Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Bulgaria were not countries that were 9 miles wide surrounded by hundreds of millions of enemies who sought their total and complete annialation.
The world stands aghast at this hubris.
I don't give a rat's ass what the world thinks. You and your Eurotrash brethren have proven where their sympathies lie, and its not with those who respect democracy, freedom, and human rights. The rest of the world has little use and little concern for Jews. That's what drove them to try to establish a tiny strip of land where they could flee the rest of the world's maliciousness against them. If Israel and all Jews were wiped from the face of the Earth tomorrow, I'm sure a couple of your ancestors in Deutschland and Frankreich would pop a bottle of Champagne to toast the end of the "Jewish Problem".
If Arabs are so concerned about their brothers in the "occupied territories", why are Palestinians not allowed to emigrate to Arab countries? Why is Israel blamed when the Lebanese and Jordanians have killed 10 times as many Palestinians since 1967? Black September anyone?
Do you mean relatives? Ancestors are dead folks.
Anywho, I have no German or French ancestors or relatives. My family came from Switzerland - Canton Bern, up in the Swiss Alps.
The rest of the world has little use and little concern for Jews. That's what drove them to try to establish a tiny strip of land where they could flee the rest of the world's maliciousness against them.
Its a tired question. Why does the rest of the world act so malicious to the Jews, but not so unified in maliciousness towards any other group? That's your claim, perhaps you could explain it better.