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**PHOTOS** - A Fedayeen member is beaten by a group residents on the streets of Basra
Yahoo News Photos ^
| 4-8-03
Posted on 04/08/2003 12:01:05 PM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer
Tue Apr 8, 2:29 PM ET |
A man, suspected of being a Fedayeen member, is beaten by a group residents on the streets of Basra, Iraq (news - web sites) Tuesday April 8, 2003. (AP Photo/Jon Mills, Pool) |
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Rhode Island; United Kingdom; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: fedayeen; pictures
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To: Salamander
This photo has inspired me to prepare a care package for Iraqi villagers.
One Small bottle of Advil
Three Dozen axe handles.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:38:07 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
A good start.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:38:11 PM PDT
To: proust
Hey, that's what I heard at noon on the radio--they are asking for an escort out of town! HAHAHAHAHA
posted on
04/08/2003 12:39:20 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
I suppose someone has to speak up and today it's me.
IF that was a US or UK Soldier on the ground there would be a thousand plus posts, and the perps would be dead in the street.
There seems to be a reporter standing over the two men (Old White guy with blue check shirt), therefore it is safe to say that military personnel were near by.
The Brits say they cannot police the streets, however they would have policed the streets if he had been a UK or US soldier or Reporter lying on the ground.
The Allies have come to Iraq to free the people not to let them revert back to animal insticnts and do whatever they want, public beatings or executions are not acceptable in the west and should not be in the streets of Baghdad.
When Tito ruled Yugoslavia, he was ruthless, but after his death the state crumbled into ethnic differences.
Let us not replace one dictator with Mobocracy, or we will be sending body bags home for the next 50 years, as Iraq will never be stable.
To: John_11_25
Yeah? Tell that Balloon Stuffing to the victims those guys handed over to their REGIME COMMANDER, SADDAM.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:43:53 PM PDT
To: azhenfud
Is his ear missing? <<< Yep, doesn't look like he has an ear to me. That was one of Saddam's favorite tricks with dissenters - cut an ear off, not quite as severe as cutting your tongue out.
This guy evidently got the message after he lost an ear and joined the Fedayeen Saddam....poor bastard; now he's between a rock and a hard place.
To: Paradox
Swing Away, Merrill!
posted on
04/08/2003 12:44:30 PM PDT
(Time is the fire in which we burn...)
To: Aria
OMG! Look at the shirt he is wearing. I live in Portland Oregon though. I think it says Rhode Island on it, is there a Portland, Rhode Island? Oregon, Maine, Texas, Indiana, Connecticut, Tennessee, Michigan, North Dakota, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin all have "Portlands." Rhode Island didn't show on my list.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:44:45 PM PDT
To: The KG9 Kid
the guy on the background also have a piece under the shirt,right hand making sure don`t fall(get a holster)
To: jbind
This guy had a gun. Why didn't he use it if he is Fayadeen? Bang. Bang. Click. Click. Click.
"Oh, Shiite!!"
posted on
04/08/2003 12:46:20 PM PDT
To: Yankee
The "Tractor & Supply Co." have some wonderful hickory handles.....:))
posted on
04/08/2003 12:46:21 PM PDT
(Subliminal Salamander)
To: Chancellor Palpatine; jbind
This guy had a gun. Why didn't he use it if he is Fayadeen? Look at the way he's holding it. He's trying to very definitely convey the fact that he doesn't want to use it. He is wildly outnumbered and wants to get out fast, without firing the shot that will bring upon him his death.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:47:51 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Interesting how much this guy in the Rhode Island shirt resembles a common, garden verity gang member/street criminal in America.....
To: PoisedWoman
"WE need to get saw and order established "
I agree, a saw would be most appropriate here.
(SAW = Squad Automatic Weapon = US light machine gun).
Oh, perhaps you meant LAW?
Same difference, A SAW lays down the LAW.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:49:36 PM PDT
To: green team 1999
The guy in the brown over tan can be seen on the extreme left of the image of the citizens beaten on the bad guys...Look closely.....
To: green team 1999
You can only see his shirt and pants in the other image on the extreme left.......
To: ThomasMore
Payback's a bummer.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:53:44 PM PDT
(Regime change began at home.)
To: John_11_25
"Let us not replace one dictator with Mobocracy, or we will be sending body bags home for the next 50 years, as Iraq will never be stable."
We are not there to RUN Iraq we are there to liberate it.
This is strictly a domestic squabble which the Brits are wise to stay out of.
Its for Iraqis to decide how to try and punish their own bad boys. The Brits have already put one of the locals in charge. Soon courts will be set up. Untill then, its better to have the populace taking their country in their own hands even at the expense of a few butchers being murdered.
There's a war on. Times are tough. This guy made his bed, and now he gets to die in it.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:56:16 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
I'm glad to see this happening in Basra. It's called peer pressure and it works.
To: Paul_B
Maybe sombody yanked out the clip. If he were loaded up, I don't think he would get enough of them before they clobered him again.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:58:38 PM PDT
(I'm an old fool, but..)
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