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National Review ^ | April 17, 2003 | Jed Babbin

Posted on 04/17/2003 10:14:40 AM PDT by conservativecorner

Country singing star Darryl Worley joined me in the broadcast studio yesterday to sing his tribute to the troops called, "Have You Forgotten?" Darryl is the kind of guy you wouldn't associate with show biz. Unassuming, polite, and enormously talented, he wrote that song as a tribute to our troops after a visit with them in Afghanistan, and it's dynamite. I got two answers to the question the song posed yesterday. As you'd expect, the Marines haven't forgotten.

Everyone knows what the Marines' motto, semper fidelis, means. They are always faithful to their country and to their brothers in arms. I submit two proofs of this today. One is named Dan Roberts and the other named for Jason Sekzer.

If young Corporal Dan Roberts, USMC writes a memoir about the Iraq campaign, he could call it, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Iraq." Wounded near An Nasiriyah, Roberts was confined to a military hospital. After a few days, he deemed himself cured and, ah, without asking permission, took off. After getting a set of BDU's and a helmet somewhere, he thumbed a ride or two and found his outfit in the fight to take Baghdad. Roberts got an M-16 and some web gear from his pals, and rejoined the fight. When he was interviewed yesterday by Ollie North, Corporal Roberts sounded a bit unsure of whether he was in trouble for kinda, sorta, going AWOL from the hospital. His gunny may growl at him, but I don't think a courts martial is in Roberts's future. A promotion maybe, not a courts martial. You just gotta love these guys.

Jason Sekzer's father, Will Sekzer, is a Vietnam veteran and a retired member of New York's Finest. Jason was killed in the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center. His dad sent an e-mail over to the Marines. It was a simple request. Mr. Sekzer asked that his son's name be painted on one of the bombs or artillery shells being used in the Iraq campaign. The request went up through channels. Yesterday I received the pictures of a 2,000-pount JDAM that had, "In loving memory of Jason Sekzer" painted on it. The e-mail from one of the boss Marine fly-guys was apologetic for the delay in acting on the request.

Sorry for the delay but business is booming. The weapons don't stay still long enough to write on them. For the record: The weapon this tribute was written on is a 2000 pound, Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) GPS guided bomb. It's big, it's ugly and it's always lethal, just like we love them. It was dropped on the night of 1 April 03 against targets located east of Baghdad. The targets were associated with the Al Nida division of the Republican Guard. A United States Marine Corps F/A-18D flew the mission. The mission and the weapon were 100% successful. Let me know if there is any more I can do. It's my honor and pleasure.

By now, Saddam's half brother Barzan Ibrahim Hasan al-Tirkriti has remembered. In a neat smash and grab yesterday, he was captured in the Baghdad area by spec ops in a joint operation with the Marines. Barzan's capture takes another card out of Vince Brooks's Doomsday Deck. Barzan--formerly one of the top guys in Saddam's Mukhabarat secret police--may have a lot to say. For example, he was in on the plan to assassinate George Senior. Someone should be reaching for the sodium amatol about now.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to give Little Jackie Chirac a little dose of it. President Bush's call to lift the U.N. sanctions yesterday met with predictable opposition from Chirac, who still wants the U.N. to run the reconstruction (meaning the oil revenues) and formation of the new Iraqi government. The reason for the sanctions--Saddam's WMD--is of course moot. But that won't stop the French from stopping any resolution to lift the sanctions unless they get their cut off the top.

The best news is that the citizen-inspired boycott of French goods is taking hold. The importers of French wine have noticed a significant drop in sales in America over the past couple of months. The winers are meeting to whine about it and figure out how to get all these arrogant Americans to realize they're being unfair. This is only the start. No French goods should be bought here. None. I suggest they have some music at their meeting to set the mood. They should buy a copy of the "Have You Forgotten?" CD and play it over and over until they understand.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: darrylworley; haveyouforgotten; iraqifreedom

1 posted on 04/17/2003 10:14:40 AM PDT by conservativecorner
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To: conservativecorner
Do your anti-war friends a favor..

Buy them a copy of this cd!
2 posted on 04/17/2003 10:29:13 AM PDT by 1stFreedom
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To: conservativecorner
Lou Dobbs had Darryl Worley on one day, and he sang the song with images of 9/11, intermixed with deployment of our troops and footage of protesters in SF taking on the cops.

A clip
3 posted on 04/17/2003 10:37:09 AM PDT by BurbankKarl
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To: BurbankKarl
Darryl Worley was on Hannity and Colmes. I got his CD for my birthday yesterday.
4 posted on 04/17/2003 11:30:11 AM PDT by ConservativeMan55
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To: 1stFreedom
Do your anti-war friends a favor..

Buy them a copy of this cd!

I don't have many friends who are anti-war anymore - most of my anti-war friends had their eyes opened last Wednesday while watching the footage from Baghdad.

The rest of them would listen to the song and still stick to their story - no connection between 9/11 and Iraq. ;-/

5 posted on 04/17/2003 11:35:10 AM PDT by spookycc (I raq, I rack 'em up, and I roll)
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To: spookycc
Bump for a great song!

Freepers, rather than waiting to see what happens with Estrada and Owen, we need to take the lead. That means presuring Senators, special interest groups, media organizations, etc. This thread is meant to be an ongoing effort to get this man confirmed. For too many years liberals have had their way on the courts. Now, President Bush is in a position to move the courts to the right. The election of '02 showed that the country is with the President. I think it's time to let Daschle, Hillary, and Pelosi know this is Bush country. Are you with me! Let's FREEP these people.

6 posted on 04/17/2003 1:30:09 PM PDT by votelife (FREE MIGUEL ESTRADA!)
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