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To: zechariah
1. Because our Great Grandfathers tax dollars built it

2. Because we owned it

3. Because it's strategic

4. Because we're the arrogant capitalist pigs of the planet and we should stay that way

5. Because I hope that answer (#4, above) offends the heck out of you for asking such a sucky question!!!

23 posted on 04/29/2003 8:57:40 PM PDT by SierraWasp (Media Advisory: Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see!!!)
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To: SierraWasp
1. Because our Great Grandfathers tax dollars built it

Hmmm...must have been done on the cheap. They didn't pay income taxes back then!! Anyway, we should have built it in Nicaragua.

2. Because we owned it

Haven't you ever donated an old junker car to a local charity?

3. Because it's strategic

Er, strategic to what? Our ships won't even fit through the canal anymore.

4. Because we're the arrogant capitalist pigs of the planet and we should stay that way

But the canal was never a project of capitalism. Shoot, in its heydey, I doubt it ever made any money. But just look at Panama City; now there is arrogant capitalism for you. If you didn't know better, you'd think you were in Miami.

5. Because I hope that answer (#4, above) offends the heck out of you for asking such a sucky question!!!

Nah. You'll have to try harder.

33 posted on 04/29/2003 9:15:07 PM PDT by zechariah (The Lord is with you, Mighty Warrior!)
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To: SierraWasp
This is great news! Thanks, SW!

"4. Because we're the arrogant capitalist pigs of the planet and we should stay that way

5. Because I hope that answer (#4, above) offends the heck out of you for asking such a sucky question!!!"

Awww...does that mean we can't be arrogant capitalist pigs anymore?

Dang. I hate change...

52 posted on 04/29/2003 10:18:56 PM PDT by dixiechick2000
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