Yes. He knows it now. Kim Jong-il knows, already after Afghanistan, that
Bush is no Clinton and he himself cannot count on a duped half-brother of GWB, or a blonde-haired naive Secretary of State, to come to Pyongyang to likewise be played as fools.
Of particular concern to the North Korean regime are the U.S. GBU-28 bunker buster/cruise missile capabilities, e-bomb prowess, and now, not only "MOAB", but the way we are narrowing in on a quick Saddam take-down in the early days of the Iraqconflict, Kim sharing Saddam's strategy of burrowing himself deep underground.
They really don't know WHAT to do, probably. I assume they are shitting their pants in Pyongyang today, quite frankly.
This is why, IMHO, they DARE not make any mention of the Iraq Liberation to their own North Korean people in their hermetically-sealed country, so as to hold off any such popular uprising or coup d'etat in their own country in light of increasing US pressure. What makes it uncomfortable for them to report this is they already went on and on and on in the propaganda press and in mass rallies and in posters about how Bush called Iraq, Iran AND NORTH KOREA as an 'Axis of Evil'. Accordingly, and quite ironically, North Koreans thirsting for liberation, just like the average Iraqis, will take any external news of such action as indications they will be free soon. These are exciting times.
That little bastard in North Korea, should also be told that he should NOT call any members of the FORMER FAILED democrat criminal administrations looking for help... Nor should he even request help from the U.N., France, Germany, Russia or the E.U.....
He should not call Clinton.
He should not call Richardson.
He should not call Carter....
He should not call Chirac..
He should not call Russia..
He should not call China..
He should not call the U.N..
He should take careful notice, that those former "champions" of leftist assholes are now ignored.....
He SHOULD call Condi Rice.....and BEG her forgiveness for breaking the "deal" brokered by Carter and Clinton...
He should then offer to IMPROVE that deal, and to come into complete compliance.... COMPLETE and UNCONDITIONAL
Our lunatic "cowboy" is really our Texas Ranger, and he is really really pissed off...
His posse is already armed and mounted....
The little communist bastard in North Korea MAY have one more chance to get right with the "Ranger" before it is too late...
Semper Fi