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Canada shut out of postwar contracts in Iraq
| 4/14/03
Posted on 04/14/2003 6:02:26 AM PDT by areafiftyone
WASHINGTON - Canadian companies have been shut out of the bidding for lucrative rebuilding contracts in Iraq, with the biggest going to companies with ties to the Bush administration.
The multimillion-dollar contract to clean up the Iraqi oil fires went to Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, the company U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney ran as chief executive for five years until 2000.
That had critics up in arms over who stands to profit from the war in Iraq.
"It appears that the Bush administration really doesn't get it when it comes to the appearance of conflict of interest," said Steven Weiss of the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington.
Halliburton did step out of the race for the main $900-million (US) contract to help rebuild Iraq, but could still profit from it if its subsidiary gets work from one of the two companies still in the running.
"It sends the message that if you play the game you are going to enhance your changes in the picking of the spoils," said Weiss.
Initial bids for the contract were by invitation, and there aren't many invitations going Canada's way lately.
Hussein Ibish of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee says that's likely how Canada will be treated after Ottawa didn't endorse the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
"Well, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were a Canadian NGO, a Canadian expert, a Canadian technical, for-profit corporation, because these feelings run quite deeply," said Ibish.
However, the Bush administration has said there will be opportunities for companies for other countries to rebuild Iraq.
"The U.S. already made clear that companies from all over would be welcome to participate and provide subcontracting services. I think the key is expertise," especially in peacekeeping and chemical clean-up, said Ariel Cohen of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank.
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: canada; littleredhen; postwariraq
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To: areafiftyone
hehehe... Cretin is now finding out what its like to be on the wrong side.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:03:15 AM PDT
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To: areafiftyone
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posted on
04/14/2003 6:07:07 AM PDT
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To: goldstategop
after Ottawa didn't endorse the U.S.-led war in Iraq.Not only did they not endorse, I think the verbal slander was worse.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:07:11 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
If You play the game, you will pay just the same. To bad you didnt reign in your government. Now you will all pay.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:07:17 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
"Hussein Ibish of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee says that's likely how Canada will be treated..."
Which side is Hussein Ibish on now? I can't stand listening to this toad's doublespeak.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:07:20 AM PDT
(Freud was right! Martha Burk has golf ball envy.)
To: areafiftyone
Canada shut out of postwar contracts in Iraq As they say in Uzbeckistan, toughshifsky.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:09:00 AM PDT
(Peace through Strength)
To: areafiftyone
"It appears that the Bush administration really doesn't get it when it comes to the appearance of conflict of interest,"How rich! Of course, if a Canadian country got the contract, it wouldn't be a conflict of interest to take money for a job it fought like hell to not be able to get. These folks not longer make me mad. They're just clowns, providing entertainment.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:09:34 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
Tough s#it... like the French, they had 12 years to do business in Iraq.
Note to Cretien: Life's tough. It's tougher if you're stupid.
To: TonyWojo
I keep thinking of all those smart ass remarks by Liberal MPs. Do the Canucks really expect we wouldn't remember? Yeah, payback's a bitch. But they made their bed and now they have to sleep in it - alone.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:09:54 AM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: areafiftyone
GWB: "No pie for you."
posted on
04/14/2003 6:09:57 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
""It sends the message that if you play the game you are going to enhance your changes in the picking of the spoils," said Weiss. "
No $hit. Any other Questions
To: TomGuy
Belly Girl: Canada, you shut the hell up. We'll save Iraq!!!
posted on
04/14/2003 6:12:29 AM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: areafiftyone
That had critics up in arms over who stands to profit from the war in Iraq.Here we are planning to spend billions of OUR money to rebuild Iraq and it seems most outsiders think there's something wrong with US companies leading that effort. What did these FOOLS think was going to happen? I'm pretty sure there are ample sources for almost any project envisioned from countries that are a part of the "COALITION OF THE WILLING", Canada wasn't WILLING!.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:14:25 AM PDT
Mister Baredog
((They wanted to kill 50,000 of us on 9/11, we will never forget!))
To: areafiftyone
They need to open up more trade with France ...their mother land
posted on
04/14/2003 6:14:32 AM PDT
(Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
To: OpusatFR
I can't stand listening to this toad's doublespeakI would only add "big, fat, obnoxious, pompous, biased, condesending, etc. TOAD!!
posted on
04/14/2003 6:17:22 AM PDT
Mister Baredog
((They wanted to kill 50,000 of us on 9/11, we will never forget!))
To: areafiftyone
Even if Halliburton has "ties" to the Bush Admin, they are still the best company for the job! They are well known and respected within the industry.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:17:40 AM PDT
(Get the U.N. out of the U.S, and get the U.S. out of the U.N.)
To: Roughneck
I agree. Also, everyone should remember that the largest company that was doing business in Oppressed Iraq was the French oil company, ElfFinaTotal. The largest shareholder of ElfFinaTotal is the Canadian prime minister's son-in-law (there was an article last week here on FR about it, I'll see if I can dig up the link). Of course the French and Canadians were content to let the Iraqi people wallow in misery, as long as their oil contracts were honored by the murderous Saddam. But now Free Iraq is a whole new ballgame...
posted on
04/14/2003 6:24:15 AM PDT
(Martin Sheen is not my president...)
To: areafiftyone
Steven Weiss of the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington.
Is it true that his family crest is in the shape of a horse's patootie?
posted on
04/14/2003 6:24:32 AM PDT
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