June 12, 1999 NATO moves into Kosovo to take up peacekeeping duties and ensure the safe return of the Albanian refugees; Russian government claims it had no idea soldiers were moving into Kosovo; Peacekeepers turn a road to Pristina into the busiest little highway in Europe and discover it is also the most dangerous; Governor George W. Bush is now unofficially off and running for the Republican presidential nomination; Pope John Paul II slips and bumps his head requiring three stiches; First tropical storm of the season is Arlene; Federal officials will continue to hunt for the source of worm.explore.zip computer virus; National Skin Cancer Foundation blasts the decision of the FDA to change the familiar numbered SPF factors in sunscreens; Wildfire in Arizona is now contained; New subway station in Hollywood is not winning rave reviews because taxpayers across the country are footing the bill; North Korea threatens to use military force on South Korea over an area in the Yellow Sea; Russian jet crashes in the Paris Air Show; Dozen University of Chicago graduates refuse to shake hands with President Clinton; Messages in graduation speeches