Ignore whatajoke - he actually thinks evolution has nothing to do with cosmology. He is a disrupter - balrog666, Junior,whattajoke,general_re and Aric200 hang around evolution-related debates sniping from the sidelines and spewing insults. Ignore them - they are not here to debate or exchange ideas - they have closed minds and are here to snipe from the sidelines and insult people.
Now, that's not fair - I offered to exchange ideas, and only withdrew when it became clear that you had none.
Okay, I'll call your troll: Feel free to argue that biological evolution *does* "have something to do with cosmology".
This ought to be really amusing.
He is a disrupter
No, he's clearly someone who is looking in vain for an intellectually honest creationist.
But we know what *you* are.