This just in...
To: Grampa Dave; Liz; Dog Gone; Carry_Okie; snopercod; dalereed; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Lazamataz; ...
Everybody git yer pinger lists out!!!
This has been waiting a long time to break over both the political and financial world!!!
2 posted on
04/29/2003 8:31:17 PM PDT by
(Media Advisory: Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see!!!)
To: SierraWasp
Good. Whatever the economic consequences, it strikes me as foolish to give the Chinese this kind of access and control over satellite communications.
3 posted on
04/29/2003 8:33:54 PM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: SierraWasp; Enemy Of The State
<< ..... Hutchison will likely pull out of the deal. >>
Better to quit while they're behind than to be exposed for who and what they are -- and to lose face.
Must be Hell for Peking's Jiang Gang now that their "man" in Washington [Kring Tong] is no longer in Washington.
Can't even get away with our failed 'phone cos -- let alone our National Nuclear Treasures.
4 posted on
04/29/2003 8:34:37 PM PDT by
Brian Allen
( Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God - Thomas Jefferson)
To: SierraWasp
45-day review I hope they don't stop it if Hutchison pulls out !
10 posted on
04/29/2003 8:41:33 PM PDT by
(Where is Saddam? and where is Tom Daschle?)
To: SierraWasp
Sen Hutchison Sen. TX in on this deal??
To: SierraWasp
Great news! But just one less thing to worry about with the Chinese.
25 posted on
04/29/2003 9:02:43 PM PDT by
Cold Heat
(Negotiate!! .............(((Blam!.)))........... "Now who else wants to negotiate?")
To: SierraWasp
This is one of the wealthiest companies in the world. 0.5% is a big hit for such small news.
To: SierraWasp
65 posted on
04/30/2003 5:00:13 AM PDT by
To: SierraWasp
Good news.
70 posted on
04/30/2003 9:00:42 AM PDT by
CPT Clay
To: SierraWasp
I pray the ChiComs get shout out! This is way to important to fall into Chinese hands.......
My own theory is the Chinese (Hutchinson-Wampoa) have cash flow problems and no can do.
94 posted on
04/30/2003 7:36:02 PM PDT by
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