To: MizSterious; rebdov; Nix 2; green lantern; BeOSUser; Brad's Gramma; dreadme; Turk2; Squantos; ...
To: Allan
3 posted on
04/04/2003 8:22:16 AM PST by
To: knighthawk
Now if only we would get a letter like this from a *real* (read: non-Arab Muslim) French citizen
To: knighthawk
"I am among millions of Canadians embarrassed ....."
He should be. While American, British, and Aussies are fighting and dying, Canada cheers for their enemies. This will forever be a stain on Canada.
To: knighthawk
What is your system of government? Heriditary monarchy? One-party dictatorship?
I appreciate your vote of support for the US war effort.
It would be more encouraging to see you vote the rascals out of office in your own country.
7 posted on
04/04/2003 8:27:35 AM PST by
To: knighthawk
Two bad Canada has become two nations. There is "Canada" our traditional friend and ally consisting of most citizens. Then there is Al-Qanada the U.N. sponsored Chretien socialist nation. Too bad latter is in charge of the entire country.
8 posted on
04/04/2003 8:28:33 AM PST by
(If Susan Sarandon pooped in the woods, would ELF boycott her?)
To: knighthawk
President Bush due to visit Ottowa in May.......wonder if he'll go.
9 posted on
04/04/2003 8:31:05 AM PST by
(without the brave, there would be no land of the free)
To: knighthawk
Excellent post.
Too bad the Canadian government doesn't represent the Canadian people.
10 posted on
04/04/2003 8:34:29 AM PST by
(This is my tag line. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
To: knighthawk
Chretien played it this way for partisan political reasons related to the current political balance in Quebec.
It's really a shame that the British were so liberal with the conquered Quebecois, and permitted responsible government, with French as a legal language. All this would have been nipped in the bud.
We'd all have been better off, including Quebeckers, if Quebec was english-speaking.
To: knighthawk
The apology of a few, doesn't excuse the betrayal of the majority..
Canada has been shamed by their ELECTED assholes..
If Canadians want to show remorse....they should "hang" the bastards...
In the meantime.....I'll shun Canada...
Semper Fi
15 posted on
04/04/2003 9:29:53 AM PST by
river rat
(War works......It brings Peace... Give war a chance to destroy Jihadists...)
To: knighthawk
Canada couldn't contribute much to the Iraqi situation, given the sorry state of our armed forces. But we could have offered moral support and perhaps a field hospital or a destroyer. Special Forces. You could have sent special forces. Australia did that. Poland did that. We didn't need a Canadian destroyer, but some additional guys out doing the grunt work would have been appreciated.
But Canada's in the doghouse now, certainly as long as Chretien is in office, probably as long as his party is in power. There is no way around it. I won't forget. I doubt many people will.
Of course the US was only a handful of inmate votes away from a Chretien-like Gore presidency, so I don't want to overdo the superiority-routine. We have, both sides of the border, a lot of work to do if we are going to save ourselves from the cretins.
19 posted on
04/04/2003 10:24:52 AM PST by
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