM)

But wait until the Democrats will say this for real. Just as the starving children were not Saddam's fault, but the fault of the sanctions.

Back to a real comment: It's obvious that Saddam was killing his own people, why aren't the liberals outraged about that and happy that the Iraqi people won't be murdered by their own government any more? I thought liberals are concerned about human rights.

4 posted on 06/08/2003 12:00:39 PM PDT by FairOpinion
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To: afraidfortherepublic
Sorta like "Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum", but instead of 3 dead men buried with the pirates treasure chest...,
you have a a battalions worth...

5 posted on 06/08/2003 12:35:34 PM PDT by 45semi
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To: blam
Someday the Iraqi people will feel safe enough to tell their stories. The press is terrorizing/exploiting them now for partisan political purposes. Saddam will never, never, never rule over the Iraqi people again.
CENTCOM: Two detailed logs - DAILY:
Quotes from the grateful Iraqi people. Y
***Operation Infinite Freedom - Situation Room - 8 JUN 03/Day 81***

6 posted on 06/08/2003 2:25:18 PM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl ("The American people are proud of you and God bless each of you." Rummy to troops in Iraq)
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To: visualops; afraidfortherepublic; 45semi
I believe that many, and perhaps most, people who knew much of anything about Iraq's WMD (and other nefarious activities) are dead.

This seems like the most logical explanation for why no WMDs have been found either at suspected sites or based on info from those already arrested.

7 posted on 06/08/2003 2:59:26 PM PDT by wideminded
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