1 posted on
04/07/2003 11:19:16 AM PDT by
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To: dead
These people are starting to show how nuts they are.
To: dead
Tina Brown, a has been.
3 posted on
04/07/2003 11:21:47 AM PDT by
To: dead
I really despise that Tina Brown ... she's a prissy moron IMO. I can't believe CNBC actually even considered giving her a show, particularly since they already have more liberal oozing than anybody would ever desire, what with Martha McCallum, Clinton love-boy & DNC suck-up Christopher Whitcomb and now, even worse, Gloria Borger.
4 posted on
04/07/2003 11:21:50 AM PDT by
Steven W.
To: dead
this from Tina Broan: a dense, angry, taciturn, WET drunk, second-rate writer. maybe third-rate.
5 posted on
04/07/2003 11:22:10 AM PDT by
(no camle jokes, please...OK, maybe one little one)
To: dead
As usual, I'm there." Can anybody name ANYTHING she's done that has been successful or she hasn't been fired from?
6 posted on
04/07/2003 11:22:39 AM PDT by
("I do believe this city is freakin' ours." -- Capt. Chris Carter of Watkinsville Ga)
To: dead
How the mighty have fallen,,,
7 posted on
04/07/2003 11:22:44 AM PDT by
try phecta tom
((Harvey RULES. Paul not the rabbit)
To: dead
To: dead
Yeah..I read this article last week and sent off an email to inform her how freaking idiotic she is. Isn't it interesting how W can evoke such a cry of desperation from these slimeball liberals.
9 posted on
04/07/2003 11:24:12 AM PDT by
To: dead
Sour grapes turning into raisins on the rack of self-absorption.
10 posted on
04/07/2003 11:24:24 AM PDT by
("...the very obsession of your public service must be Duty, Honor, Country." D. MacArthur)
To: dead
Tina Brown's comments say more about her and her worldview than they do about the President.
To: dead
Tina who?
"When he's not scripted, his bald answers seem to be covering up ulterior motives. . . . Bush seems as occluded as a second-rate actor."
Thank you, Dr. Sigmund Fraud. My, how these lefties are filled with hate.
12 posted on
04/07/2003 11:24:55 AM PDT by
(The Left is Sa-damanated by hatred for America)
To: dead
Taciturn isn't a bad thing to be, Tina. You should try it sometime.
To: dead
TINA Brown, whose CNBC show was canceled when the war began, has volunteered to have a live, televised colostomy (without lubrication), ala Perky Katie Couric, in an effort to give her failed 'carear' a push from behind.
15 posted on
04/07/2003 11:25:38 AM PDT by
(Just like Black September. One by one, we're gonna get 'em.)
To: dead
Separated at Birth?
To: dead
Bill Maher and Kato Kaelin deserve one another. A has-been and a never-been. Can you imagine what Kato's mother thinks? "My boy, bless his heart, the hanger-on who never actually held a job in his life! I'm so proud."
To: dead
To: dead
Tina Brown: a t*rd-rate journalist.
23 posted on
04/07/2003 11:29:32 AM PDT by
(So..... This is Virginia..... where are all the virgins?)
To: dead
I guess I'm out of it, but I don't recognize the names of any of these "celebs".
25 posted on
04/07/2003 11:30:06 AM PDT by
To: dead
Bush "has the damped down anger of the dry drunk...There is something dense and taciturn about Bush even when he's being charming . . . When he's not scripted, his bald answers seem to be covering up ulterior motives. . . . Bush seems as occluded as a second-rate actor." Brown doesn't realize how much of herself and her own narrow world she is projecting. She observes Bush's classic Texas rancher mannerisms, with the squint from the Texas glare and the no-nonsense bruskness of a man whose list of chores is longer than a Texas summer day, and she interprets them according to the self-indulgent wussified New York/London parlor pansies she surrounds herself with. She should just shut up, lest she reveal more of herself than she intends to.
26 posted on
04/07/2003 11:31:22 AM PDT by
To: dead
Who is Tina Brown and why should I care what she says?
29 posted on
04/07/2003 11:35:01 AM PDT by
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