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To: Oldeconomybuyer
I suppose someone has to speak up and today it's me.

IF that was a US or UK Soldier on the ground there would be a thousand plus posts, and the perps would be dead in the street.

There seems to be a reporter standing over the two men (Old White guy with blue check shirt), therefore it is safe to say that military personnel were near by.

The Brits say they cannot police the streets, however they would have policed the streets if he had been a UK or US soldier or Reporter lying on the ground.

The Allies have come to Iraq to free the people not to let them revert back to animal insticnts and do whatever they want, public beatings or executions are not acceptable in the west and should not be in the streets of Baghdad.

When Tito ruled Yugoslavia, he was ruthless, but after his death the state crumbled into ethnic differences.

Let us not replace one dictator with Mobocracy, or we will be sending body bags home for the next 50 years, as Iraq will never be stable.

64 posted on 04/08/2003 12:40:18 PM PDT by John_11_25
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To: John_11_25
Yeah? Tell that Balloon Stuffing to the victims those guys handed over to their REGIME COMMANDER, SADDAM.
65 posted on 04/08/2003 12:43:53 PM PDT by azhenfud
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To: John_11_25
"Let us not replace one dictator with Mobocracy, or we will be sending body bags home for the next 50 years, as Iraq will never be stable."

We are not there to RUN Iraq we are there to liberate it.
This is strictly a domestic squabble which the Brits are wise to stay out of.

Its for Iraqis to decide how to try and punish their own bad boys. The Brits have already put one of the locals in charge. Soon courts will be set up. Untill then, its better to have the populace taking their country in their own hands even at the expense of a few butchers being murdered.

There's a war on. Times are tough. This guy made his bed, and now he gets to die in it.
78 posted on 04/08/2003 12:56:16 PM PDT by konaice
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To: John_11_25
The Brits say they cannot police the streets, however they would have policed the streets if he had been a UK or US soldier or Reporter lying on the ground.

In case you didn't notice, green shirt had a gun -- safer to take him down with a 2x4 than to have bullets flying into a crowd, or at the Brits, wouldn't you say?

Law and order will come in time -- willingness of the people to stand up to the their tormentors is a good sign right now.

83 posted on 04/08/2003 1:04:39 PM PDT by browardchad
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To: John_11_25
When you have handed out Sh*t to people for years, they eventually get even or even ahead. Don't like it, use the Golden Rule next time.
92 posted on 04/08/2003 1:13:46 PM PDT by DeathfromBelow
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To: John_11_25
The reporters probably take the same stance the wildlife photographer takes--it's not pretty to see that gazelle getting his throat ripped out by the lion, but you have to let nature run its course and not interfere. In this case, retribution is taking its course. I couldn't beat the crap out of someone unless they had done harm to my family. Because I'm a decent human being, I even have some feelings for a worthless, sadistic Feyadeen who is being beaten to a pulp, but I don't begrudge someone doing what they feel is necessary to someone who has probably been evil to a degree that we can't imagine. I imagine a lot of this will be going on until the coalition is firmly rooted in. You can't expect it not to happen and I'm not going to be losing too much sleep over it. Law and order will have to wait for now.
98 posted on 04/08/2003 1:35:21 PM PDT by beaversmom (After the Axis of Evil on to the Axis of Weasels)
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To: John_11_25
I'm sure they will start policing it.... vey soon.

I'm suprised no one is hitting them with their shoes.

I expect tomorrow morning the questions about "How will you guarantee the safety of our colleagues in the Fedayeen Saddam?" will be at the top of the reporters' list.
121 posted on 04/08/2003 3:48:49 PM PDT by johnb838 (Understand the root causes of American anger)
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