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Dating for Conservative Males
toogoodreports ^
| 4/16/03
| Bernard Chapin
Posted on 04/15/2003 7:56:26 PM PDT by fhardesian
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To: SShultz460
Faith without guidance is a lost faith. Just look at all the "spiritual" people who worship birds and the earth.
To: fhardesian
Last stupid question ever, what does "bump" mean? Not stupid .. you must be new :) In this page (that most make their homepage after time.) the most recently updated article/reply gets moved to the top of the list.
bump and bttt (back to the top)keeps the more interesting articles up where people will see them. You also mark a page list this for later review (it gets put into your My Comments page) this way as well.
posted on
04/15/2003 8:47:13 PM PDT
(We are crushing our enemies, seeing him driven before us and hearing the lamentations of the liberal)
To: Revolting cat!
You join KOC once you are married and are like 55.
Think younger.
Charismatic movements, pro-life, go to Catholic award dinners. Trust me, you'll meet them.
To: anymouse
To: lilylangtree
If you really want to have success at the Dating Game, leave the politics at home.
posted on
04/15/2003 8:52:51 PM PDT
To: lilylangtree
The author makes some good points. Put the shoe on the other foot. A conservative woman on a date with a liberal man. Doesn't work either! I speak from experience. That's the truth! And the assumptions men make about women's politics.......sheesh, insulting.
To: fhardesian
Guys, umm, dating is supposed to be a screening process, right? If you don't want gals who aren't feminine don't ask them out. Long hair and long skirts are generally good indications.
If a gal is conservative, she's not going to mind you being conservative, too. If she has a problem with it, don't pursue. Just save yourself some misery and don't. One date won't kill you.
As for materialism - okay, we conservative gals like our trinkets and baubles, but more of the pearl variety. Classically elegant. Just look for that.
BTW, keep in mind that women who make an effort to look good will make efforts in other areas. And if she doesn't "put out" your chances of catching a social disease decrease.
There's possitives in all this. And if she's in favor of higher taxes for the "rich" run like the wind.
To: okiesap
But then you'll end up attached to a commie. I did. It sukd. I was stuck riding around in a car with a Clinton/Gore bumper sticker. I did break up with him eventually, over political stuff (he was pro-choice, dating a baby killer gave me the squiks), so asking beforehand would have saved a lot of time and energy.
To: okiesap
If you really want to have success at the Dating Game, leave the politics at home.I disagree completely. Political leanings (and the your philosophy underlying your views) are quite insightful into the person you are dealing with. If you are looking for anything more than a fling, these things are important. As for me, I am through with liberal democrats!
posted on
04/15/2003 9:03:10 PM PDT
(Self defense is a basic human right.
To: Desdemona
I suspect you won't have to wait very long to find the person you're looking for.
With your level-headedness, he'll find you first!
posted on
04/15/2003 9:05:06 PM PDT
To: 1stFreedom
They could look in my church. We have at least 10 eligible females worshiping here.
posted on
04/15/2003 9:05:06 PM PDT
(Red Green is my hero.)
To: fhardesian
Don't you know the secret? Practice guitar scales every day. In 10 years you'll have cocaine and groupies galore.
posted on
04/15/2003 9:05:26 PM PDT
To: Desdemona
A friend who moved back to the DC area right before 9-11 was trying very hard to meet like minded people. She even turned to the internet, but was apprehensive at stating publicly that she was conservative. So she listed her politics as middle of the road, adn went out with some very...let's say "needy" types.
I had her rewrite her personals ad, making sure everyone knew she was looking for a right winger and not some wussy lefty. As an experiment we posted her ad without a picture....Let's just say that she's had more responses without the picture but all from seemingly great right wingers..
posted on
04/15/2003 9:06:45 PM PDT
To: sinkspur
I suspect you won't have to wait very long to find the person you're looking for.
With your level-headedness, he'll find you first!
If he has the guts to ask.
posted on
04/15/2003 9:08:53 PM PDT
(I will admit an affinity for clearance racks)
To: fhardesian
RULE ONE: When you first meet a woman, never discuss politics under any circumstances. I disagree. I want to weed out the wackos immediately. If someone is a flaming liberal, the sooner I find out, the sooner I can move along.
To: fhardesian
My chick is a liberal and is really starting to upset me with her political veiws...never marry until your sure that you want the girl you care about share common values.
You know you have a problem when she cares more about the troubles of Tim Robbins then the liberation of the people of Iraq
Good thing she's just a girlfriend
posted on
04/15/2003 9:10:15 PM PDT
(Screw the grammar, full posting ahead.)
To: Porterville
Do her a favor...dump her. Or are you just "using" until something better comes along?
posted on
04/15/2003 9:12:00 PM PDT
To: Black Agnes
I tend to to believe those that live and breathe politics, whether Liberal or Conservative, will spend time alone unless they can find someone as obsessed with their pet issues as themselves.
I'm currently married to a woman in her mid-thirties with a Masters Degree. Until recently, she wasn't sure if Japan was an ally or enemy during WW2. And her political views were simplistic, shallow and a little too far left of center. But she couldn't care less about politics. She's got intelligence and humor which
And her political views are changing slowly but surely.
posted on
04/15/2003 9:14:17 PM PDT
To: goodnesswins
There is a time for such things, it has to be during a transition phaze which is coming in June or July; be careful not to chew your leg off when escaping a steel trap.
posted on
04/15/2003 9:15:17 PM PDT
(Screw the grammar, full posting ahead.)
To: fhardesian
A rich conservative man is forgiven all bias by liberal women. There are too many conservative beautiful women to date with fear. I find when I am myself, without any bogus tap dancing I have no problemsn. To hide is to allow the thought police to win. Face it, liberal women will always be mentally "damaged" goods until repaired.
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