1 posted on
01/22/2003 4:26:40 PM PST by
To: Karsus
This is your thread.
2 posted on
01/22/2003 4:29:59 PM PST by
Nick Danger
(When purchasing a home, inspect the floors and ceilings for obvious cracks)
To: All
4 posted on
01/22/2003 4:32:10 PM PST by
Support Free Republic
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To: Karsus
Somehow I can't imagine ABC News writing this story about clinton. They are desperate to find anything at all to undermine Bush.
6 posted on
01/22/2003 4:36:35 PM PST by
To: Karsus
The Fox News report said it was the work of an over zealous volunteer that did it before they got there.
I think it's a moot point. It was a warehouse they were in, not a manufacturer. Are they supposed to forbid their customers from storing anything there but Made In USA products?
9 posted on
01/22/2003 4:50:46 PM PST by
Clintons Are White Trash
(They will pry the keys to my Suburban from my cold dead hands!!!)
To: Karsus; Uncle Bill
13 posted on
01/22/2003 5:05:00 PM PST by
To: Karsus
Telling isn't it.
To: Karsus
I am glad this happened. President Bush needs to address the issues of manufacturing jobs going to China and the software jobs being shipped to offshore companies, mainly India.
These problems are not being addressed by the Republicans or Democrats. They are real and the country's economy is not going to get better until the issues are addressed.
I try to buy American, but it is almost impossible to buy toys made in the USA. Small appliances are also made in China.
Now, companies are sending research and development jobs to India. The work is usually third rate because the contractors don't have a stake in the company. The top execs continue to get their huge bonuses while the quality of the products continues to go downhill. Customer service jobs are also being shipped out of the country. It's hard to complain about the quality of the product when half the time I get someone that doesn't speak English very well.
To: Karsus
Just caught Brian Williams closing on cnbc---quite a stinging commentary on this topic. You could tell he loved every minute of it.
16 posted on
01/22/2003 5:10:47 PM PST by
To: Karsus; madfly; FITZ; Bill Davis FR; mhking; 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; Elkiejg; barker; spetznaz; ..
GOOD GRACIOUS whatever shall we do? this is so ridiculous it shouldnt even been posted .
I thought made in china cheap junk is what everybody wanted in this country isnt it? how else could you explain so many of those FABULOUS Wally Worlds ,Sams and various other emporiums of made in china JUNK
With a dollar store on every corner and a penny palace up the street we have a booming superplex of shopping malls and thrifty stores all selling this eronious GARBAGE
No an over zealous employee of the white house go's out if his/her way to hide that fact from the public and it makes news ? ......WHY? / SARCASM RANT OVER /
Now anybody got any solutions on how to get rid of the cheap made in china junk besides buying it?
What would happens to our economy if this JUNK was ignored on the shelves and only american goods were bought ?
How can this be acheived and where can we find QUALITY AMERICAN GOODS to replace the cheap garbage they heap on the unsuspecting public every day ?
25 posted on
01/22/2003 5:30:30 PM PST by
(The Fellowship of Conservatives)
To: Karsus
Clinton's got nothing on Bush.
32 posted on
01/22/2003 5:46:08 PM PST by
To: Karsus
The joys of globalism, I wonder how long until Mexican truckers pick up and deliver the goods?
To: Karsus
Why was the president at a trucking and warehouse company? Does he really think they are going to lead our economy in economic growth and job creation?
To: Karsus
To: Karsus
This doesn't help with the Reagan Democrats.
Let's not forget Gephardts blunder also here in St. Louis back in 1988 blasting foreign owned companies while in a Moog plant (Italian co.)
59 posted on
01/22/2003 8:09:42 PM PST by
To: Karsus
But WHICH China?
During the Clinton Years, "Made in Tiawan" was replaced with "MADE IN CHINA".
81 posted on
01/22/2003 11:15:52 PM PST by
(an heinleinian/libertarian)
To: Karsus
Oh, my. Where is saint pat buchanan when we need him to lead us out of this unholy situation?
We are doomed, we are doomed.
94 posted on
03/09/2004 8:04:23 PM PST by
(What are you complaining about, she called me compassionate...)
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