To: OriginalV
Just saw this headline on Drudge.
My first reaction was "GUFFAW ! THIS GUY IS TOAST!"
The fall out from this will be fun to watch.
Next Democrat canidate, step forward.
5 posted on
04/03/2003 6:44:46 AM PST by
(I don't want to go on the cart ... I feel happy ... happy.)
To: MassExodus
At a time of war this is not a good thing to say.
Wow. Isn't this guy a Vietham vet? He of all people should to atleast hold off on this until the war is completely over and the troops are safe!
7 posted on
04/03/2003 6:46:32 AM PST by
To: MassExodus
I predict an apology before the sun sets today or Kerry will be toast from here on.
This guy is a US senator and wannabe president? Not anymore...
To: MassExodus
The dumb-o-crat leadership is a total failure. They lead with their own self appointed egos instead of with their brains.
Defeat more in 2004.
14 posted on
04/03/2003 6:49:08 AM PST by
To: MassExodus
You are right...Kerry is DUMB to day this...Edwards, who supports the war, is leading in money raised by democrats...and his support is one reason that he leads. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson