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To: NativeNewYorker
When I was in Hebrew school, 35 years ago, we were told repeatedly that if we intermarried, we would be fulfilling Hitler's dream. My brothers and I ALL married non-Jewish people. One of my brothers ...twice!
6 posted on 05/16/2003 4:27:46 PM PDT by Hildy
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To: Hildy
"..we were told repeatedly that if we intermarried, we would be fulfilling Hitler's dream."
I have never been to Hebrew School. but that statement seems incredibly illogical to me. Weren't the Nazi's going after people who were 1/16 Jewish and at some point considering going after those who were only 1/32 Jewish? Hitler and the Nazi's went out of their way to kill as many Jews as possible, and according to some accounts actually tried to accelerate their efforts as the War was clearly coming to an end and not in their favor. 
The Jew killers are illogical and evil.Ultimately they would have had to kill everyone. It is the same today with these primitive Muslim fanatics. Those would be the same fanatics that the Aholes from the 90's White House embraced so fondly. (Hey Hillary you fat bitch, byte me!) It is the Democrats and the Liberals who are the real evil ones. They would sell their souls in order to make nice with the disgusting Muslim regimes for the opportunity to keep the Islamic oil flowing.
Why on Earth would any rational thinking civilized modern person suck up to those aholes in the Middle East? It ain't about Democracy. They kiss ass because they want to do business with the reprobates. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Bush in the White House right now. Shades of Harry Truman. The buck indeed stops at the oval office. The liars in the left media think and assume that we are all stupid and ignorant. Perhaps that is true for many, but certainly not all. Thank God for the, and the Internet. 

10 posted on 05/16/2003 5:09:55 PM PDT by Radix
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