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Chief U.N. inspector says not ready to draw conclusions on Iraq weapons
AP ^
| 6/5/03
| Edith M. Lederer
Posted on 06/05/2003 10:31:32 AM PDT by Mark Felton
Edited on 04/13/2004 2:10:02 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
UNITED NATIONS (AP) Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix warned Thursday against jumping to the conclusion that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction just because there is a long list of outstanding questions about its weapons program.
Saddam Hussein's regime may have hidden weapons, but it also may have destroyed them, and now that the Iraqi dictator has been ousted ''it should be possible to establish the truth we all want to know,'' he told the U.N. Security Council.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: iraq; un
Hurry up Hans and tell us conclusively that Hussein had no threatening WMD programs. Stop prevaricating.
To: Mark Felton
"Saddam Hussein's regime may have hidden weapons, but it also may have destroyed them, and now that the Iraqi dictator has been ousted ''it should be possible to establish the truth we all want to know,'' he told the U.N. Security Council."
What does this bonehead want, that we should let Saddam back in power so the questions can be answered? Ha ha ha.
posted on
06/05/2003 10:35:08 AM PDT
To: Mark Felton
posted on
06/05/2003 10:43:18 AM PDT
("You put the tagline in the coconut and call me in the morning")
To: Mark Felton

Shhh, Hans is under cover looking for WMDs...
posted on
06/05/2003 10:47:18 AM PDT
(We are a Republic not a Democracy)
To: Mark Felton
No discussions of why Saddam did all he could to hinder the efforts by the inspectors, why he refused to allow flyover surveillance, why he booted the inspectors in 1998, etc.? Lots of pertinent questions unasked.
posted on
06/05/2003 10:49:37 AM PDT
Mind-numbed Robot
(Not all things that need to be done need to be done by the government.)
To: Mind-numbed Robot
No discussions of why Saddam did all he could to hinder the efforts by the inspectors, why he refused to allow flyover surveillance, why he booted the inspectors in 1998, etc.?He didn't want anyone to learn that he had unilaterally destroyed his WMD. That knowledge would have ruined his bad-boy image.
posted on
06/05/2003 10:52:05 AM PDT
To: Mark Felton
No, he can't do that... he wants back in, so that he can inspect! Job security, you know.
posted on
06/05/2003 10:57:56 AM PDT
Pan_Yans Wife
(Lurking since 2000.)
To: Mark Felton
List of People we wish would GO AWAY:
Hans Blix
BJ Bill Clintoon
HELLary (and her fiction-ography).
Please feel free to make additions.
posted on
06/05/2003 11:31:22 AM PDT
To: kevao
That knowledge would have ruined his bad-boy image. You mean he didn't think that mass murders, public beheadings for small transgressions, imprisonment, torture, rape, maiming, etc., would be enough to keep the Arabs from thinking he was a sissy? Heck he was paying millions to journalists, including al Jazeera, for an ongoing PR campaign. You may be right, though. I guess one can't have too much of a good thing.
posted on
06/05/2003 11:45:57 AM PDT
Mind-numbed Robot
(Not all things that need to be done need to be done by the government.)
To: Mind-numbed Robot
Mass murders, public beheadings for small transgressions, imprisonment, torture, rape, and maiming are par for the course in the Arab World. But Saddam's WMD put him head and shoulders above the rest.
posted on
06/05/2003 11:48:36 AM PDT
To: jrlc
Tom D As* H*le
posted on
06/05/2003 11:51:27 AM PDT
(This little tag just keeps following me where ever I go.)
To: jrlc
I dread having to listen to that faggot on TV again with his oh-so-precise germanic english pronunciation. Isn't he supposed to retire this month?
posted on
06/05/2003 2:44:36 PM PDT
(Understand the root causes of American Anger.)
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