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To: Just mythoughts; Sabertooth; Terriergal; ALS; DensaMensa; Destro; VadeRetro; patriot_wes; ...
Well, here we go again. More claptrap from the Christian Identity Movement and white supremacists.

WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! Some of this material is racist and may be offensive in nature. The Following information is presented only to demonstrate the SOURCE of information being relied on by Just mythoughts and others on this thread.

Tracing our Ancestors by Frederick Haberman

This book was originally published under the title: "Tracing our White Ancestors." The very first web link to Frederick Haberman is to the Christian Identity like "America's Promise Ministry" web-site that offers the following logo:

A cursory reading of their site leads one to the extensive reliance on the writings and "research" of one E. Raymond Capt about whom we will see more later in this post.

Another Haberman link takes us to The Panzer Catalog Site where, along with Fredrick Haberman's

we find such offerings as:

Ian Stuart, Nazi Rock Star

And other such "wholesome" titles as:

offered for sale. Disgusting.

Next, we have offered us the "authoritative" source:

Dan The pioneer of Israel. By Colonel J. C. Gawler (His early enterprise his settlements, and connection with the Scythians.

Dan: The Pioneer of Israel
by Colonel J. C. Gawler

Gawler, the Keeper of the Crown Jewels in the late 1800's, traces the migrations of the Tribe of Dan by their tendency to stamp their tribal name on various locales. New 40 page stapleback. Reprint of 1880 edition.

Gawler's book (no, PAMPHLET) is offered for sale on such "credible" historical sites as Aryan Nation, and Christian Identity. There apparently are no peer reviewed works by Gawler.

Then, surprisingly, we are offered:

The Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger

Gee. Someone who has some authority... A legitimate scholar. .. but not recent. Exactly what does Bullinger add to your argument? AT least his stuff is apparently not pushed on White Supremacist sites.

One Man's Destiny, by E.R. Dickey

Another author found primarily on Aryan Nation's Catalog.

The next "scholar" is a published author and quite famous in his real profession... amazing... and really histerically funny that he is a "source" for this claptrap!

The Drama of the Lost Disciples, by George F. Jowett

This is the ONLY "history" book written by Jowett... his other offerings were, shall we say, targeted to a completely different audience. Here is an example of one of his advertisements:

Judah' Sceptre/Josheph's Birthright by J.H. Allen

Another "prolific" one book author, non peer-reviewed and only citing his own interpretation of the Bible as his sources.

Sargon the Magnificent by Mrs. Sydney Bristowe

Another ONE BOOK (pamphlet) non-SCHOLAR, un peer-reviewed with no degrees or authority. The book is sold on Aryan Nation's web-site.

St. Paul in Britain by R.W. Morgan

From a web-based book store review:

19th-century book purporting to prove that Paul of Tarsus was not martyred in Rome but instead went to Britain to preach the gospel. It may have to do with Anglo-Israelism, or it may tie in with the Priory of Sion theory or something like it... The introduction by the always-fascinating Reverend Gene Scott, in which he offers his support of the author's theory, and also offers a version of the 29th chapter of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles -- which is interesting because, you see, most people would agree that the Book of the Acts of the Apostles has only 28 chapters to begin with. Could this late-appearing chapter, published in a late 18th-century travel book by a Frenchman with an unaccountably Italian name, be a forgery? "It's absurd to think that he deliberately invented the manuscript. He was a Frenchman!" Scott reasons.

The manuscript even reveals the exact spot in Britain where Paul preached: Mount Lud, which Scott explains is "Broadway and Ludgate. Where do you think they got the idea to build the church?" You guessed it: he means St. Paul's Cathedral. Tidy, no?

R.W. Morgan must have been the prototype of the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding... but he was fixated on the Welsh, not the greeks:

In "Celts and Druids, Who Were They?" Celtic historian E. A. Holmes reports on Morgan's 'theory:"

One of the most colorful theories of the origins of the Celts traces their ancestry to Noah and his Ark. In 1857 the Reverend R. W. Morgan had no doubt at all that the Cymry (pronounced "Kumrie") were descendants of Chomr, or Gomer, eldest son of Japhet, who was the eldest son of Noah.

In his The British Kymry or Britons of Cambria one learns how the Kymry determined, under the guidance of Hu Gadarn, to seek again the White Island of the West where their father, Dwy Van, had built the ship of Nevydd Nav Neivion. Not only were they successful in their resolve, but in the process of carrying it out they colonized Umbria in Northern Italy, Liguria in Italy and Gaul, and Armorica, now known as Brittany, and gave Welsh names to all the places through which they passed.

Thus we have the Alps (meaning in Welsh "Rocky Mounts"), the Rhone (meaning "River of Eddies"), Arar ("Slow River"), and Gascony ("Gwasgwyn"-- the Vine Land). The name "Armorica" is "ar y mor ucha," which translates as "on the Upper Sea." It is so much like another name, "America," also on the Upper Sea, that one wonders why the Rev. Morgan didn't claim that another of his Kymric tribes sailed on across the Atlantic! Not content with peopling the Western world with his Kymry, our author claimed they also colonized India and the Middle East. The Greeks were either cousins or descendants of the Kymry, and Jove, Venus, Hercules, Jason, and Helen of Troy were all Welsh! We are also told it was a descendant of the defeated Trojans, Brutus, who came to Britain and founded Caer Troian, afterwards called Caer Llud -- now London.

Did I mention that Morgan only wrote one book... in 1857?

Abrahamic Covenant by E. Raymond Capt
Traditions of Glastonbury by E. Raymond Capt
Scottish Declaration of Independence by E. Raymond Capt

Finally... this brings us to E. Raymond Capt, the fairhaired boy of the Lost Tribe theorists, who accounts for THREE, count'em, three, citations from the list of eleven.

Here is my research on this fraudulent "scholar" from a long deleted thread on FreeRepublic of 12/28/2002:


Here is a dust-jacket like, thumbnail biography of E. Raymond Capt from the Artisan Publishers Website. (bold items stressed by Swordmaker)


E. Raymond Capt

At first glance one might think E. Raymond Capt must be an ordained minister. He quotes chapter and verses from the Scriptures and tells about Bible characters in a flowing narrative which would credit any pulpit. What he's been for over forty years, though, is a practicing archaeologist - not always digging to unearth ancient remains but in recent years, sifting through known archaeological findings to shed new light on the history of the Bible.

Capt holds a Master of arts degree in Christian History and Biblical Archaeology from Covenant College, Lake Wales, Florida, and California State teaching credentials in BIBLICAL Archaeology and History. He is also a member of the Archaeological Institute of America. In addition to writing, Capt has produced and presents slide and film lectures on Biblical Archaeology. These have been enjoyed by clubs, churches and schools in many states and in Great Britain.

In 1972 Capt was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and in 1976 received an honorary Doctorate of Literature, (Doctor Literarum Honoris Causa) from the Accademia Testina Per Le Scienze, (established A.D. 450) Pescara, Italy.


A search of the Web finds only one Covenant College in the United States. It is in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where it has been since 1964. Before that it was located for 8 years in St. Loius, Missouri, and prior to that for one year in Pasadena, California, where it was founded in 1955. A search of Lake Wales, Florida, shows no "Covenant College" in the area. There may once have been such a college but most likely not since 1955 when the currently existing Covenant College claimed the name.

Another search of the web brought me to the California State Government pages where one can look up the teaching credentials of persons holding such credentials. A search for the last name of "Capt" finds no teacher credentialled in California in the last 13 years with that name. The database admits that it is not totally inclusive and "may not retrieve data for credentials issued prior to 1989. However, it is unlikely that the State of California has ever issued a teaching credential in "Biblical Archaeology" since it is doubtful such a credential exists. "Biblical Archaeology" is a specific single subject as is "History" and would require a teacher to hold a valid single subject teaching credential. The California Commission of Teacher Credentialling lists the following as valid single subject credentials:

The statutory subjects available for California Single Subject Teaching Credentials are as follows

Health Science
Home Economics Industrial and Technology Education
Language Other Than English (specify)
Physical Education
Science: Biological Sciences
Science: Chemistry
Science: Geosciences
Science: Physics
Social Science

I do not see "Biblical Archeaology" on that list.

I believe that E. Raymond Capt's college degree has been issued by a non-existant college (at least it doesn't exist where he says it is) and that his claims to a degree is a fraud, or at best was issued in exchange for a fee from a "diploma mill" where a cactus could get a doctorate with the appropriate amount of money changing hands.

His membership in the "Archaeological Institute of America" is equivalent to being a member of the National Georgraphic Society"... anyone can join by subscribing. This means NOTHING.

The "Society of Antiquaries of Scotland" is a venerable and honorable society with 3000 fellows. There is, however, no way of currently searching their site for active members nor inquiring with their officials about Capt's "fellowship" as they are currently on a holiday hiatus. However, seeing as only ONE BLACKBALL from a member can prevent the election of a new member, it is highly unlikely that someone with the lack of legitimate credentials and peer-reviewed publications as Capt could make it into membership. This is inconclusive.

Finally, a search of the World Wide Web for "Accademia Testina Per Le Scienze" where he received his "honorary doctorate of Literature" has exactly ONE (count'em, 1) citation on a Google search - Artisan Publishing's Website, in Capt's biography! For an organization supposedly established in 450 A.D., it is remarkably invisible on the web. Isn't that an AMAZING date for the establishment of this "Accademia" (also interesting spelling). Only the Catholic Church may be an older institution! I think this is more of Capt's creative and imaginative scholarship.

Even Capt's own biography does not stand up to even cursory scrutiny. If his biography is a fraud, then so are his aspirations to scholarship, and so are the products of his "scholarship!"

Now, PaulKersey, would you care to repeat your "lazy asses" comment? I think you are probably well qualified to fetch the items you asked about...

Incientally, exactly WHAT planet is Capt from? Look at the globe in the background of his photo... hehehe.


Only one bonefide scholar in the bunch... and his work is only vaguely related to the topic at hand. The rest are charlatans or amatuers with pet theories. These are not sources for anything except gales of laughter.

200 posted on 04/13/2003 1:40:04 AM PDT by Swordmaker (Tagline Extermination Services, franchises available, small investment, big profit)
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To: Swordmaker
Thanks again Sword - I never understood the fascination with this idea of "lost tribes" - God knows where they are, if they're lost, and he'll take care of it.
201 posted on 04/13/2003 5:51:00 AM PDT by Terriergal (Si vis pacem, para bellum....)
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To: Swordmaker
Wow!! Thanks for the info Sword. This Lost Tribe junk seems to pop up every once in a while and every link I've ever gone to provided by the groups believing the theory traces back to questionable sites at best
202 posted on 04/13/2003 6:43:18 AM PDT by billbears (Deo Vindice)
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To: Swordmaker
"The Following information is presented only to demonstrate the SOURCE of information being relied on by Just mythoughts and others on this thread."

You sir have done this website a severe injustice and have personally and directly insulted many of its members by accusing us of having any connection whatsoever with these vile groups.

I can only speak for myself, but I have never read these books or heard of their authors. Your false accusations fall down with your false theory that we would participate in white supremacy.

From what I can see, it appears as though YOU are the one that has been reading these books and cruising their websites, not us.

Just because two people share SOME of the same beliefs and one happens to be of vile character, you then assume they both are identical in all other ways. I would submit that there be no belief that isn't shared with at least one human of vile character and that would leave you and your beliefs in the same boat with where you've chosen to put ours.

I would suspect you are far too obsessed with nazis and the like and are projecting some personal life drama upon others.

You are simply wrong about us and your hatefilled theory.


203 posted on 04/13/2003 7:22:36 AM PDT by ALS
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To: Swordmaker
That doesn't address the merits of the case for or against in a kind of reverse argumentum ad verecundium(or in this instance an appeal against the authority and credibility of the authors). While what you made reference to is interesting and is worthy of bearing in mind, it is still not addressing the question in a manner similiar to a series argumentum ad hominem.
204 posted on 04/13/2003 7:50:49 AM PDT by TwilightDog ("The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast"--Oscar Wilde)
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To: Swordmaker
Your post is a classic example of hate speech masquerading as serious research. Every Junior High School student knows your technique by the name "guilt by association". Liberals use it all the time, and it seems to work on their type of followers.

It is truly amazing how a steaming pile of manure like your post can remain on Free Republic while carefully thought out arguments which are lucid, specific, honest and carefully thought out are deleted.

205 posted on 04/13/2003 8:10:18 AM PDT by DensaMensa (He who controls the definitions controls History. He who controls History controls the future.)
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To: Swordmaker
I do appreciate your post. Now I understand why such hate was spewed. Seems I walked into a crossfire of two hate groups.

Very interesting how some go to so much effort to discredit others simply based upon hate.

Knowledge is power and one must test the fruits to find the source of that power. Interesting that the beginning we are warned about the "Tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

There seems to be all kinds who use the Written Word to arm themselves for their cause, which show the ignorance, because they obviously have not read WHO is in control.

So this thread has been an interesting journey of firey darts, but that is ok, it does not change what was Written.

Know the haters on both sides of the coin.

We in America has been taught the method of operation "politically" by the last administration, to attempt to destroy ones enemies. Attempt to destroy credibility, associate one with a known "evil". Intimidate one by insulting, ridicule, you know the flesh side of the firey darts were are warned to be armed for.

So can't wait for the so called "Christian Identity" haters to step in and take a few shots.

207 posted on 04/13/2003 8:24:39 AM PDT by Just mythoughts
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To: Swordmaker
Excellent job. The ten tribes are an interesting (although relatively minor) question of history, but when one particular theory about them is enthusiastically embraced only by groups of a questionable nature, it is a strong signal for the rest of us to use caution regarding such "research." If mainstream historians and archaeologists ever accept these notions, that will be different. But for now, such notions seem to be part of the agenda of an oddball few with a dubious reputation. Perhaps "junk science" is too kind a term for such material.
209 posted on 04/13/2003 9:11:58 AM PDT by PatrickHenry (Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.)
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To: Swordmaker
Salute to you, Bro. You did what I was too lazy to do.
212 posted on 04/13/2003 11:40:36 AM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorisim by visiting
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To: Swordmaker
Thanks Sword.

I knew if someone scratched hard enough, they'd find hate-filled cultists behind the British Israel theories.
269 posted on 04/14/2003 10:02:41 AM PDT by fishtank
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