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To: cgk; Illbay; TexasCowboy
First I resent you telling my how to feel. I make jokes to keep from worrying myself to death. I spent the morning with a friend who's son is with HS Company, Marine LAR Battalion somewhere north of Bagdad and my 20 year old who wants to leave college and join the ARMY (praise be not the damn Marines).

Second I'm always amused, nay pissed by those who tell me what their father and grandfather did when they sat at home. Yes I joke about Marines just like they do about me, and I don't need your permission, I earned the right. For what it's worth, my dad was a Marine SGT. then a Navy Ensign (WWII). My grandfather was an Army surgeon, then an Air Force Lt. Col., the other one was a Navy seaman in WWI. Three of my Ggrandfathers served one a Navy Captain. I am related to two CSA Generals, and Capt. Taylor, 4th Texas Cav CSA. My GGGgrandfather Ralph McGee was in the Texas Revolution, his father David on the muster rolls at Valley Forge.

On Veterans Day I go to three local cemeteries and place American flags on the graves of my Veteran relatives. In one plot alone, Forest Park Lawndale, Houston, I need 11 flags and that is every male there save one great uncle ... by marriage.

This is NOT inter service rivalry, it’s fear, honor and respect for fellow service men.

(COB read this thread and if I'm being ill mannered towards you damn Marines I'll shut up .. maybe!)

78 posted on 04/23/2003 11:35:23 AM PDT by HoustonCurmudgeon (Compassionate Conservative Curmudgeon)
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To: HoustonCurmudgeon
"Second I'm always amused, nay pissed by those who tell me what their father and grandfather did when they sat at home"

If you're talking about me, and I assume you are, yes, I sit at home. I have MS, so am not eligible to enlist. Does that make me less qualified to ask you to not disrespect any members of the military? I suppose so, to you. I included information of members of my family as my own "disclaimer" to let you know why I used the term "soldiers." I wasn't patting myself on the back.

In the nuances of those who belong to the military, which I obviously cannot understand as a mere civilian and mother, apparently I need to ask permission of those who do belong, not to criticize the dead. I don't recall asking you to ask MY permission to speak as you did. And I never told you how to "feel." I don't buy into Gestalt, sorry. I merely asked you politely not to make jokes about dead Marines by referring to them as "not smart enough to get into the Army." Did that really merit this much hostility towards me?

79 posted on 04/23/2003 12:06:28 PM PDT by cgk (Op. Iraqi Freedom Hero Tribute:
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To: HoustonCurmudgeon; cgk; Illbay
"(COB read this thread and if I'm being ill mannered towards you damn Marines I'll shut up .. maybe!)"

Hell, HC! If you shut up while being ill mannered you'd have to change your screen name!

Seriously, cgk and Illbay, do you have any idea what Gyrenes would say if this accident had befallen soldiers (in the Army, btw)?

Something like, "....dumb f***ing dogfaces don't have enough sense to play with men's weapons......!"

We are a brotherhood of fighting men whether it be Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps.
Our humor may be a little raw and rough around the edges, but we feel more grief for the loss of a brother than any civilian could understand.
We just show it in a different way.

My personal favorite target (despite what HC thinks) are the Swabbies, or Squids, as they are called today, yet my Navy brother was on a destroyer in the Pacific that was sunk by a Japanese sub in WW II.
When we poke fun at each other, read between the lines, and you will see the deep love and respect we all have for each other.

81 posted on 04/23/2003 2:08:41 PM PDT by TexasCowboy (COB1)
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