The only comparison I see is between Kerry and Benedict Arnold. Turncoats Kerry, Peter Arnett and Geraldo Rivera reek with the odor of betrayors of our Nation.
We might also add the vile statements of the Dixie Chicklets and lowbrow denizens of the Hollwarped swamp to our Moments to Remember during wartime.
1 posted on
04/06/2003 3:14:12 AM PDT by
To: Liz
Conyers used the "regime change" line at a small rally in Detroit yesterday. Apparently this is on the Rat talking points list and they think it is really clever.
I do remember that this line was first used by Harrison Ford, so the line isn't even oroiginal with Conyers and Kerry...they stole it.
A pox on them all.
To: Liz
I actually made the Benedict Arnold comparison myself a few days ago.
Peter Arnett doesn't rise to the level of a Benedict Arnold. Arnold after all was a true combat hero before becoming a traitor. Arnett has always been a weasel.
Geraldo was just being a fool, not malicious, at least IMHO.
4 posted on
04/06/2003 3:24:05 AM PDT by
To: Liz
Don't I remember some controversy about Kerry and possible war crimes under his watch?
6 posted on
04/06/2003 3:31:11 AM PDT by
To: Liz
We are in the middle of a regime change...the Democratic Crime Syndicate, like Saddam, like their propaganda machines, are destined for the ash heap of history. They still don't get it.
10 posted on
04/06/2003 3:38:17 AM PDT by
To: Liz
"Kerry proves himself to be shameless, despicable and completely unfit for any type of political office in this nation." Well, I guess the search for Clinton's replacement is over.
25 posted on
04/06/2003 5:23:07 AM PDT by
To: Liz
Geraldo was only a jerk, not a traitor
31 posted on
04/06/2003 7:41:27 AM PDT by
The Wizard
(Saddamocrats are enemies of Ameri)
To: Liz
Democrats should speak out against him, or they will soon be battling the Green Party for political relevancy. The Democrats are bleeding Green, and by making remarks like Kerry's they are hoping to limit defections from the left wing of their party. It looks like their 2004 strategy so far is to make a desperate attempt to hold together the "coalition" they have, rather than going after moderate voters.
To: Liz
To: Liz
The democrats/liberals' HATE for President Bush EXCEEDS their hope and concern for America, plus the FREEDOM of the IRAQI people.
43 posted on
04/06/2003 11:17:38 AM PDT by
To: Liz
John Kerry, aka 'Ketchup Boy' can go fornicate himself.
47 posted on
04/06/2003 11:27:07 AM PDT by
To: Liz
Hey, now...I think Geraldo is a grandstander, but don't compaare him to Arnett or Kerry. He screwed up with his big mouth trying to play to the audience, but I don't for a minute believe it was intentional.
To: Liz
I don't seem to remember Senator Kerry demanding a regime change in the past. I wonder why.
It's already happened in he Democratic Socialist side of the Senate.
58 posted on
04/11/2003 8:48:25 PM PDT by
To: Liz
Kerry is French toast. Stick a fork in him.
59 posted on
04/11/2003 8:54:57 PM PDT by
John Lenin
(Germany is afraid. France is afraid. Somewhere in the mountains of Peru, a llama herder is afraid)
To: Liz
60 posted on
03/13/2004 8:05:03 AM PST by
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