To: Scoop
Along with numerous paperwork errors, some guns were released before background checks were finished or fingerprints were taken. Federal law specifically states that if the background check is not completed within a specific period of time the firearm can be released.
And the whole idea of the "paperwork" is to make it too time-consuming and expensive to sell guns to anybody.
4 posted on
04/05/2003 9:35:10 AM PST by
E. Pluribus Unum
(Drug prohibition laws help fund terrorism.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
The fedgov says if the retailer has not received a "denial" on the background check after 3 business days, the retailer may opt to transfer the firearm. Probably the early transfers resulted from pimply-faced 16-year-olds not being able to count "business days". For instance, if I walked in on Wednesday and started the background check and got delayed, the following Tuesday would be the earliest I could pick up my Remington or whatever. At least, according to the feds--I understand there are state requirements in CA that have to be met, too.
To: E. Pluribus Unum
I wonder where Davis buys his guns? I'd rather live with the errors which exist currently on the system for a few reasons. First they provide incentive to improve the system and secondly we have a better opportunity to trace these purchases than black market. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson