To: Grampa Dave; Liz; Dog Gone; Carry_Okie; snopercod; dalereed; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Lazamataz; ...
Everybody git yer pinger lists out!!!
This has been waiting a long time to break over both the political and financial world!!!
2 posted on
04/29/2003 8:31:17 PM PDT by
(Media Advisory: Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see!!!)
To: SierraWasp
Good news!
Thank GOD the powers that be (whomever they are) didn't
let Global X go to the Chi Coms.
5 posted on
04/29/2003 8:35:43 PM PDT by
To: SierraWasp; Bayou City; *GlobalCrossing; seamole; Lion's Cub; Libertarianize the GOP; ...
I don't seem to have a ping list for this!
To find all articles tagged or indexed using *GlobalCrossing, click below: |
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7 posted on
04/29/2003 8:39:17 PM PDT by
(Where is Saddam? and where is Tom Daschle?)
To: SierraWasp
This is great news! It should be unthinkable to allow a foreign country to own telecom lines.
67 posted on
04/30/2003 5:55:59 AM PDT by
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