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**PHOTOS** - A Fedayeen member is beaten by a group residents on the streets of Basra
Yahoo News Photos ^
| 4-8-03
Posted on 04/08/2003 12:01:05 PM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer
Tue Apr 8, 2:29 PM ET |
A man, suspected of being a Fedayeen member, is beaten by a group residents on the streets of Basra, Iraq (news - web sites) Tuesday April 8, 2003. (AP Photo/Jon Mills, Pool) |
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Rhode Island; United Kingdom; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: fedayeen; pictures
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To: John_11_25
I'm sure they will start policing it.... vey soon.
I'm suprised no one is hitting them with their shoes.
I expect tomorrow morning the questions about "How will you guarantee the safety of our colleagues in the Fedayeen Saddam?" will be at the top of the reporters' list.
posted on
04/08/2003 3:48:49 PM PDT
(Understand the root causes of American anger)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Now THAT'S the same guy.
Wonder what's up with that second one?
To: mommadooo3
Wonder what's up with that second one? I don't know, but suspect that some newly liberated Iraqi got an earfull.
To: TexanToTheCore
Pour encourager les autres...
(I hate french but that one is quite good. By Napolean I believe)
posted on
04/08/2003 3:51:14 PM PDT
(Understand the root causes of American anger)
To: johnb838; Salamander
To: Aria
Just a thought about the shirt. Frequently, when manufacturers screw up someone's order, they give the shirts to charity if they can't be salvaged. They were probably supposed to say Portland, Oregon, and eventually ended up in the hands of an aid agency where they made their way to Iraq.
To: seamole
If they try to stop all the retribution they are likely to find themselves fighting both the fedayeen AND the civilians. THEN you would have all the required elements together for another Mogadishu.
posted on
04/08/2003 3:55:53 PM PDT
(Understand the root causes of American anger)
To: jbind
"This guy had a gun. Why didn't he use it if he is Fayadeen?"
A pistol without bullets just isn't very convincing against a ball bat.
posted on
04/08/2003 4:07:17 PM PDT
(Non entia multiplicandia sunt prater necessetatum.)
To: Joe 6-pack
He's been my "hero" since I was about 10....:))
posted on
04/08/2003 6:42:22 PM PDT
(Subliminal Salamander)
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