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Mexican envoy visits U.S., eager to repair ties frayed by war (BARF Alert)
Mercury News ^
| 5/8/03
| Tim Johnson
Posted on 05/08/2003 10:01:18 AM PDT by NormsRevenge
Edited on 04/13/2004 3:31:07 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
WASHINGTON -- Eager to overcome months of hurt feelings, Mexico's foreign minister began a two-day trip to Washington on Wednesday sounding, to put it diplomatically, contrite and ready to mend frayed relations.
Fighting terrorism is Mexico's ``No. 1 priority,'' Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez asserted, sounding a note certain to please in Washington.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Business/Economy; Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; Politics/Elections; US: Arizona; US: California; US: New Mexico; US: Texas
KEYWORDS: eager; envoy; frayed; illegal; immigrants; mexican; repairties
This just off the AP wire
Mexican legislature urges immigration pact with U.S.
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Lawmakers have urged President Vicente Fox to reach a migration agreement with the United States that would protect Mexican migrants crossing into the United States.
A legislative committee in charge when Congress is not in session voted in favor of the request Wednesday, as a spring heat wave threatened migrants crossing the desert into the United States.
Temperatures near the border reached 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius) during the first days of May.
The lawmakers emphasized that Mexico should strive to change the status of undocumented Mexican workers in the United States and said migration should continue to be Mexico's first priority in foreign policy.
After taking office in December 2000, Fox pushed the United States to allow more Mexicans to cross the border legally. However, the Bush administration set aside a proposed migration accord after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Since then, both governments have acknowledged that they are far from reaching an agreement.
To: NormsRevenge
So we have a "difference" with Mexico on fighting terrorism and it shouldn't be a big deal - between friends. OK. Let's have another "difference", this time about immigration. While we're at it, when Mexican trucks travel US highways, they have to comply with the same laws as US trucks, to the letter - just between friends.
posted on
05/08/2003 10:16:41 AM PDT
To: NormsRevenge
"Migration to the United States is an unstoppable ``fact of life,'' he said, and Mexico will be content to improve the lives of migrants with modest measures."
posted on
05/08/2003 10:20:00 AM PDT
(Bill Owens for Prez and Jeb as VP in '08.)
To: NormsRevenge
Adults eventually learn that everything isn't about you. There is a big game afoot, and you can pitch in and help, and matter, and be relevant to history, or you can stand on the sidelines, and be patronized if even that.
Mexico has the same choice to make as do Americans, and Canadians, and Euros, and Iraqis, and really anyone blessed to be born on this earth. Speak up for liberty, and be prepared to deploy troops when troops are needed, and arguments when arguments are needed. Spiritual support when spiritual support is needed.
Mexico can matter if Mexico chooses to matter. It really is their choice, but I have yet to see any evidence that they get that.
posted on
05/08/2003 10:22:03 AM PDT
To: caisson71
``Mexicans were stunned by it,'' Grayson said.Good.
posted on
05/08/2003 10:25:52 AM PDT
To: NormsRevenge
Eager to overcome months of hurt feelingsOh, please.
posted on
05/08/2003 10:27:24 AM PDT
To: NormsRevenge
posted on
05/08/2003 10:29:41 AM PDT
To: NormsRevenge
Memo to Vicente Fox:
In the words of Cosmo Kramer,
"You blew it, boy! You REALLY BLEW IT!!!"
To: NormsRevenge
Tell Señor Ernesto to lighten up and make it easier for those adventuresome, and high ideal, noble Americans who want to take up residence in the south, to cut the RED TAPE. And allow the American Judicial system extradition rites to those who have committed murder and feel safe in Mexico.
To: NormsRevenge
Fox is perpetuating a race war by actively encouraging Mexicans of Indian descent to "migrate" to the U.S. instead of helping their home communities prosper. I'm tired of the U.S. functioning as Mexico's "bargain bin".
To: NormsRevenge
It would help our "friendship" with Mexico if the
mexican government would provide their citizens with
the trappings of a democracy. Such as freedom of
speech, freedom of assembly, basic welfare services, etc.
To: NormsRevenge
The lawmakers emphasized that Mexico should strive to change the status of undocumented Mexican workers in the United States and said migration should continue to be Mexico's first priority in foreign policy. What kind of a country makes out-migration their number one foreign policy initiative?
WHY are we accomodating them?
posted on
05/08/2003 12:30:49 PM PDT
(Fac ut vivas)
To: NormsRevenge
Go to and sign up! They keep you up-dated on all the potential actions coming up regarding immigration. You can fax (e-mail) your representatives with pre-selected text or you can write your own. We need to keep as much pressure on as we can.
Here's a story that was e-mailed to me today from NUMBERSUSA.COM
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) has met with representatives of a coalition of Hispanic religious leaders from 17 states that is pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens. In particular, this group is pushing for an amnesty for Hispanic illegal aliens. As an EFE news story reports, the coalition "believes the Hispanic community should receive preference in an amnesty bill because of this country's 'moral debt' to Latin America."
Read the news story here:
Senator Frist is a devoted Christian and the coalition of Hispanic religious leaders pushing for amnesty no doubt tried to play this angle in lobbying Senator Frist to support an amnesty. It would be very helpful for Senator Frist to hear from Christians who oppose amnesty. Send this fax to Senator Frist telling him that you oppose amnesty for illegal aliens. Be sure to add your own language to the fax in order to customize it in accordance with your personal views.
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