To: Desdemona
I suspect you won't have to wait very long to find the person you're looking for.
With your level-headedness, he'll find you first!
50 posted on
04/15/2003 9:05:06 PM PDT by
To: sinkspur
I suspect you won't have to wait very long to find the person you're looking for.
With your level-headedness, he'll find you first!
If he has the guts to ask.
54 posted on
04/15/2003 9:08:53 PM PDT by
(I will admit an affinity for clearance racks)
To: sinkspur
interesting, will read later.
197 posted on
04/16/2003 11:48:35 AM PDT by
(I am so sick of these whiney liberals. Shut up!!!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson