To: fporretto
Victory bump.
Excellent article. The only positive thing about these protests is that it's making the blue-collar democrat union guys and gals in places like Philly, Chicago, and Boston very ticked off. Sports radio in Philly is full of average guys just going off on the "idiot protesters."
They're so narcissistic and convinced of their own importance that they don't even realize the damage they're doing to their own cause.
Pathetic, really.
7 posted on
03/21/2003 6:19:04 PM PST by
(In hoc signo, vinces †)
To: Antoninus
They're so narcissistic and convinced of their own importance that they don't even realize the damage they're doing to their own cause.
Indeed! I'm frequently torn between the temptation to burst their bubbles by drawing that to their attention in public, and the secret satisfaction that comes from knowing that every inanity and venomous snarl they emit actually contributes to their defeat. Decisions, decisions...
Freedom, Wealth, and Peace,
Francis W. Porretto
Visit the Palace Of Reason:
9 posted on
03/22/2003 3:02:34 AM PST by
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