1 posted on
04/15/2003 3:00:15 PM PDT by
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To: Kwilliams
"I can assure you that those villains will recognize, will discover in appropriate time in the future how stupid they are and how they are pretending things which have never taken place"
2 posted on
04/15/2003 3:02:02 PM PDT by
To: Kwilliams
I love Cavuto! He is so much cooler than all those Hollyweird pukes!
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Thanks Registered
5 posted on
04/15/2003 3:04:10 PM PDT by
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To: Kwilliams
Martin Sheen's new release:
"Apoplectic Now"
To: Kwilliams
Back then, it was cool to be cruel. But back then it wasn't "hip" to criticize the Klinton administration either.
8 posted on
04/15/2003 3:07:11 PM PDT by
(Treason doeth never prosper, for if it prosper, NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON.)
To: Kwilliams
Don't forget Dr Laura. I believe Susan Sarandan was a leader of that campaign. What a shame that she's now getting some of what she's been giving out.
10 posted on
04/15/2003 3:10:40 PM PDT by
(Continue to pray for our Troops!!)
To: Kwilliams
A curse on their moustache.
12 posted on
04/15/2003 3:14:01 PM PDT by
doug from upland
("You are not fit to be commander in chief" -- the father of Sgt. Shughart who died in Somalia)
To: Kwilliams
I do love the rants he and John Gibson do, though I am rarely able to hear them.
13 posted on
04/15/2003 3:16:50 PM PDT by
To: Kwilliams
What's that they say? Payback is a bitch. Or was that just a line... from a movie? Not to put too fine a point on this but it bears correction. He said "one of your pathetic movies." I think that makes a big difference. It got a whoop! out of me when I heard it.
14 posted on
04/15/2003 3:17:09 PM PDT by
To: Kwilliams
"Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins were officially uninvited from an anniversary screening of the film Bull Durham. "
Payback's a bitch, innit? (They're feeling the 'pinch'. GOOD! Makes me feel really good!)
To: Kwilliams
Speaking of Heston, just a few weeks ago George Clooney made a joke about his Alzheimer's, and then defended himself when criticized by saying (paraphrase) "he (Heston) deserves everything he gets. He's NRA."
I don't think Petrovsky at the Baseball Hall of Fame wished Alzheimer's disease on Sarandon and Robbins.
The Hollywood effete elite can dish it out but they can't take it.
18 posted on
04/15/2003 3:21:24 PM PDT by
To: Kwilliams
Cavuto is being under-utilized by FNC.
21 posted on
04/15/2003 3:28:09 PM PDT by
(Fac ut vivas)
To: Kwilliams
I watched him deliver this on FOX. The delivery was even better than the script.
23 posted on
04/15/2003 3:51:51 PM PDT by
(All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.)
To: Kwilliams
Okay, I'll say it again. ~~ I
ADORE Neil Cavuto.
Cavuto is smart, courageous...and pretty darn cute, too!
To: Kwilliams
To: Kwilliams
These Tinsel Town tarts and toadsBwahahahahahahahahaa!!!!! Great line!
31 posted on
04/15/2003 4:25:16 PM PDT by
(Evil will not triumph...God is at the helm)
To: Kwilliams
"Tarts and Toads Alert!" Luvit, Neil!
32 posted on
04/15/2003 4:35:38 PM PDT by
(A liberal mind already is terribly wasted.)
To: Kwilliams
I saw that piece and was left agape at his cander in saying what I mutter constantly. It is small wonder FOX rocks while CNN and et all sucks.
34 posted on
04/15/2003 4:36:49 PM PDT by
Ursus arctos horribilis
("It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!" Emiliano Zapata 1879-1919)
To: Kwilliams
..."These Tinsel Town tarts and toads had no problem shoving off some conservative boob to the sidelines, but god forbid it should happen to them." PRICLESS!
38 posted on
04/15/2003 5:05:44 PM PDT by
(24 hours in a day ... 24 beers in a case ... coincidence?)
To: Kwilliams
I saw that today . Mr. Cavuto has been on my credibility list for about 4 years now . I am pleased I have the hours I do in the day to be able to view him .
Some of the best business leaders in my time have appeared on his show , giving me the privelage to listen to them also . Bumping Mr. Cavuto .
43 posted on
04/15/2003 6:18:37 PM PDT by
Ben Bolt
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