"We're starting to see quite a bit of it on the streets," Scott Swett, chairman of the Free Republic Network, told Fox News. "People are interested in taking a stand and having their voices heard..."Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good, too...
...but he also called the "anti-war" protests "Peace RIOTS!"See also:THAT was a classic, Scott!!!
FRN Chairman to appear on Fox and Friends
Free Republic Network ^ | April 1, 2003 | Free Republic Netwok
Posted on 04/01/2003 8:02 PM PST by The Shrew
The Free Republic Network is pleased to announce that its chairman, Scott Swett, is scheduled to appear on the Fox News Network's Morning show - Fox and Friends at approximately 8:00 EST, Wednesday, April 2, 2003 to discuss the Rally for America and the Network's support of our troops fighting terrorism throughout the world and in support of our troops in the war in Iraq.
Scott will be representing Freepers far and wide in this rare network media opportunity to talk about our support of the US Military, President Bush and our desire to see a free Iraqi people.
In a six to eight minute segment Scott will be highlighting the recent nationwide rallies. Over the course of the month of March in over 100 cities over 150,000 people attended rallies in support of our troops...
CLICK HERE for the rest of the thread
It would be nice to see that phrase get some mileage. It's a pretty effective two-word dismissal of the peace thugs.
Say, there's another one.