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DUBOB 11- more tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast...
various links and websites | 01-31-03 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 01/31/2003 5:07:21 PM PST by backhoe

click here to read article

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Bolton Blasts UN Corruption

No wonder the “progressives” did everything they could to defeat his nomination. John Bolton stands up again: Bolton Blasts U.N. ‘Sex and Corruption’.   link: 73 comments

UN Human Wrongs Council

Anne Bayefsky, one of the best journalists covering the incredible ongoing corruption at the United Nations, tells why the proposed new Human Rights Council is actually an enormous step backward for the international protection of human rights: The Proposed UN Human Rights Council: The Cure is worse than the Disease. (Hat tip: ted.)   link: 38 comments

The Northern Alliance Radio Network will broadcast today, as always, from 11 am - 3 pm Central time, and we have a great show lined up today. John, Chad, and Brian will have Jeremy Zilber, author of the children's book "Why Mommy Is A Democrat", on the line today at noon. You can check out a few sample pages of the book while listening to Zilber explain this rather sad attempt at political indoctrination. I'm reminded of the "re-education" scenes from the movie The Killing Fields. Of course, Zilber had the good sense to include "Mommy" rather than to deconstruct her. Nonetheless, the symbolism of "Democrat = Mommy" is a bit much.

On our radio show today, we interviewed Jeremy Zilber, author of the children's book Why Mommy Is A Democrat. It was highly entertaining, and the phone lines lit up. My favorite part of the book is when a rampaging elephant crushes the homeless man's bench--his only possession!

The elephant isn't necessarily supposed to be a Republican, however.

Children have no value
Steve Janke at 01:30 PM
Related articles: Technorati Cosmos :: CanConv :: Blogging Tories

In my previous post on the value of mothers, I reprinted one of my posts from 2004. That was actually one of two posts.

The first was about the devaluation of mothers.

The second was about the devaluation of children.

In both cases, we have socialism to thank.

Malkin: The Life of Baby Charlotte (UK Court OK's DNR for 2 yr old against parents' wishes)

Rasmussen: Just 17% Favor Dubai Ports Deal

Help Wanted: Bill Clinton Seeking 25 Interns

Can Hillary change her stripes?--The younger among you don't remember that when hilary bcame co-president in 1992 she wanted to video tape every home in the US, inside and out...

HILLARY GETS UGLY (invokes "white supremecists" to cover her union pandering)

National Archives Movies Available on Google Video

Ban Republican adoptions, not gay adoptions, (Ohio) lawmaker says--The Democrat from Youngstown says...

Wal-Mart Costs Taxpayers $11M In Medicaid (Ohio Jumps on Bandwagon)--Conspicuously missing from the article is how Wal-Mart and McDonalds managed to strong arm governments into creating medicaid and food stamps to "bail them out".

Older Parents, your thoughts (vanity)

Liberal media denial

The Adversary Culture: The perverse anti-Westernism of the cultural elite

ProLife Feminism: Yesterday and Today - (book review)

(NARAL's latest hysterical Dear doug email) Urgent! South Dakota Poised To Ban Abortion!--These are people who believe abortion is the only medical practice the government has no right to regulate. And they happen to be the same people who believe smoking is so injurious to our health that its in the public interest to ban it.

HPD internal memo asking for ticket quota? --Now, if "two ducks a day" were actually a quota, it would be something like "ten ducks a day."

Dell flirts with the Linux desktop

New technology for nuclear reactor--If we had the sense of a Frenchman, nuclear would be a renewable energy source. Our peanut farming, "nookier" engineer President Carter made it illegal, as part of the non-proliferation treaty, for U.S. plants to reprocess spent fuel. Removed by law what is by physics a huge benefit of nuclear power...see this cool site about Bush waking up and starting to sign some executive orders? Clintoon did it when he absconded with Utah's land in the 90's.

Future of the Internet Highway Debated

Historic Morse Code Station to Broadcast from Original Marconi Site

Illegal immigration: Off the back burner (Minutemen impact OC elections)

Border security or boondoggle?

‘Ex-gay’ Billboard Defaced (man stops having sex with other men - found Jesus Christ)--If "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" then what do we call the hatred gays show for others who stop being gay?
Clearly the left wing has a critical interest in not letting people view homosexuality as something people can stop doing if they want to. Homosexuality, abortion, and race relations has always been the Left's bread and butter.
All three of these are in danger now.

The Nation of Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World
Mark Steyn: Needing to wake up, West just closes its eyes
Islam is...
Nigerian Religious Riots Continue
Imagine inviting someone into your home on a nice summer day and after a few minutes of pleasantries your "guest" launches into a diatribe about how your furniture is terrible, your decorating sucks, the meal had better be something he likes and can eat, why do you allow your daughters to run around in bathing suits?, and why does your wife have to join in our conversation or for that matter, be in the same room? Then, when you ask him to leave he calls you a racist and an intolerant bastard...

Montreal Muslim News: "The Sickness That Passes for Western Values" notes an article in the Montreal Muslim News on Australian Treasurer Peter Costello’s statement that Muslim immigrants should adapt to Australian values, in which the author expresses utter contempt for Western civilization:  link: 129 comments   "Calling on Muslim to embrace western values, or in this case Australian values, is merely coded speech calling on us to leave our faith." " The "faith" that condones polygamy, genocide, lying, slavery, and an inability to coexist with others?" This actually says, "We are the Borg."


Keep your faith and get the hell out.

 With all due respect I've had it up to here with Allah and and all of his f*cking demands.

 Remember the days of the so-called "Ugly American"? Can we simply reverse it, and say the "Ugly Muslim"?

Islamism is irreconcilable with western values.

Although some civilized people would dispute this assertion, the Islamists are proud to insist upon it...

UAE Ports Deal: Strategic Implications

At Canada Free Press, an article by David J. Jonsson raises some serious issues with the UAE port deal I have not seen discussed elsewhere: Dubai Ports — Strategic Implications. (Hat tip: Newsbeat1.) Read the whole thing...   link: 295 comments |

New York Times Hits Bottom, Digs

If you’re unaware of its context, this New York Times editorial might seem amazingly clear-headed: Silenced by Islamist Rage.

Typical "I am right behind you" 'leadership'.

Do they think people are so stupid that we'd forget that when the time to stand up and be counted came they hid?

Have these morons heard of the blogosphere? Don't they know that they are being watched now?

#15 zombie  2/25/2006 05:13PM PST

I'm glad the NY Times never published the cartoons. It simply forced everyone to go online and see them there. It drove more readers away from the Times to the blogosphere. I've had well over a million visitors to the Archive in February. That's a million people that didn't go to the Times site.

Continue your headlong plunge into irrelevance, MSM. Be my guest.

UPDATE at 2/25/06 5:03:41 pm:

Another reaction to this jawdropper of an editorial at All Things Beautiful.

More comments at Captain’s Quarters.

Judith Apter Klinghoffer says the New York Times’ chutzpah takes the cake.

Michelle Malkin’s stomach is churning.

 Muslims seethe anyway...
The New York Times Rubbing Salt into Muslim Wounds

 One of my favorite bloggers, Egyptian Sandmonkey, covered this yesterday.

5,441 posted on 02/26/2006 3:38:14 AM PST by backhoe (A Nuke for every Kook- what Clinton "legacy...")
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To: All
Man Sentenced For Rape Despite Girl's Recantation
FTC to report on food marketing to kids

A Sign Of Military Action


O'Connor says the new government's defence policy can be summed up in a few words.

"It's about having a three-ocean navy, a robust army and a revitalized air force," he said in Ottawa on Thursday. "Increasing the strength of the Canadian Forces to at least 75,000 regular force personnel is a clear priority. We will also intend to increase the reserve force by 10,000."

Under this plan Canada will eventually have more than 100,000 full-time and part-time soldiers.

Damian Brooks is "impressed by both the content of the speech and the clear language";
Integration is not submission, and those who paint it that way are either dishonest or uniformed. A seamless game plan for Canada and the United States focusing on areas of common interest that lays out who exactly is responsible for what is, without question, in Canada's best interest.

Posted at the new military group blog - The Torch. Check it out.

Other reaction at Canadian Sentinel and Strong Conservative, Send a trackback if you have more.

Posted by Kate at 12:04 AM | Comments (45)
Check out the donors for the Carter Center, including the UAE ,the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said of Oman.
Subscribe to our values or don't come here
Just because you're Islamophobic
Danes to stage play on cartoon crisis
UN to Punish "Blasphemers?" [of Islam]
In the "you bet" department...
'We Do Not Wish to Throw Them Into the Sea'

And So it Begins

View Related Articles
Europe has a way of overcompensating:
We're in for an interesting ride.

Publicly, European leaders have played out the cartoon riots and Paris auto barbecues in typical fashion; by issuing calming platitudes and olympian utterances. But, in the halls of power, where legislation is drafted and the future set, they are carving out a wave of laws so ethnocentric and radical that any self respecting North American would choke upon hearing them. Yet, Europe has launched into survival mode, as if the chidings of Mark Steyn and Victor Davis Hanson have finally sunk in.

After a summer of Auto barbecues and a winter of cartoon riots and murder; it begins: A few days ago Celestial Junk warned that the “peaceful majority” has become irrelevant, unless it makes itself heard above the tumolt of the fanatics.
Update: Even for anti-Semitic Europe, stories like this chill to the bone. Click

5,442 posted on 02/26/2006 7:06:41 AM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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"The Agenda is Victory" President Ronald Reagan,CPAC,February 26th,1982

Preschool reform measure won't close learning gap for poor...Like so many OTHER Liberal self-proclaimed 'visionaries', Rob  Reiner has a 'BIG PLAN' (Big Surprise)...for how to spend YOUR money.

Reality Check for 'Roe'--"The two clinics that permit late-term abortions let their patients hold the fetus in a blanket."
Oy freaking veh!
Read it all folks, it's unbelievable.
Young on side of Kennedys in windmill tilt--They are the first to whine about high energy prices, but heaven forbid they do anything about it that may involve making a sacrifice, yet the rest of us are expected to give up everything.
Finding religion turned life around for man known as 'Murph the Surf'--Four decades later, Murphy has lost the old swagger. In his twilight years, he has a bit of a spread (too much calamari, he says), his forehead is freckled with age and sun spots, and his hair, once a sweep of sun-bleached gold, is now white and receding at the temples. He no longer poses for pictures in his trademark sunglasses.
Parents concerned about student info given to military recruiters-- The Slacker Generation is gonna get a big suprise once  war rolls around (and we all know it's coming).
Are you listening, Western World?
Muslim Preacher on Temple Mount: Restore Worldwide Islamic Rule

Iran Just Outside Tel Aviv, Next Stop New York

Do not, for one second,  believe  think I am exaggerating. Iraq, Iran, Syria, France, Denmark, .....these incidents are not separate or disconnected. They are all part of the the Radical Islamists attempt to take over the world. Sit by and wake up a dhimmi.

Mofaz: PA Under Hamas Puts Iran Just Outside Tel Aviv

Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz told U.S. envoy David Welch on Sunday that the Hamas and its sponsor in Iran were attempting to create “an axis of evil, here,” on Israel’s doorstep.

Muslim Preacher on Temple Mount: Restore Worldwide Islamic Rule

I don't why the media ignores these blatant declarations of war and then are shocked, shocked! when heinous islamic terrorists attack Western targets. They've only just begun. They are want us out of Iraq, Europe, and America. Wake up people.

That this story is not splashed across the front pages of every American newspaper illustrates how dangerous the left wing media is. We are in for the fight of our lives but you'd never know it from getting your news from the mainstream media.

Muslim Preacher on Temple Mount: Restore Worldwide Islamic Rule

Hanging 'Em High In Iran

Hanging_iran_1 The West does not know what it is dealing with. Nor should we. To understand the base inhumanity, the barbarism, is to make you one of  them.

Iran's new national past time here   and here and here and here and here

AFP/File Photo: An Iranian judiciary staff ties ropes prior to the execution. 

The Ahmadinejad "administration" believes  public hangings  increase stock market values, not to mention disposing the despot of those not in his favor, or perceived enemies, or whatever the whim of Ahmadjihadman. Comments (8)

Dr. Walid Phares: The Cartoon Offensive ...--The Danish cartoons were published in September 2005. Why did it take five months for what Western media dubbed "instant reactions to the insult" to materialize? One hundred and fifty days and nights are too long for a mass reaction to be described as "instant."

The Dulcet Tones of the Iranian Fascist

Tens of Thousands Expected in Paris March Protesting Halimi Murder

5,443 posted on 02/26/2006 12:15:40 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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To: All
Skeleton in the IRS closet. Alternative tax intended for rich now hits millions
Malware moves up, goes commercial--Engineers at Panda Software, while in the process of researching a new trojan, uncovered evidence this week that led them to a web site touting custom-built viruses for sale. For the low, low price of only US$990, a user gets his or her own pet trojan horse, complete with tech support. If the file is discovered—as this current model was—the designer provides a guarantee to alter it so that it may continue to avoid detection in the face of updated antivirus software. It is believed that the server is a front for a much larger network, and that more malware may be on the way.
Signs That the United States is About to Bomb Iran
John McCain Rips Hillary Clinton on Ports 'Hysteria'
Be A Part Of Memphis History Join OPERATION FEDUP (Mayoral Recall Sign-up Locations & Info)
Why Many Aren't Securing Their Financial Future --There were at least two letters to the editor in today's local newspaper complaining about the government's failure to provide their every need. One was from a retired state employee who claimed she couldn't afford her co-pay and thus couldn't see the doctor for her zillion different physical problems. (My spouse is a state employee, and the co-pay is $15 or less). The other was from someone claiming that "Bush" was denying umpteen different Social Security benefits, causing great suffering throughout the land.
Grave Matter: Detroit Paper Says Dead People Voted in Election
Clinton Campaign Ready for More Than 2006

Image hosting by Photobucket

The Flip Side of Trafficking: Demand (Prostitution)
The Politics of Petroleum
ConocoPhillips ratchets up North Slope activity this year
The New York Times lauds Stevens for the Kelo decision
Sights set on local gun manufacturers (Illinois)--Rebecca Rausch, spokeswoman for Gov. Rod Blagojevich, said...

"The .50-caliber rifle is something the governor believes should be banned," she said..."The governor is concerned with taking these weapons off the street."

This is why I loathe and detest anti-gun zealots.

Is this woman being purposely deceptive?

Or is she so profoundly mentally retarded, that she honestly believes that people are walking around the streets, carrying 5 ft. long, 35 lb., .50-caliber rifles?

5,444 posted on 02/26/2006 4:57:50 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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To: All
My Dinner With Ashcroft--They also need to realize that no matter how good their intentions, no working stiff is going to thank them for fighting the inflation caused by $2.50 a gallon gas by raising his mortgage and credit card interest rates, or helping him avoid bankruptcy by making it harder to file, or helping him get out of debt faster by doubling his credit card payments. This administration can sometimes be infuriatingly tonedeaf politically.
Steve Janke at 08:54 PM
Related articles: Technorati Cosmos :: CanConv :: Blogging Tories

Is Argentina seriously considering making another move against the Falkland Islands?

Comments (9)

Just stuff

I hope to convey my impressions of some books I am currently reading over the next two weeks. They are:

This snippet from WH Auden cited in the Shield of Achilles seemed written for Ilan Halimi and those who killed and tortured him, and not incidentally for the Bing West's description of the Blackwater contractors whose bodies were desecrated by children as their elders egged them on.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil

Daniel Harrison writing in describes the growing competitiveness of the blogs with mainstream media in certain respects.

Belmont Club readers will recall that both Gates of Vienna and the Politics of CP were involved in developing this story, which produced original investigative reporting and not a few nervous moments for the bloggers.

Vik Rubenfeld from The Big Picture has thoughts on unedited video as opposed to soundbite video. 48 comments

"The paternal MSM have ostensibly advocated "the public's right to know" for so long, they now fall into "does not compute" mode when we do our knowing on our own, thank you."

Blog Epitaphs? Get Me Rewrite! (Dinosaur Media Extinction Alert)

Tri-cycles for grownups? Maybe

A motorcycle based 3 wheel car - what will they think of next?

A Condensed Look at the Southern Side of the Civil War

Why cavemen preferred blondes

Lou's on first -- again: Paterson celebrates the centennial of its favorite son, Lou Costello


Fatigue could trump nostalgia in Clinton bid

Federal protection has led to wolves unafraid of people

What's the best kind of generator, fuel-wise; propane, gas or diesel, for my home?  KEYWORDS: GENERATORS; POWEROUTAGE;

Tito's Wife Is Left To A Life Of Squalor

Sex Offense Laws In State Are A Crime (Jill Stewart Slams Soft On Child Porn Democrats Alert)

Google Video to Offer US National Archives Films Online

Keeping Our Cool: Environmental Debate Heats Up for Evangelicals-- Too bad. They are running the commercials on my talk radio station here in Seattle, and it annoys the hell out of me.

Governor Rendell of PA tries to Block Voter Reforms--Fast Eddie is going to have his hands full with Lynn Swan even without publicly supporting voter fraud by vetoing this bill.

CLOSING IN (The net tightens on Rockefeller and Durbin)

The Biotech Century: Dream or Nightmare?

Pro-Illegal Alien Website threatens Minutemen

From 1933-1945, the enemy was Nazi Germany. Today, it's political Islam--It should not surprise anyone that political Islam WAS allied with Germany in WWI, then Nazi Germany in WWII. They had the same goals; world domination and destruction of the Jews.
The End of Tolerance

The Religion Of Pieces

Europe, and especially France, is sitting on a time bomb with its growing and insulated Muslim population. We may have already seen the first signs of explosion with the murder of Theo Van Gogh, but his death is not an isolated incident. Mark Steyn notes that anti-Semitic violence is growing, while the news media of Europe remains mostly silent about it: Read the entire essay; Steyn is, as always, priceless. He connects the dots between Danish cartoons and the silence of the Euromedia over these new, aggressive moves by Islamists within their midst. The Islamists got the press on the defensive, demanding "respect" for their radical notions, and now they have them silenced so that the world will only belatedly discover their terrorist kidnappings and murders.Comments (26)

"The price is not the Jews; that's just the 'opening gambit'; the Jews now, gays next, women always, Christians, blacks, it will go on and on, just as it did the last time with the Nazis. The Jews are always the first victims but by no means will they be the last of it."

 Muslim Preacher on Temple Mt: Restore Worldwide Islamic Rule
The West Just Closes Its Eyes/Mark Steyn
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1, 2 ]--
I think people are waking up. The problem is that the MSM is ignoring the persecution issue.
As far as these cartoons and bombings go, most ordinary non-politically motivated people I know are saying: 'Jeez, what's up with these f'n Muslims?'. I even know a lot of VERY politically correct people who are starting to be very critical of Islam.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Shari'a

Wow. Just, simply, wow. Don’t ostracise hardline Muslims: Abbottlink: 70 comments 

"Here's an example of "multiculturalism" as practiced by Muslims in his country:Muslim men who brutalized, humiliated, and gang raped a number of Australian girls called them names such as "Aussie pigs" and asked them things like "Does Leb cock taste better than Aussie cock?" What's going to happen when Moo Slums try to take over America around 2010, once they've conquered Europe ?

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Shari'a


Dr. Goatlove

UAE Confiscates Books at American School

We have news tonight from our new best friends in the United Arab Emirates: Textbook of American school in capital seized over ‘smell of racism’. (Hat tip: Kilgore Trout.) "for allegedly presenting Islam and the Muslim countries including Gulf states in a negative light while glorifying Israel on the other hand, Khaleej Times has learnt."  link: 68 comments |

Hamas Child Abuse

 link: 191 comments "This is their culture, a culture driven to hate and violence. There is ample documentary research on this. Look at the sidebar, and view the slideshow Charles has nicely provided. Other sources say that around 63% wish to become martyrs."

slideshows September 11 The Fallujah Story Palestinian Child Abuse Palestinian Car Swarms Photoshops/Cartoons

Here are relevant links.

How I Was Raised for Jihad

Indoctrination of death

Kill a Jew, Go to Heaven

Islamic Fundamentalism's Latest Attack on Western Civ: Freedom of Speech

The Issue Has Become Crystal Clear

Extradited from Britain, suspect stands trial for 1995 attacks (Paris metro attacks)

Why is a bombed mosque major news, while bombed churches are ignored?

DAUGHTER OF ISLAM An eloquent(and elegant)foe of Muslim fundamentalists

Hamas: Why should we recognize Israel? ("By winning the elections, we defeated Israel")

Why We Encourage Christians to Stand With Israel

5,445 posted on 02/27/2006 7:22:59 AM PST by backhoe ("It's so Easy to spend somebody else's Money..."[ My Dad. circa 1958 ])
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To: All
My Dinner With Ashcroft--They also need to realize that no matter how good their intentions, no working stiff is going to thank them for fighting the inflation caused by $2.50 a gallon gas by raising his mortgage and credit card interest rates, or helping him avoid bankruptcy by making it harder to file, or helping him get out of debt faster by doubling his credit card payments. This administration can sometimes be infuriatingly tonedeaf politically.
Steve Janke at 08:54 PM
Related articles: Technorati Cosmos :: CanConv :: Blogging Tories

Is Argentina seriously considering making another move against the Falkland Islands?

Comments (9)

Just stuff

I hope to convey my impressions of some books I am currently reading over the next two weeks. They are:

This snippet from WH Auden cited in the Shield of Achilles seemed written for Ilan Halimi and those who killed and tortured him, and not incidentally for the Bing West's description of the Blackwater contractors whose bodies were desecrated by children as their elders egged them on.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil

Daniel Harrison writing in describes the growing competitiveness of the blogs with mainstream media in certain respects.

Belmont Club readers will recall that both Gates of Vienna and the Politics of CP were involved in developing this story, which produced original investigative reporting and not a few nervous moments for the bloggers.

Vik Rubenfeld from The Big Picture has thoughts on unedited video as opposed to soundbite video. 48 comments

"The paternal MSM have ostensibly advocated "the public's right to know" for so long, they now fall into "does not compute" mode when we do our knowing on our own, thank you."

Blog Epitaphs? Get Me Rewrite! (Dinosaur Media Extinction Alert)

Tri-cycles for grownups? Maybe

A motorcycle based 3 wheel car - what will they think of next?

A Condensed Look at the Southern Side of the Civil War

Why cavemen preferred blondes

Lou's on first -- again: Paterson celebrates the centennial of its favorite son, Lou Costello


Fatigue could trump nostalgia in Clinton bid

Federal protection has led to wolves unafraid of people

What's the best kind of generator, fuel-wise; propane, gas or diesel, for my home?  KEYWORDS: GENERATORS; POWEROUTAGE;

Tito's Wife Is Left To A Life Of Squalor

Sex Offense Laws In State Are A Crime (Jill Stewart Slams Soft On Child Porn Democrats Alert)

Google Video to Offer US National Archives Films Online

Keeping Our Cool: Environmental Debate Heats Up for Evangelicals-- Too bad. They are running the commercials on my talk radio station here in Seattle, and it annoys the hell out of me.

Governor Rendell of PA tries to Block Voter Reforms--Fast Eddie is going to have his hands full with Lynn Swan even without publicly supporting voter fraud by vetoing this bill.

CLOSING IN (The net tightens on Rockefeller and Durbin)

The Biotech Century: Dream or Nightmare?

Pro-Illegal Alien Website threatens Minutemen

Dennis Weaver, "McCloud" has died

Vietnam - A Loss? The Big Lie

A French Daredevil Hopes to Live to Tell Tale of 25-Mile Jump

Plan would bar Ohio adoptions by GOP

Harvard's Mob Rule: Lessons to be learned from the decline and fall of Larry Summers


Cost of housing among area's top woes [Leaving San Francisco]

The End of Tolerance

The Religion Of Pieces

Europe, and especially France, is sitting on a time bomb with its growing and insulated Muslim population. We may have already seen the first signs of explosion with the murder of Theo Van Gogh, but his death is not an isolated incident. Mark Steyn notes that anti-Semitic violence is growing, while the news media of Europe remains mostly silent about it: Read the entire essay; Steyn is, as always, priceless. He connects the dots between Danish cartoons and the silence of the Euromedia over these new, aggressive moves by Islamists within their midst. The Islamists got the press on the defensive, demanding "respect" for their radical notions, and now they have them silenced so that the world will only belatedly discover their terrorist kidnappings and murders.Comments (26)

"The price is not the Jews; that's just the 'opening gambit'; the Jews now, gays next, women always, Christians, blacks, it will go on and on, just as it did the last time with the Nazis. The Jews are always the first victims but by no means will they be the last of it."

 Muslim Preacher on Temple Mt: Restore Worldwide Islamic Rule
The West Just Closes Its Eyes/Mark Steyn
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1, 2 ]--
I think people are waking up. The problem is that the MSM is ignoring the persecution issue.
As far as these cartoons and bombings go, most ordinary non-politically motivated people I know are saying: 'Jeez, what's up with these f'n Muslims?'. I even know a lot of VERY politically correct people who are starting to be very critical of Islam.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Shari'a

Wow. Just, simply, wow. Don’t ostracise hardline Muslims: Abbottlink: 70 comments 

"Here's an example of "multiculturalism" as practiced by Muslims in his country:Muslim men who brutalized, humiliated, and gang raped a number of Australian girls called them names such as "Aussie pigs" and asked them things like "Does Leb cock taste better than Aussie cock?" What's going to happen when Moo Slums try to take over America around 2010, once they've conquered Europe ?

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Shari'a


Dr. Goatlove

UAE Confiscates Books at American School

We have news tonight from our new best friends in the United Arab Emirates: Textbook of American school in capital seized over ‘smell of racism’. (Hat tip: Kilgore Trout.) "for allegedly presenting Islam and the Muslim countries including Gulf states in a negative light while glorifying Israel on the other hand, Khaleej Times has learnt."  link: 68 comments |

Hamas Child Abuse

 link: 191 comments "This is their culture, a culture driven to hate and violence. There is ample documentary research on this. Look at the sidebar, and view the slideshow Charles has nicely provided. Other sources say that around 63% wish to become martyrs."

slideshows September 11 The Fallujah Story Palestinian Child Abuse Palestinian Car Swarms Photoshops/Cartoons

Here are relevant links.

How I Was Raised for Jihad

Indoctrination of death

Kill a Jew, Go to Heaven

Islamic Fundamentalism's Latest Attack on Western Civ: Freedom of Speech

We should fear Holland’s silence--"Holland -- with its disproportionately high Muslim population -- is the canary in the mine. Its once open society is closing, and Europe is closing slowly behind it.

5,446 posted on 02/27/2006 11:21:23 AM PST by backhoe
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To: All
Freeper Storm watch 2006
Exclusive: Terrorist training camps in Iran
Saddam Had WMD ( What the Damning Tapes tell us )
Iran's strategy in Iraq; same as Syria's was in Lebanon
Falkland fear as Argentina steps up show of strength(Chavez lurking in the background)
Moonbats to "Storm" White House March 15th (another DC freep)
Redefining virginity

The legacy sails on.

The Greatest National Security Scandal

Barney Fife, McCloud and Kolchak all dead

Two women OK after being attacked by squirrel

Hate kids? You're not alone

Reporters strike war-footing with PMO, but Harper won't be dictated by national media

CARE PACKAGES for our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2006

Embryo as valid as adult: Pope

Is Abortion a Moral Issue? A Fascinating Debate on the Left

Liberal goal for America: Gutless socialism by Herman Cain

Qaradawi: We are Fighting in the Name of Islam...(Robert Spencer alert)
"Sheik Yousef Al-Qaradhawi: Our War with the Jews Is in the Name of Islam
It's Time to Put Muslim Holidays in US Calendars
Many Hispanics finding faith in Islam
Now moderate Muslims are angry too

From Cindy | 02/27/2006 4:29:40 PM EST new


Cartoon aftermath (Canada's Western Standard, 2 weeks later)


Photographic negative

5,447 posted on 02/27/2006 5:01:30 PM PST by backhoe
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Bad Atta-tude (Able Danger)
United States Space Force: sooner rather than later
(Staph) Infection Is Growing in Scope, Resistance
Self-Appointed Clowns
Social Security Wants the Baby-Boomers to all die off!
Repeal the Bradley Amendment--which mandates that a child support debt cannot be retroactively reduced or forgiven even if the debtor is unemployed, hospitalized, in prison, sent to war, dead, proved to not be the father, never allowed to see his children, or loses his job or suffers a pay cut.
Meathead Economics (California's Rob Reiner-induced population loss)
"Why Mommy is a Democrat" - Picture Book Propagand... [ 1, 2 ]

Pregnancy: White Man's Colonialist Conspiracy

As the state of South Dakota moves to bring in a ban on abortion, "LaLa Leftist Land" reacts . Pedro provides the colour commentary;

My choice for Constitutional Amendment #28: the State should preserve the woman's right to have a hot, tight, and firm body forever.

Via Maxed Out Mama, who has additional comments worth your time, (regardless of your position on the issue).
Posted by Kate at 12:25 AM | Comments (10)

Oh Lord, It's Hard To Be Humble

Hillary Clinton has a rather large ego, although that's hardly news to anyone paying attention to politics for the last fourteen years. She makes the mistake of assuming that people think about her as often as she thinks about herself -- and so now says she's convinced that Karl Rove is obsessed with her

One wonders if the junior Senator from New York really has the correct temperament for her current office, let alone a higher one.

Posted by Captain Ed at 08:28 PM | Comments (10) "Hillary is a media event, that is all."
Short on Drivers, Truckers Dangle Stock and 401(k)

— The men gathered in front of the BZ Ballaz Club barbershop in a gritty, mostly Hispanic section of north Philadelphia were listening intently as Kimberly Cromer made her pitch for a career in long-haul trucking.

Faced with what trucking experts describe as the worst labor shortage in the industry's history, recruiters like Ms. Cromer are canvassing cities and holding job fairs to entice new drivers.

With predictions from the association that the current shortage of 20,000 drivers will grow nearly fivefold within a decade, trucking companies are offering generous 401(k), stock option and health care packages to new recruits and cash bonuses and prizes to drivers who refer viable candidates.

Since more than three-quarters of all goods in the United States are shipped by truck, it is only a matter of time, Mr. Swain said, before the shortage causes delays in products hitting the shelves and leads to consumer price increases because of rising transportation costs.

Despite the 7.4 million Americans out of work as of last December, and the recent round of layoffs in manufacturing industries, trucking has struggled to find workers in part because the lifestyle is so grueling.

To meet the growing need, some carriers are turning to new sources of labor like women, retirees and especially Hispanics.

"The industry realizes that Hispanics are the fastest growing population in the country, and they're eager to tap into them," said Ms. Cromer, who works for Congreso de Latinos Unidos, a community group in Philadelphia that joined forces in 2004 with the Truckload Carriers Association to begin recruiting more Hispanics into long-haul trucking.

Hillary Clinton Rips Bill's Panama Ports Deal

Lost in the ‘Tunnel of Oppression’

Aww, ya think so?
Barbarians Inside the Gate [Ilan Halimi Murder]
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam

Top Islamic Cleric: "Our War with the Jews Is in the Name of Islam"

Here are excerpts from a program aired on Qatar TV February 25, 2006, featuring noted “moderate” Islamic cleric Sheik Yousef Al-Qaradawi, founder of the IslamOnline web site and head of the European Council for Fatwa and Research. (Courtesy of MEMRI TV.)

Isn't it better to hear the truth from these guys than to have their normal lies of peace and tolerance?

You're absolutely correct. That is why it is so important to ensure that everyone you know receives this link:

 " Can we PLEASE stop this nonsense about RADICAL Islam.... it is about the death cult; pure and simple...Imagine for a minute a priest or a minister ranting this dementedly before an appalled congregation. He'd either be kicked out the front door of the church, defrocked, or referred for pyschiatric counselling. Yet these doltish imams preach hatred and murder all the time; yet the Western media calls them "moderate", Christian clerics still seek "dialogue" with them and Western politicians rush to their mosques after a terrorist attack to show they don't blame Islam. It's absurd and pathetic."

A Mother from Hell

Palestinian Media Watch continues revealing the sick death cult propaganda that airs regularly on Palestinian television: PA TV Star: Mother Upset Her Daughter Failed as Suicide Bomber. (Hat tip: LGF readers.)  

Leading Islamist Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi: We are Fighting in the Name of Islam...This Jihad is an Individual Duty of the Entire Muslim Nation...They Fight Us With the Torah...We Should Fight Them With the Koran: "There is a Jew Behind Me, Come and Kill Him"

A new translation from Memri:

And MemriTV, 2nd from the top:


  link: 110 comments |

Arab League Chief: Cartoons Are Deadly Threat Against Islam

The Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, wants the UN to crack down in a very strict manner on those who draw cartoons that offend Islam: Arab League chief says cartoons part of anti-Islam battlelink: 237 comments 

"Islam seems very intent on proving to the world that it is the avowed enemy of freedom of speech. I hope that the Left is watching this very carefully."

 The Betrayal of Denmark (And Of Us All)

 Pakistan Nurse Raped for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Why The Left Doesn't Blame Muslims For Muslim Violence (Dennis Prager On PC Victim Alert)

Torture slaying of Jewish Frenchman spurs massive march

Group displays Christians killed in Muslim nations

5,448 posted on 02/28/2006 3:24:22 AM PST by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: All
The war on Wal-Mart is really about expanding government.
The United Nation's First Salvo In Its Bid To Take Over and Censor The Internet
Big Brother can't wait to ID us all
In search of WiFi ethics

Bush Praises Blogosphere

President Bush breaks his silence on the Rathergate scandal in an interview for a new book. (Hat tip: LGF readers.)“I find it interesting that the old way of gathering the news is slowly but surely losing market share,” Bush said in an exclusive interview for the new book STRATEGERYlink: 62 comments |


Drudge has a great exerpt from the Bill Sammon book Strategery (currently #5 on Amazon). --more -Now it's slanted polling from CBS - The Fake but Accurate! Network.  The national average of Dems to Republicans is 33% - 30%.

Posted by Kate at 11:15 AM | Comments (9)
Pond life: the future of energy ~ imagine huge desert algae farms supplying the world with energy.
(Herman) Cain says he may run again
Why I wrote the book
The Ups and Downs of Home Prices
Spam King Adam Vitale Busted By Secret Service--YOU'VE GOT JAIL!
"What I Saw After the Crash - Rehab"
Gun ban in San Francisco delayed over NRA lawsuit
Punitive Damages Nixed in Lead Paint Case
Barney Fife and the way things were
Australia mulls car smoking ban
Oil's Slippery Slope (Several signs point to fossil fuel going the way of the dinosaur)
Deadly bird flu strain confirmed in German cat
The Suicidal Left: Civilizations and their Death Drives

Islamic Kids Seethe, EU Grovels

They’re still seething over the cartoons in Pakistan, and sending their children into the streets to burn stuff and call for murder: Pakistani Kids Rally Over Prophet Cartoons.About 5,000 children chanting “Hang those who insulted the prophet” rallied in Pakistan’s largest city... link: 63 comments

Danish Cartoons 'Unveiled' at UC Irvine

The United American Committee will hold a panel discussion and unveiling of the Danish Mohammed cartoons tonight at the University of California Irvine, at 6:30 pm in the Crystal Cove Auditorium.

UC Irvine is a hotbed of radical Islam, and the Muslim Student Union is, of course, seething and trying to get the event shut down: ‘Unveiling’ of Danish cartoons fuels dispute on Calif. campus. (Hat tip: Terp Mole and zombie.) Here’s an LGF search page with much more information on the radical Islamic presence in Irvine. Learn the Truth about Islam

#96 Silhouette  2/28/2006 11:28AM PST

#94 johnconv

The muslim student union has threatened violence at this event, if it goes off as scheduled.

Note the article above fails to mention that little tidbit, but faithfully repeats the muslim student union's claim that they have received threat.

The Religion Of War

Exerpts from a program aired on Qatar TV on February 25;"We do not disassociate Islam from the war. On the contrary, disassociating Islam from the war is the reason for our defeat. We are fighting in the name of Islam."

Related: The Fraser Institute has a new report out titled " Canada's Inadequate Response to Terrorism: The Need for Policy Reform", available at their website.

Posted by Kate at 09:54 AM | Comments (20) |

5,449 posted on 02/28/2006 1:40:26 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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To: All
The betrayal of America
Read more at ...
 McCain-Feingold Part II
More On Port Security
Same-sex marriage in California? Group collecting signatures for proposition
Abortionists Admit Humanity of Unborn; Now Claiming Right to Feel Good About Killing
Pregnancy: White Man's Colonialist Conspiracy

As the state of South Dakota moves to bring in a ban on abortion, "LaLa Leftist Land" reacts . Pedro provides the colour commentary;

My choice for Constitutional Amendment #28: the State should preserve the woman's right to have a hot, tight, and firm body forever.

Via Maxed Out Mama, who has additional comments worth your time, (regardless of your position on the issue).
Posted by Kate at 12:25 AM | Comments (42)

“Breeders” infected with “feeders”

UPDATE: Maxed Out Mama has coined a new term: Vaginahabi Jihad.

Maxed Out Mama can always be counted on to find the post you would be sorry to miss and this time she found it at Pedro the Quietist who reveals that the new affront to some leftists are….babies - or, as they are referred to, a parasitic blastocyst - an opportunistic, parasitic infection!

Read it to believe it. Pedro does a good job of mocking/fisking the bizarro rant, and Mama wonders if work, or stress or other inconveniences that affect your body and mind should be overthrown.

You’re all so smart, you can even become virgins all over again. Voila!. H/T Klaire.

Hmmmmm….and maybe, just maybe, the hymen - so long thought to be a useless, value-less part of the body - is worth hanging on to, and even has meaning?

UPDATE: Kobayashi Maru has an interesting take on “breeders” and their effect on the environment which is very interesting, and also informative. It makes sense that the air being CLEAN would allow more warming on the earth.  Comments/Trackbacks (9)

BATF Attack at Waco - February 28, 1993
House should impeach Bush to reveal wiretapping truth
The BBC should have its public charter revoked
Waste Watchers Volume 2, Issue 3
HBO Promotes Polygamy With “Big Love” Series--Guess this shows Hollywierd's satisfaction that homosexuality has been "normalized".
Now on to 'mainstreaming' the next deviancy.
Is Britain Conducting Nuclear Tests?
Ready, aim ... wait

5,450 posted on 02/28/2006 4:48:42 PM PST by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: All
Impeach BUSH(The Call for Impeachment from LAke Wobegon aka Keillor goes nuts)
Miss. House committee votes to ban most abortions
Dick Morris: With cultural forces behind her, Hillary can win in '08 --I'm going to be unpopular and back up Morris on this one. He's worked with the Clintons and he understands their abilities and strategies; for that alone he's worth listening to. I work alongside enough liberals and quasimoderate weak-spined voters to know that his analysis of Hillary's support might just be strong enough to get her into the White House... not to mention the certainty of Democrat party vote fraud, media bias in her favor, and the full force of the Hollywood and television programming backing her up.
Hillary's Herd
Reiner flap symbolizes California's broader systemic dilemma--The bigger issue is the emerging syndrome of wealthy Californians pursuing their pet causes through the initiative process, spending millions of dollars to place measures on the ballot that, in turn, generate billions of dollars that are spent without the scrutiny normally given to public funds.

Battle of the Bloggers

Dean Barnett notices a strange “coincidence” in the Battle of the Bloggers.   link: 90 comments

 Bush calls for nuclear construction by 2010
Flamingo Deaths Spark Bird Flu Probe in Bahamas
The stigma of smoking--I have a college professor who would call such commercials a "pornography of pity."
The United Nations is UNbelievable

3D plasma shapes created in thin air [night sky could soon be lit up with giant 3-D ads]

Mexico's mess [Canadian tourist murders]
Sandy Berger & son of China President linked to Port Security International
Canada Free Press ^ | Monday, February 27, 2006 | By Judi McLeod

Click the picture, and scroll backwards:

Everything I've got on the War of the Twelve Cartoons ( what may be come to be known as the start of WWIV ) is located there.

The original title?

-Islam, a Religion of Peace®? Some links...--

5,451 posted on 03/01/2006 3:46:35 AM PST by backhoe
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To: All

Sooner Suicide Later Turns Out To Be Botched Attack

Mark Tapscott has stayed on the story of Joel Hinrichs, the Oklahoma University student who blew himself up outside the football stadium, long after the FBI dismissed it as a suicide brought on by depression. His vigilance has paid off, as it now appears that the FBI jumped to an erroneous conclusion and that Hinrichs meant to kill a lot more people than just himself:

Mark notes that the FBI continues to dismiss any other explanation than suicide. Keep checking in with Mark and with Michelle Malkin, both of whom remained skeptical about the official explanations and maintained visibility on this story.

Posted by Captain Ed at 01:10 PM | Comments (4)
Repeal the Bradley Amendment
CBS News Admits They Ran a Bogus Bush Poll--Rush called the MSM the "drive-by media" today. I think that description is perfectly accurate.
The Real Cuba (The myth of Castro's paradise....)
PM shuns US 'slavish love of guns'--"If gun laws in fact worked, the sponsors of this type of legislation should have no difficulty drawing upon long lists of examples of crime rates reduced by such legislation. That they cannot do so after a century and a half of trying." --- Orrin G. Hatch, Chairman, Subcommittee on the Constitution, January 20, 1982
Americans Must Be Absolutely Certain Port Deal Won't Compromise Security (Congressman Mike Pence)
CA: Strickland Files “Public Documents” Request for Reiner Documents (Meathead-Gate)-- Linking other thread...
Perata changes mind on Prop. 82 [Meathead's Goverment-Nanny Initiative]
Roof Collapses on Housing Boom
The Media's Selective Attention Span
Information Warfare: Venezuela Versus the Dutch (Dutch sends warning message to Hugo Chavez)
ARMOR: Chinese Replacement for RPGs
Report Documents 18 Years of "Dirty War" in Mexico
The Suicidal Left: Civilizations and their Death Drives
Ready for a thaw (US canada relations)
Cat in Germany "very likely" infected by eating birds (Bird to mammal transmission in Europe)
The betrayal of America
I had the chance to work with Max Friedman during 2004 doing research for the book "Unfit for Command." Max has a deeper knowledge of communism in the U.S. than anyone I know. Here are a couple more of his articles from

Did the KGB Use John Kerry?

The Speech John O'Neill Wasn't Allowed to Give

Georgia panel OKs crackdown on illegals--It is about time Georgia made these changes. It took the virtual demise of the Georgia Demorat party in Georgia.
Islam: Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant

Nor knew the force o' powder

I'm reprinting in full, the manifesto signed by 12 writers asserting that the new totalitarianism is Islamism, together with the background of the signatories. A reader writes to say that the first regular newspaper to reprint the manifesto in full is the Jyllands-Posten. "The intellectual gauntlet has been flung full in the face of Islamism by an unlikely group which includes Somalian woman, Bangladeshis, exiled Iranians, Lebanese, fugitive British writers of subcontinental origin and an assortment of individuals with a vague left-wing background..."  5 comments

Together facing the new totalitarianism
 ‘Diplomacy Has Until March To Halt Iran’s Drive For Nuclear Weapons’

EU: Let's Put This 'Bitterness' Behind Us

The European Union continues capitulating by inches to Islamic supremacism: EU calls for end to ‘bitterness’ with Muslim world.   link: 120 comments

Hamas: Show Us the Money, Dhimmis

Hamas kingpin Khaled Meshaal lays it on the line for Europe—no amount of money is going to change their murderous ways: European aid cannot buy Hamas: Meshaal. link: 38 comments

"At War With Ourselves" -V.D. Hanson

Good Nukes, Bad Nukes

Blast Maps

Muhammad cartoon in 143 papers (worldwide tally to date) Iran Readies Plan to Close Strait of Hormuz

Muslim violence forces missionaries to flee Nigeria

"US prepares for potential cyber terror"

5,452 posted on 03/01/2006 2:08:15 PM PST by backhoe
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To: All

The West: Set To Auto Destruct

A very good essay by Vasko Kohlmayer, at American Thinker;

Virtually demolishing the West’s traditional morality, the Left has managed to legitimize promiscuity, illegitimacy, abortion and homosexuality. This transformation has reached a point where in many quarters these behaviors are not only considered acceptable but outright commendable.  Read the whole thing.

Sticking with the theme....  Comments (29) "I'm not sure the west is doomed. When I first visited Denmark as a strapling -- hnnkkkkk -- excuse me -- in the seventies it was pretty much the most Liberal place on earth. And yet one giant wet slap has managed to do what a decade long-series of nudges have been unable to -- take a lot of the air out of lofty words. Where Danes used to congratulate themselves on their kind and flexible openness, they are now dealing matter-of-factly with the chafing, painful morning-after results of their own blitheness."

IT'S HUSH MONEY (Fannie Mae's "charitable foundations" covered-up $10.8B book-cooking)
Wal-Mart CEO Tells States Where They Can Stick Their Healthcare--Wal Mart CEO to Governors: "Yo - Governors. If you clowns ran your states like we run our stores, the people could get 90% tax reductions. So STFU - and shop at Wal Mart."


From Blogger to Published Author, for $30 and Up [new free softwware from]
Please read this post I wrote: It explains one reason I'm such a dedicated volunteer for Katherine Harris for Senator from FL.
Dangerous Professors Threaten Young Minds (--22 EPISODES OF MY "ENEMY PROFESSOR" SERIES
6 posted on 03/02/2006 2:26:48 AM EST by doug from upland



UC Irvine Danish Cartoon Panel Report

An excellent report with photos from the UC Irvine Danish Cartoon Panel and Protest, by Omri Ceren.

One of the Muslims' signs:

Muhamed: Emancipator of Slaves.

Talk about bald-faced lying.

How Islam Enabled US/European African Slave Trade .

On-scene report:

UPDATE at 3/1/06 4:02:55 pm:

Another photo report from LGF reader rayra: UCI Cartoons Panel.

03:57 PM PST | link: 29 comments

UC Irvine MSU Seething, Playing the Hitler Card

UC Irvine’s Muslim Student Union turned out in force to scream insults at last night’s panel discussion on the Danish Mohammed cartoons: Showing of cartoons of Muhammad riles UC Irvine campus.

 Charles, my early report on the event is now posted at

To understand how repulsive and morally depraved this comparison really is, see for yourself.

Exhibit A: The Mohammed cartoons from Jyllands-Posten.

Exhibit B: Caricatures from Julius Streicher’s Der Stuermer, published between 1923 and 1945.

UPDATE at 3/1/06 2:01:25 pm:

And then have a look at this video, featuring speaker Amir Abdel Malik Ali at an event organized by the Muslim Student Union in February 2005:

(Click picture to play video. Requires QuickTime.)

01:46 PM PST | link: 182 comments

RoP Strikes in Pakistan

As President Bush is on his way to Pakistan, the Religion of Peace™ strikes: Blasts near US Karachi consulate. link: 75 comments

Free Speech is Our Birthright

Texan John Caffery stands up in his neighborhood for the principles that make America exceptional: Cartoon flap no joke for resident. (Hat tip: LGF readers.) link: 47 comments

The Mohammed Image Archive
1 million visitors (at least) and counting, for a pocketfull of change.

Can Islam Reform Itself?

Mansoor Ijaz and Andrew C. McCarthy debate.

(link fixed - sorry!)

Posted by Kate at 07:24 PM | Comments (15)

5,453 posted on 03/02/2006 4:49:40 AM PST by backhoe
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To: All

The New Geography

Here’s today’s argument in favor of home schooling, as a geography teacher in Colorado is caught on tape in an astounding anti-American rant: High school teacher’s comments investigated by district. (Hat tip: Generation Why?

 Michelle Malkin has the transcript on her site.

 Here’s the recording. You won’t believe it. link: 366 comments

KOA has made Bennish's 20-minute rant available as a podcast here.

Denver Post coverage here.

Rocky Mountain bloggers Slapstick Politics (who, by the way, have a few photos of our speaking event last night) have more on the story.

Update: The teacher has been put on leave. I think he needs medical help. (Hat tip: Tony J.) Via the Rocky Mountain News:

#365 ovidius  3/2/2006 12:38PM PST

# 159 3 wood

I agree. That's the really tragic thing in this entire episode. The guy is spewing dogma, emotional propaganda, nothing more, on top of not teaching his subject. Not a single claim he makes can stand close scrutiny.

Medved talking about Commie Teacher Jay Bennish

Homeschooling grows quickly in United States -- gee, I wonder why?

Bush lied, people died? - Larry Elder interviews General Georges Sada--just emailed Fox news this morning. Almost every hour, Fox news is showing and playing the "Katrina tapes" with President Bush's comments. I asked why the tapes of Saddam speaking about weapons of mass destruction are not receiving equal coverage.

Border issues near boiling point - Senate panel hears warnings of security risks

The Methanol Economy: Forget about the hydrogen economy. Methanol is the key ...

Women turn to shooting for protection, outdoor fun

Hurricane season could match '05: UN (Ruh Rho!)

Network Rejects KFC's Secret-Message Ad --This is a new type of advertising we call 'contact' or sometimes 'viral'. It's purpose is to get people to a website to absorb even more advertising.

Chocolate Milk Could Be Key To Longer, Healthier Life

ZEN MOTORCYCLE PHOTOGRAPHY REVEALED (from 1968 "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance")

Radiation Risk and Ethics--Everything you need to survive a nuclear attack.

The killing machine that is Marxism

Idling computers crack Nazi Enigma codes (Remaining unbroken codes below)

Farrakhan: Neocons, Zionists making America weak

Police Cameras Spark Privacy Debate, Citizens Seek to Block Photos

Black vote no longer a lock for Democrats


Lime 5 (Book: Exposing the Abortion Industry).

Magma On The Move Beneath Yellowstone

Democrats courting unmarried women voters [“ ...think politics is too complicated to understand“]

Video of David Gregory, NBC News Reporter, Drunk (or High) on Imus

Animal Rights Group Convictied For Making Threats [homes vandalized, threatening e-mails, faxes..]

Allow your compiler of links to drop out of Lurk & Link Mode to inject a comment:
The Jackal Pack Press ( hattip: Tom Sowell ) is in full spin mode, belling like bloodhounds on the "meme de jour"-- Bush Knew!
All this is, is more disinformation, debunked here:

Katrina Tape Transcripts Show Media Hack Job

For those who want to see the transcripts themselves of the video conferences, the New York Times has them for the August 28th and August 29th briefings. The transcript for the 29th makes one garbled mention of the levees around New Orleans (page 6). After making the point that the storm surge would cause the greatest devastation in the Gulfport area of Mississippi, going as high as 21 feet, Max Mayfield then turns to New Orleans:

MAX MAYFIELD: ... The rest of the track we have 10 to 15 feet, in a few areas up to 16 feet. At least glimpsed it out, and Louisiana can talk a little bit more about this than I can, but it looks like the Federal levies [sic] around the City of New Orleans will not have been (incomprehensible) any breaches to.

That certainly doesn't sound like a warning -- and this was on the day the levees broke. That transcript clearly shows that the conference considered the storm surge and precipitation runoff to be the major threats of flooding in New Orleans. The possibility of breaches, even on the 29th, had been discounted.

The transcript from the August 28th meeting talked more about levees, but in the same vein, and this time no one mentions the word "breach". Starting on page 5, Max Mayfield again talks about the dangers of Lake Pontchartrain, but only in the context of the winds created a surge that could overtop the levees:

One of the valleys here in Lake Pontchartrain, we've got on our forecast track, if it maintains its intensity: about 12 1/2 feet of storm surge in the lake. The big question is going to be: will that top some of the levies? And the currrent track and the forecast we have now suggests there will be minimal flooding in the city of New Orleans itself, but we're -- we've always said that the storm surge model is only accurate within 20 percent.

If that track were to deviate just a little bit to the west, it would -- it makes all the difference in the world. I do expect that there will be some of the levies over top even out here in the western portions where the airport is. We've got valleys that can't overtop some of the levies.

The problem we're going to have here -- remember, the winds go counterclockwise around the center of the hurricane. So if the really strong winds clip Lake Pontchartrain, that's going to pile some of that water from Lake Pontchartrain over on the south side of the lake. I don't think any model can tell you with any confidence right now whether the levies will be topped or not, but that's obviously a very, very grave concern.

Again, the entire briefing that related to levees only focused on the effects of the wind on Lake Pontchartrain and its effect in pushing water over the top of the levees. Mayfield never even addressed the possibility of breaches in the levee walls. And in fact, the storm track shifted eastward in the final hours before Katrina hit, which eliminated much of the predicate for even the worries Mayfield expresses in this transcript.

The media got it wrong yet again on Katrina. The notion that the experts warned of levee breaches is nothing more than a hack job initiated by the AP and continued by the rest of the Exempt Media even after the source material has proven it false.

Posted by Captain Ed at 07:11 AM | Comments (121)
Note well the CQ "comments" section-- trolls, disruptors, and malcontents pop up, to get smacked down by the Captain's regulars.
#180 TMF  3/2/2006 05:19AM PST

Looks like the "Bash Bush over the head with a Hammer" story of the day goes to......

The AP!

With it's HIGHLY DISTORTED AND SPUN Katrina video story!

Powerline deconstructs the APs Anti-Bush-op-ed-disguised-as-a factual-story lead.

More Leaks; This Time, Katrina

Taking a cue from the CIA, someone in the federal bureaucracy has leaked transcripts and video tapes having to do with Hurricane Katrina to the Associated Press. The AP treats the resulting story as an expose, with the headline: "Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina."

In dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees, put lives at risk in New Orleans' Superdome and overwhelm rescuers, according to confidential video footage.

The footage — along with seven days of transcripts of briefings obtained by The Associated Press — show in excruciating detail that while federal officials anticipated the tragedy that unfolded in New Orleans and elsewhere along the Gulf Coast, they were fatally slow to realize they had not mustered enough resources to deal with the unprecedented disaster.

Do the documents show any such thing? Beats me; the AP didn't release the documents or video footage so we could draw our own conclusions. It merely summarized them for us, in a way obviously intended to make President Bush and the administration look bad.

The AP writes:

Some of the footage and transcripts from briefings Aug. 25-31 conflicts with the defenses that federal, state and local officials have made in trying to deflect blame and minimize the political fallout from the failed Katrina response:


Bush declared four days after the storm, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees" that gushed deadly flood waters into New Orleans. But the transcripts and video show there was plenty of talk about that possibility — and Bush was worried too.

White House deputy chief of staff Joe Hagin, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and Brown discussed fears of a levee breach the day the storm hit.

"I talked to the president twice today, once in Crawford and then again on Air Force One," Brown said. "He's obviously watching the television a lot, and he had some questions about the Dome, he's asking questions about reports of breaches."

Let's take that apart. The AP says the transcripts show that Bush was "worried" about the levees failing. But the quote they cite is after Katrina hit, and after levee failures had been reported. This obviously has nothing to do with what was anticipated before the fact. What, then, is the AP's basis for saying that "federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees..."? Here is the only support for that claim in the article:

The National Hurricane Center's Mayfield told the final briefing before Katrina struck that storm models predicted minimal flooding inside New Orleans during the hurricane but he expressed concerns that counterclockwise winds and storm surges afterward could cause the levees at Lake Pontchartrain to be overrun.

"I don't think any model can tell you with any confidence right now whether the levees will be topped or not but that is obviously a very, very grave concern," Mayfield told the briefing.

But this has nothing to do with the levees breaching; it has to do with them being overtopped--a much less dangerous threat. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, there has been endless discussion about the difference between breaching and overtopping. If these AP reporters, Margaret Ebrahim and John Solomon, really don't know the difference, they have no business reporting on Katrina.

It is possible that the materials leaked to the AP support the claim that Bush was warned about the levees breaching, but nothing cited in the article so indicates. And the idea that Bush and Chertoff were "warned" about the possibility of overtopping is hardly a news flash. Maybe they were watching CNN:

New Orleans braced for a catastrophic blow from Hurricane Katrina overnight, as forecasters predicted the Category 5 storm could drive a wall of water over the city's levees.

The huge storm, packing 160 mph winds, is expected to hit the northern Gulf Coast in the next nine hours and make landfall as a Category 4 or 5 hurricane Monday morning.

About 70 percent of New Orleans is below sea level, and is protected from the Mississippi River by a series of levees. Forecasters predicted the storm surge could reach 28 feet; the highest levees around New Orleans are 18 feet high.

Hurricane-force winds extend 105 miles from the center of the mammoth storm and tropical storm-force winds extend outward up to 230 miles. It is the most powerful storm to menace the central Gulf Coast in decades.

The last thing there was any shortage of in the days before Hurricane Katrina struck was warnings. The news media were full of often-hysterical predictions of death and devastation. The fact that a category 5 hurricane hitting the Gulf coast could cause catastrophic damage was obvious to everyone.

The real question, it seems to me, is one on which the AP article (and, as far as we know, the documents and video footage it is based on) sheds no light: how well prepared were the various local, state and federal agencies, and what was the quality of their response?

The AP asserts that "federal officials...were fatally slow to realize they had not mustered enough resources to deal with the unprecedented disaster." But nothing in the article supports that claim. The AP alleges further:

In fact, active duty troops weren't dispatched until days after the storm. And many states' National Guards had yet to be deployed to the region despite offers of assistance, and it took days before the Pentagon deployed active-duty personnel to help overwhelmed Guardsmen.

This is simply untrue, as the reporters would know if they read Power Line. For a far more thorough and balanced look at the Katrina response, see Popular Mechanics:

In fact, the response to Hurricane Katrina was by far the largest--and fastest-rescue effort in U.S. history, with nearly 100,000 emergency personnel arriving on the scene within three days of the storm's landfall.

Dozens of National Guard and Coast Guard helicopters flew rescue operations that first day--some just 2 hours after Katrina hit the coast. Hoistless Army helicopters improvised rescues, carefully hovering on rooftops to pick up survivors. On the ground, "guardsmen had to chop their way through, moving trees and recreating roadways," says Jack Harrison of the National Guard. By the end of the week, 50,000 National Guard troops in the Gulf Coast region had saved 17,000 people; 4000 Coast Guard personnel saved more than 33,000.

These units had help from local, state and national responders, including five helicopters from the Navy ship Bataan and choppers from the Air Force and police. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries dispatched 250 agents in boats. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), state police and sheriffs' departments launched rescue flotillas. By Wednesday morning, volunteers and national teams joined the effort, including eight units from California's Swift Water Rescue. By Sept. 8, the waterborne operation had rescued 20,000.

While the press focused on FEMA's shortcomings, this broad array of local, state and national responders pulled off an extraordinary success--especially given the huge area devastated by the storm. Computer simulations of a Katrina-strength hurricane had estimated a worst-case-scenario death toll of more than 60,000 people in Louisiana. The actual number was 1077 in that state.

The AP article is fatally compromised by its factual errors, and adds nothing to our understanding of the issues surrounding Hurricane Katrina. It also raises an important point about the leaks that form the basis for many news stories these days. The AP took what appears to have been a substantial quantity of leaked material, and turned it into a brief against the Bush administration. Whether the documents themselves contain anything noteworthy, and whether, on balance, they support the AP's tendentious interpretation, is impossible to tell. In view of the fact that no one trusts the AP, the New York Times and other news outlets who make use of leaked documents and other materials to report on them objectively, here is a modest proposal: let us see them. If the AP will release the leaked materials, the rest of us will quickly figure out what significance, if any, they have.

Posted by John at 06:33 PM | Permalink
Dialogue Equates To Surrender In The Islamist Mindset
Victor Davis Hanson: Our goal shouldn't be to be liked
Top cleric: Murder Jews in Islam's name

Saudi Terror Financiers Complain About Being Exposed

An amusing aspect of the UAE ports deal controversy has been watching the Democrats try to get to the right of Republicans on national security. They have a big problem with this latest cynical ploy, because at the same time as they’re castigating the Bush administration for not securing ports, the Dems and “progressives” are doing everything in their power to subvert and delegitimize one of the most effective national security measures put in place after 9/11—the NSA’s surveillance of terrorist suspects in the US. How do they reconcile these two diametrically opposed positions? Well, they just... don’t.

Today the Washington Post has an article about the latest kerfuffle, as a Saudi terror financing group complains they were spied upon: Saudi Group Alleges Wiretapping by US.

This shows how far we’ve come from 9/11, that a group of terror-linked Islamists would actually play for sympathy because their dirty business was exposed. And it shows once again that the enemy understands very well how to exploit American freedoms to hide among us.

07:57 AM PST | link: 82 comments

The Hidden Army Of Radical Islam

Poisonous Propoganda--Guess who the Arab world blames for the bird flu?

Who's an Islamophobic Bigot?

5,454 posted on 03/02/2006 2:12:26 PM PST by backhoe
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To: All
In a word- yes:
Has Washington Gone Insane?
Calculated Outrage (Must Read Nails It on What the MSM is Up To in It's Non Stop Bush Attacks)

Brit Hume Barbeques AP, The Left, for Katrina Lies (Dinosaur media death bellow)

Controversy Du Jour Falls Flat

The Amazing President Bush Katrina Tapes are the latest here-today, gone-tomorrow controversy du jour cooked up by mainstream media, and Wizbang notes the Rathergate connection.   That WizBang post was excellent, nice work tracking down the Dan Rather/60 Minutes crew:   wisbangblog

" The MSM/DNC never-ending mission to take Bush out has almost become farcical."

New Video Shows Blanco Saying Levees Safe

Update 22: In New Video, Blanco Says Levees Are Safe

 If only the "mainstream" media did some basic investigative journalism, as Popular Mechanics did for this month's cover story:

 link: 89 comments |


As we can see by the quantity of comments on this thread, the Katrina natural disaster is going to be a huge part of the Liberal talking points (theme) as we head towards the fall elections. Sad but true; this scum will turn a natural disaster into a talking point strictly for political gain. Truth is, they don't have anything of real value; they resort to lies and distortions due to the non-existance of any ideas or solutions.

Pop. Mechanics: Now What? The Lessons of Katrina ("largest, fastest rescue effort in US history")

New Video, Blanco Saying Levees Safe (Blanco assures Bush, all is well)

Do You Suffer From Bush Derangement Syndrome?

Media Madness (Ollie North)

Sections of Mexican Border Called Virtual War Zone

COMMENTARY: Hollywood's 'understanding' of villains purely partisan
The Democrats’ Daddy War Bucks Feinstein Family War-Profits:
History of US flight video.(Wright Bros. to F-22)
Gun makers unite against proposed bill
New Orleans Renews Search For The Missing
Why We Have Sex: It's Cleansing
Gun Registry Approaching 3B Tax Dollars AG Report --The gun registry, yet another total waste of taxpayer money. This is yet again another clear demonstration of our government catering to a few at the expense of the majority.
Note- originally foisted off to the Canadian taxpayer as costing 180 million dollars, the Registry keeps breaking new ceilings of cost- 1 billion, 2 billion, 3 billion-- who knows what it really is costing, with crooked books?
Criminals do not register their tools.
Grandma's goose gun is rarely used in holdups or drive-by shootings.
The money squandered on this sop to "we gotta do something about gun violence" could have bought MRI machines for Canada's lagging health care system... or strengthened its military. Or sealed the porous border.
Where did the billions go?

Where's Colombia?

Little Green Footballs provides a link to a recording, made by a student, of a lecture by Colorado geography teacher Jay Bennish. Michelle Malkin has taken the trouble to transcribe the lecture, parts of which I have reproduced below. But to get the real flavor of Bennish's disquisition you must listen to him speak: without a gap between his words, at the top of his lungs and about 50 percent too fast, like a lecture at the chipmunk academy.

The legal blog Volokh Conspiracy notes that Bennish has been suspended from his job at the Colorado public high school...

Commentary...I figured Bennish had touched a nerve. But exactly which nerve was it?  Horror at the quality of "geography" instruction in public secondary education? At a teacher jumping the bounds of a curriculum? Or the sinking feeling at being dragged, against our will, into a school activity like this one42 comments

The Soviet Communists are long dead, but their mematic war lives on...
Check out
for a dense but amazingly interesting explanation as to why people still have such backward values.
 Off Topic but on Target, Max Friedman unloads and if most of what he says is true, (which I believe it is) a lot of people will be enraged when they read it.

Home-schooling grows quickly in United States
Assembly passes voucher deal (Wisconsin Voucher program to increase to 22,500 children from 15,000)
What Did Your Child Learn At School Today? (President Bush on Trial for War Crimes)
Study links autism, vaccine
Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work Fighting AIDS--Federal HIV/AIDS spending

2001       13.9 billion dollars.
2002       14.7 
2003       16.8
2004       18.5
2005       19.9
2006       21.1
2007       22.8  (request)

Spending up 64% in 6 years.

Born again? Democratic Party is restating its liberal program in religion-friendly terms
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour Says He Will Sign Abortion Ban
Minford calls for 15pc flat tax (Great Britian)
The Geopolitics of Sexual Frustration
A developer's dream (Atlanta)
Democratic Nightmare - Strong Black Republican Candidates
The Outer Limits Versus the Twilight Zone
Current and Projected National Security Threats to the United State
Something for Nothing Part III (Sowell)
Bird flu spreads to Switzerland
Truckers and then there's drivers
Former Enron Executive Rocks Court --From the FReeper Vault of Very Old Bump Lists:


Enron_List: for Enron_List articles. 

Other Bump Lists at: Free Republic Bump List Register

Oh What A Tangled Web!
Oscar nominee: People hate Israelis for a reason (I would have been suicide bomber says director)
Muslim students protest column in student newspaper(OSU in Corvallis,Or.)
Editor of U.S. Arabic Newspaper: Religious Extremism is Spreading Among Muslim Youth in the U.S.
Uganda's Conflict Largely Ignored by West as Thousands Die (jihadis on the warpath)

Jewish Leaders Resign from Illinois Commission

In the spirit of enervated multiculturalism, an Illinois “anti-discrimination” panel included a representative of the Nation of Islam—and tonight Jewish leaders have quit. (Hat tip: Allah.) 

#23 rayra  3/2/2006 09:50PM PST


Semi-OT - Hey Lizardoids, I've finally got about a third of the UCI audio online and the last cut in the Opening Remarks section, by Rev Jesse Peterson, has some pretty sharp things to say about Farrakhan. In fact, both he and Ted Hayes did an excellent job on the Victimologist scammers like Calypso Louie and Jesse Jackson.

A 'senior IDF officer' says that Israel's Arrow 2 is capable of intercepting a nuclear-armed Iranian Shihab 3. Thought you all might like to know.

Actually, I'm a bit skeptical about it. Follow the link above to see why.

link: 71 comments

A Reminder from the Civilized World: Your Bill is Due

The bill for electing a terrorist government is now coming due.

Palestinian salaries delayed as Israel stops funds.
Palestinians Return Some U.S. Cash.
Palestinian leader warns of Al-Qaeda threat.
Israel will use ‘iron fist’ against terrorism: Olmert.

Ahmedinejad warns that US, Zionists will soon fall

Would Iranian Nukes Only Kill Jews?--Israel has at least 200, and possibly as many as 400, nuclear warheads, many of which are fusion (hydrogen bombs) in the range of 150 kilotons...

What Extremists are Saying"2006 Police Chiefs Poll: Terrorism, Gun Control, Drugs --by Jim Kouri" - Group Profile: "National Liberation Army (Colombia)
Mothertongue Name: Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional (ELN)"

5,455 posted on 03/03/2006 4:22:32 AM PST by backhoe
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To: All
 Here is a complete dissection of all his errors:

Dissecting a Rant

(Hat tip: Little Green Footballs)

Not only is he unhinged, he’s wrong too.

You’ve probably heard about the anti-American rant by Colorado geography teach Jay Bennish.  
Michelle Malkin has transcribed the majority of the rant for us, so let’s look at some the statements that Jay makes.
#422 toddhisattva  3/2/2006 02:22PM PST

Great Free Educational Resources on the Internet:

MIT Open CourseWare obviously the technology courses are the things to take here. Unfortunately in RealMedia format ("open" is a goal not a dogma I guess).

Wolfram Mathworld is an indispensable companion for MIT's math classes. Wackypedia's math sections can be helpful too (not likely to be BS articles written by pressure groups).

Fordham Ancient History Sourcebook probably not so good for differential equations ;-) but invaluable for "ancient" history (which has a way of biting us in the butt millenia later).

Sacred Texts if new Sununu knew whose guru do Sue's voodoo, he could read it here.

Asian Classics Institute Classes Online Geshe Michael Roach's most excellent explication of the Buddhadharma, available in MP3 and very iPoddable.

In case there are any kids stuck in Bennish schools, The Mechanical Universe should be accessible to anyone who has passed trig (and geometry and algebra), of course a physics class is the proper place to learn calculus and this particular class does a great job with the Newton & Leibniz kerfuffle.

And The Western Tradition is a fun romp through Western History. Worth it just to hear the dude's accent, the way he says "rococo" had me in stitches. Both these are in Windows Mudia format unfortunately.

To fulfill the Literature component of Toddhisattva's Online Academy, students should read Jules Verne online.

5,456 posted on 03/03/2006 4:40:47 AM PST by backhoe
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To: All
The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy
 Sprueill over at Media blog nailed it
The Markup
Keith Olbermann's Comic Timing
03/02 08:54 PM

Keith Olbermann's history of baseless conspiracy-mongering is well-documented, and he was at it again tonight. First, he showed the tapes from the day before Katrina hit, which the press and the Democrats have been using to attack Bush. He didn't question where they came from or why they became such big news this week. Then he showed the tapes from the day of the storm, which show Michael Brown praising Bush's response. But first, he noted that the latter had been leaked by "Republican officials" and called their release "conveniently timed."

Funny how Olbermann didn't see anything "convenient" about a Katrina-tape "scandal" that broke just as the furor over the last "scandal" — the Dubai ports deal — was starting to die down.

Olbermann also seems to think Bush's trip to India is another "convenient" way for him to change the subject from Katrina — as if this major international visit was just slapped together on Tuesday.

Next, Olbermann and Dana Milbank had a dishonest conversation about why Bush is such a big liar. The previous segment had shown a clip of Bush saying, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees," followed by a clip of National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield from the first video saying, "I don't think anyone can tell you with any confidence right now whether the levees will be topped or not, but that's obviously a very very grave concern." The segment then showed a clip of Mayfield explaining his comments (excerpted below from

"Nobody talked about the possibility of a levee breech or failure until after it happened,” Mayfield told NBC News. “I am about the least political person you could imagine, but on this point, I think the president is getting a bad rap,” referring to accusations that Bush might be lying when he said he was not warned of a possible levee failure.

“I warned only that the levees might be overtopped,” Mayfield said.

So despite the fact that the clip he had just watched demonstrated that Bush had merely been misunderstood, Olbermann said this to Milbank:

OLBERMANN: These are not the Nixon White House tapes, though. These [videos] are things that he should have known were there and had the prospect of coming out. Why try to get away with something that, as you point out, clearly was not true, when sophisticated tapes existed and were just sort of waiting to come out like the new release of Network on DVD?

Keith... you're killing me. If I could only stop laughing long enough to type, I might suggest that the answer to your question is that Bush wasn't lying. And because that possibility isn't even conceivable to you, here's an alternative explanation: He thought that these tapes would only get played on your show, and so no one would ever see them except you and Dana Milbank.

Video here.

UPDATE: LOTS more on Olbermann at Expose the Left.

Malkin: How to Fight the Brainwashers / Unhinged Teacher Caught on Tape--When a Liberal tapes someone they are a whistle blower but when a Conservative does it, it is called eavesdropping.

Canadianizing the Golden State -- A plan to outlaw private health insurance in California has been proposed by state Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D-Los Angeles).

Bill gives citizens more latitude to defend themselves (GA)

Lawmakers must cease fake voter registration (Oregon giving illegals driver's licenses, voter cards)

Raid turns up 70 illegal immigrants in South LA house

San Francisco impeachment (of prez Bush) vote doesn't resonate afar

Abolish Senate, McGuinty suggests - "There’ll be a hot
McGuinty: Abolish the Senate
global warming caused by human activities is a myth
Murder by Deception: Black Genocide
Georgia's abortion debate
This day in History: Police Brutality Caught on Video: March 3, 1991 (Rodney King)--This one event is what truly opened my eyes to how deceptive and biased the media was and still is.
Field Poll: Poll finds steady support for death penalty
 Teen details woman's horrific last hours
Hunters give deer to hungry
Road to Nowhere - (FBI probes Perata,a $40 million roadway project,kickbacks,PeRataGate)
Desperate dentistry: Woman pulls tooth with pliers (Socialized Medicine Alert)
Divided House: Dutch Debate Nature of Europe’s Culture War
India, a powerful friend to have (Australian editorial)
The Left Still Want Your Guns
Molon Labe!
UK: Help us to catch these young gun gangs so you don't find yourself identifying your child ...--As Chief Constable of Merseyside, it is my duty to ensure that members of the public can walk the streets in safety and without fear...
...then you need to arm your citizens.
Religious Extremism is Spreading Among Muslim Youth in the U.S.
The Head of the Snake
Crossing The Lines (An intimate look at the lives of the real G.I. Janes)
Radar Didn't Get Her; Radiation Did (Cool!!)
Congressman to be sentenced for unparalleled corruption (Sad [to me] read)
Surprise! Jupiter Has A New Red Spot
Magazine: Hybrids Don't Save Money [Consumer Reports!]
Montana's Coal Cowboy(synfuel ping)
Jimmy Carter: Nut
Sammon Excoriates Media on Katrina Video: “Journalistic Fraud” & “Disingenuous”
What If It Should Really Happen? How Nuclear War Could Begin In A Very Bad Neighborhood
How To Start a Civil War in the Republican Party, Part 1: (LEFTISTS REVEAL THEIR PLAN)
1. Whenever a Democrat appears on a talking head extravaganza (which, these days, is rarely), that Democrat needs to say the name "United Arab Emirates" repeatedly. Don't say "Arab nation" or anything that indicates you might be racially queasy about the deal. Just the real (English) name of the real nation. Constant repetition of the word "Arab" will make many, many Republicans disgusted with grief at their party selling out to non-whites. Democrats should do the same in speeches.

2. Whenever confronted with a Republican, a Democrat should try to get that Republican to take a stand, an especially tasty move for Senators: "Senator, do you support the President? Do you support your Senate leader, Bill Frist, who says he's 'comfortable' letting the United Arab Emirates run U.S. ports?"

3. Get word out into the Right Blogsylvania , the Freeper spit buckets (link from Pam's House Blend), and other real and virtual spaces to build a groundswell of momentum.

5,457 posted on 03/03/2006 2:16:36 PM PST by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: All
Louisiana Gov. Stung By New Katrina Prep Video, Gov. Blanco Gave Wrong Information To White House
In Arabic, 'Internet' Means 'Freedom' (BEST ARTICLE OF THE WEEK)
Honour killings claim 1,200 (TROP Alert)
Gun makers say they'll leave state if weapons ban OK'd
The Final Days of Art Buchwald: A Visit - Columnist Art Buchwald 'near death'...
No Longer Black and White

All For One

Amit Ghate has a powerful essay on the larger meaning of the cartoon jihad, and the Islamic supremacist ideology that fuels it: All For One. Read it! Begin at paragraph 13. What comes before is a term paper on western civ. The rest however is a thorough recapping of the rise of Islamofascism and how we got where we are.

Awaiting Death's Footsteps: On Japan's death row, prisoners never know when the hangman will come --IMO, the Japanese have the right idea:

A View to A Kill (A rare look at A judicial hanging in Japan)


La Nina weather phenomenon is coming: WMO

NJ LEGISLATURE - ID of interactive computer services & Internet service


5,458 posted on 03/03/2006 4:51:28 PM PST by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: All

US says CO2 injection could quadruple oil reserves

Domenici to seek ANWR measure in budget bill--I've basically given up on ANWR. This happens every year and the joke of a Republican Congress we have always manages to fail to pass it in the end. ANWR should have been developed years ago. Now, even if we pass it, it'll take years to make an impact. It'll never happen anyway at this rate.


Second Dubai firm in US probe (Clintons play both sides -- Talk about covering your bases)

The Problem with Katrina

 ARRL Ham Aid "Gear Ready to Go" Awaits Next Disaster

Translation: Morse code fans sending out an SOS

Leftie Infiltrates UC Irvine Discussion

An irony-challenged leftist student who lied about his identity to infiltrate the UC Irvine panel discussion on the Danish cartoons tells a heart-stopping tale of terror: The Disgruntled Chemist. (Hat tip: M.I.M.)...I neither heard nor saw them (Republicans) doing anything to counter the tide of hate in the room.  link: 142 comments

#9 zombie  3/3/2006 04:57PM PST

Dang, Charles, I swear you have some kind of sneaky device that monitors my Web reading -- I JUST finished reading this UCI lefty essay, come back to LGF, and at that exact minute it's a new LGF thread. Spooky.

Anyway, on topic: the feeling that guy gets from going to the College Republicans meeting is the exact same feeling I get every time I go to any LLL event (which is all too often) -- revulsion, disgust, fear, aghastness, mystification. In fact, I feel that way just walking around on the streets of certain moonbat neighborhoods in the Bay Area.

There has been an epochal rift in American politics. The two sides can no longe see eye to eye. Things will never be the same again.

Gotta love the drive by shooting style of the MSM

Blanco Responds to Levee Comments on Katrina Tapes

AP admits, Friday night when no one is paying attention, that THEY MADE A BOO-BOO WHEN THEY SAID BUSH KNEW IN ADVANCE THE LEVEES WOULD BREACH


The lying lies a liberal teacher tells

The Beginning Of The End Of Socialist Health Care? (Alberta's Private Health Care Heresy Alert)

The Slippery Slope of Same-Sex "Marriage"

Fla. Sheriff Gives Inmates Cold Case Cards

Angel Shamaya, "Keep And Bear Arms" founder, arrested in Michigan on gun charges

Container security: “smart containers”

Health Benefits of Tobacco

Remembering Ron Brown and Long Beach--This willful sharing of power with minorities quickly became part of the Clinton myth. Ron Brown learned the hard way, however, just how illusory the myth was.

Related columns:

Part 1: Did Ron Brown die for Enron's sins?

Part 2: How 'minority capitalism' undid Ron Brown

Part 3: Competing against the Clintons for cash

Part 4: Clinton's new "bagman"

Part 5: Second 'black president' likely to build on legacy of first

Part 6: Some dare call it treason

Part 7: Wang Jun's excellent White House adventure

Part 8: Sun peeked through 'worst storm in a decade'

Part 9: The bullet hole that should have shaken Washington

Part 10: How Monica buried Ron Brown and saved the Clinton presidency

Part 11: Was Ron Brown murdered, and, if so, how and by whom?

Ron Brown Reports for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review by Christopher Ruddy




March 03, 2006 08:29 PM

Mohammed Reza Taheriazar, lone jihadist

New details from ABC 11 in Raleigh, N.C., about the Muslim man who plowed into students on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus today: The driver of an SUV that plowed into a group of pedestrians at UNC-Chapel Hill on Friday told police it was retribution for the treatment of Muslims...


UNC-Chapel Hill Attack Motive: Islamic Rage

— CHAPEL HILL) - The driver of an SUV that plowed into a group of pedestrians at UNC-Chapel Hill on Friday told police it was retribution for the treatment of Muslims around the world, according to ABC News.

Last week we had a report on University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill student newspaper The Daily Tar Heel, which ran an original cartoon of Mohammed that enraged Muslim groups: lgf: Daily Tar Heel Now Targeted for Cartoon Jihad.

Now it appears that a Muslim psychology graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill may have committed the first act of terrorism inside the US connected to the cartoons: New Details about UNC-CH Attack. (Hat tip: Confederate Yankee.)   link: 172 comments 

 " Didn't another islamist drive his car through a Home Depot(or similar store) a couple of months ago?"

The Bloody Borders Project

Baron Bodissey has a new project, simultaneously fascinating and appalling, using animated images to visualize Samuel P. Huntington’s statement that Islam has “bloody borders:” The Bloody Borders Project.   Combine that with the religion of peace and what a picture you get.  link: 59 comments

Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9-11

The Bloody Borders Project

Leftie Infiltrates UC Irvine Discussion

An irony-challenged leftist student who lied about his identity to infiltrate the UC Irvine panel discussion on the Danish cartoons tells a heart-stopping tale of terror: The Disgruntled Chemist. (Hat tip: M.I.M.) link: 142 comments |


Mussolini vs. Gaddafi

Nutbar Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi (may his spellings be many) tried to shake down Italy for some protection money following riots in Libya, and Beautiful Atrocities notices this eye-opening response from Benito Mussolini’s granddaughter Alessandra.“If it hadn’t been for my grandfather they would still be riding camels with turbans on their heads,” said Mussolini...  

link: 166 comments 

A point I've made a few times: fascism is a form of corporatism; corporatism is a form of syndicalism, syndicalism is a political adjunct to socialism. The totalarian worshippers [read Euros & democrats] will never admit those truths. Freedom is their enemy. Control is their goal.


Suicide bombing endorsed in kids book
Defeating Defeatism - The End of the Phony War

5,459 posted on 03/04/2006 3:36:12 AM PST by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: All
We must stand up to the creeping tyranny of the group veto--Here the animal rights campaign has something in common with the extremist reaction to the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad...
Evangelical Climate Initiative (Environmental Preachers Try To Force Flock To Follow)-- Lately I've taken to telling these people that regarding global warming, I grew up in Minnesota, so I favor it.
'Peter Pan' boomers warned
Honor a Terri Schiavo Terri's Day by joining national pledge drive
Hollywood Goes to War (FNC Ollie North - War Stories) March 5, 2006 - 8pm ET
Threat Matrix: Daily Terror Threat - Thread Thirty-Four

5,460 posted on 03/04/2006 3:58:55 AM PST by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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