Ah yes, another 'RAT elected for life to run some state with an iron fist. Someone explain to me again why "conservatives" want to take power AWAY from the people and give it to a bunch of liberal government buerucrats running state legislatures? I can just picture who this guy would "appoint" to the U.S. Senate. Southern 'RATs would just LOVE to have MORE power in their rigged-district legislatures so they overturn what the citizens want.
>> Hilarious that a state house of representatives has an even number of members, even more hilarious is that there are 60 Democrats and 60 Republicans, and no end in sight. <<
So where's the Lt. Governor to break the tie-vote? That's basically their ONLY job Lt. Governors do unless the Governor croaks. As I recall the Lt. Gov. is a 'RAT too. If she can't take control here, what CAN she do?
Man, that RINO traitor has really screwed up the state of N.C. He and the adminstration of Duke University need to be thrown out of office A.S.A.P.
This would only apply to the State Senate where the Lieutenant Governor usually serves as its President, not in the House. That a$$hole Decker really screwed us, but those 5 other jerks refusing to vote for the GOP standard-bearer aren't helping matters, either.