To: Oldeconomybuyer
The guy in green's gonna have a hugh headake. Is his ear missing?
23 posted on
04/08/2003 12:11:32 PM PDT by
To: azhenfud
The guy in green's gonna have a hugh headake. Is his ear missing?Huh? What did you say?
It's either that or his barber is into big whitewalls.
29 posted on
04/08/2003 12:13:25 PM PDT by
To: azhenfud
Is his ear missing? <<< Yep, doesn't look like he has an ear to me. That was one of Saddam's favorite tricks with dissenters - cut an ear off, not quite as severe as cutting your tongue out.
This guy evidently got the message after he lost an ear and joined the Fedayeen Saddam....poor bastard; now he's between a rock and a hard place.
To: azhenfud
Is his ear missing?What did you say?
84 posted on
04/08/2003 1:05:28 PM PDT by
(Hootie should kick Burk in her booty.)
To: azhenfud
...hugh headake. = huge headache.
89 posted on
04/08/2003 1:08:30 PM PDT by
To: azhenfud
The Ba'athist used to cut off people ears as a warning to others who didn't cooperate. Pigs!! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson